How to choose an aeromassage system (geysers) for the pool? Baths, saunas and pools

Recently, more and more popularity is gaining various equipment for swimming pools, which turns the process of swimming in a funny occupation that benefits for physical health and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive. In the list of this equipment, the leading positions are confidently occupied by hydro and aeromassage systems.
Aerome massage for the pool
Aeromassage systems are three species:
- aeromassage sun beds that are capable of providing body full relaxation. It is inserted with air bubbles and swings in water, then jumping up slightly, then dropping down, creating a feeling of weightlessness. For an even more comfortable stay in this state, you can mount the handrails. Sun beds are designed for use at a small depth, massage with jets of heated air;
- aeromassage seats, similar in design with sun beds, only massage in them is carried out in the sitting position;
- donate geasers that will be discussed below.
Azero mass system (geyser for the pool) is a plastic or steel grille - a plateau Aero massage - built into the bottom of the artificial reservoir. This system serves to supply a huge amount of air bubbles that come out from the bottom like a volcano to the surface, forcing water in the pool to spill.
The operation of the system is carried out due to the fact that the air arger compressor serves air into it, which subsequently goes under pressure from nozzles located at the bottom.
The aeromassage system consists of several parts:
- plateau (swell-diffuser);
- low pressure compressor (air generator);
- pipelines;
- air heater;
- control Panel.
Features of the system installation:
- it is best to have geysers on a shallow edge of the pool, next to the side;
- the maximum allowable depth on which this device is installed is 1.4 meters;
- the distance from the side should not exceed 0.5 meters, otherwise, when the geyser starts to work, water can spill out beyond the basin;
- the pipeline leads from the compressor to the plateau. When it is laying, it is necessary to arrange the so-called air loop in order to prevent water from entering the generator;
- the compressor is better to isolate, because it produces rather strong noise.
In addition to the aeromassage, you can equip a multi-colored backlit pool, which in combination with water procedures will be favorable to influence the psyche, and contribute to even greater relaxation.
Also, the highlight geyser can become an exotic pool decoration. It contributes to raising the mood and emphasizes the beauty of the interior design in the room, where there is an artificial reservoir. In combination with outdoor lighting, it is able to fascinate and attract to himself.
It is a necessity for the pool, where the geyser is functioning, filter providing cleanliness of water.
Useful effect of aeromassage to the body
- calming the nervous system;
- relief or removal of muscle and articular pains;
- relaxation and toning of muscles;
- improving blood microcirculation;
- restoration of body biorhythms;
- strengthening of cosmetic procedures;
- beneficial effect on the limbic system.
Hydromassage systems
Pool with hydromassage will help to relax the tired muscles, give them a tone, improve blood circulation in the whole body or just enjoy the sensations that cause a gliding water flow through the body.
Hydromassage systems are two types:
- hydromassage wall. In fact, each nozzle is a small countercurrent that produces a stream of water. The hydromassage system differs from the hot tub with the fact that, having its own pool, its owner itself decides how many nozzles to install and how to position them.
They are usually installed in the thickness of water at various levels. Nozzles can be used simultaneously, one or two, at one level or several. During the hydromassage it is possible to mix air into the water stream, it enhances pleasant sensations from massage.
If you install the hydromassage system in your pool, it will be possible to combine swimming with massage procedures that strengthen the immunity and have a healing effect on the entire body.
Before deciding with the power of the pump, you need to solve which nozzles will be installed in the pool. If you wish, you can install nozzles forming various water jets.
- done hydromassage. This system is located in the bottom of the basin and serves water jet vertically to carry out the massage of the lower body and the feet. They are located many different points and nerve endings. The hydromassage of the feet not only removes the severity and tension from the legs, but also relaxes the whole body. After him, the feeling of fatigue and felt a tide of vigor and strength.
The hydromassage is carried out due to the operation of a special pump that pulls water, and then with the force of emitting it through massage nozzles. Through their holes, the stream of water capturing air bubbles shoots under pressure creating a massage effect. Thus, it can be affected on any parts of the body.
Usually in the hydromassage systems there is an opportunity to adjust the aqueous pressure and the amount of air mixed into it.
Also in these systems there are two options for water exposure:
- isothermal - thermal impact when water temperature is above body temperature;
- hypothermal - the effect of cool water, the temperature of which is lower than the body temperature. With this effect, blood circulation is improved, the body is saturated with oxygen, the muscle tone increases, retreats fatigue.
So, the two above-described massage systems in water are distinguished by the fact that the first carries out its streams of warm air, and the second jets of water. If you wish the hydromassage system or Geyser you can buy in the online store that sells equipment for pools.
Recommended manufacturers
Since geasers in fact are the installation of injection pressure, their production is mainly engaged in private manufacturers. From proven products recommend:
- Jazzi Pool,
- Kripsol,
- Aquant
- Pahlen,
- Fitstar.
Geizers and other injection plants for Jazzi Pool pools are produced in China. Firms dealer in the market are quite a lot. A distinctive feature is the factory Chinese quality, which is still better that most small producers can offer. In addition, products are sufficiently available.
The Spanish Concern Kripsol is one of the world leaders in the manufacture of equipment for swimming pools. The production of geyser is engaged in a separate unit. As a result, a large model range, high quality products, the presence of a variety of modifications and design solutions. The most expensive option.
The domestic producer Aquant offers several inexpensive and fairly quality geysers. The company was founded in 2007 and initially engaged in the production of exclusively plastic equipment for pools. The production of geysers is a novelty, so the firm does not boast a rich model side. The choice in favor of this company is inclined to make a very attractive price and high-quality warranty service.
Swedes from Pahlen have long and successfully work on the Russian market for swimming pools. They specialize specifically on water supply equipment. In terms of execution of the mechanical part, there are unconditional leaders, but inferior to the Spaniards in design. The pricing policy is about level with Kripsol.
Germans from the Hugo Lahme Gmgh concern represent their products under the Fitstar brand. Products are fairly conceptual. The only drawback is a slight number of dealers and the lack of normal warranty service. In the event of a geyser breakdown, parts will have to be ordered at your own expense from Germany. It is worth noting that equipment breaks extremely rarely and, as a rule, as a result of improper operation.