Disinfection of water in the pool without chlorine. How to spend silver water ionization? Baths, saunas and pools,Useful advice

Disinfection of water in the pools allows not only to get rid of malicious bacteria and prevent the appearance of mold, but also contributes to the improvement of water quality. This procedure is primarily performed using various chemical additives, which, unfortunately, were harmful to both. Now in the market you can find more advanced products, which gently refers to the skin, does not smell and normalizes the pH level.
Methods Disinfection of water without chlorine
Among the most progressive methods for cleaning the water, the pool is distinguished:
- filtration settings
- ozonization installations
- installations of ionics.
Ultraviolet radiation and active oxygen are less actively used. This is due to the fact that these technologies cannot provide complete bacteriological safety.
Filtration stations consist of several pumps, gradually filtering water from large, small and microscopic particles. At the same time, most bacteria dies, but the viruses remain. This method is good for small frame-type basins.
Ozonation is a chemical reaction with high heat release. The temperature of water molecules rises to several hundred degrees, and any microorganisms burn. A feature of the reaction is that water does not boil. To install, you need a very large room and a complex system of communications. At home is rarely installed.
The ionization of water is the processing of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe pool by silver ions. It is carried out either according to the principle of electrolysis, or mechanically. This method allows not only to clean the water, but also to maintain it in this state much longer than any other. The only drawback, the need to additionally install the sand filter.
And nevertheless, the ionization is currently the best solution for pool owners. It significantly reduces the cost of care of the pool and significantly improves the quality of any water.
Useful properties of ionizers
These devices allow:
- to introduce silver and copper ions, which remain active for several weeks, constantly disinfecting water, without the use of additional chemicals,
- begged heavy metals and destroy malicious chemical compounds, which makes water suitable for drinking,
- fully get rid of the unpleasant odor,
- reduce the negative effect of water on the skin and mucous membranes,
- minimize the possibility of allergic manifestations,
- connect the fine garbage with the help of electrostatic forces into larger formations that can already catch the primary filter.
Varieties of water ionizers in the pool
In essence, any device for the ionization of water is arranged as follows:
- electrolytic installation
- water supply system
- water enrichment system
- drainage
- external housing.
They differ among themselves by power. Allocate:
- industrial ionizers,
- household ionizers.
Industrial consists of one or more interconnected, blocks in which powerful electrolysis containers are installed. During this reaction, under the influence of current, silver and copper ions are released from the conductor and fall into the water. Although modern technologies stepped far forward, significantly reduce the size of the conductors did not work. Therefore, these installations are used in public swimming pools with a large water management.
At home apply more compact options. They work according to the same principle, but are designed for water volumes up to 60 cubic meters. M. In addition, it should be remembered that household ionizers cannot fully cope with the disinfection of water in the pool, but reduce the need to use chemicals by 80%. Instead of standard chlorine or bromine, it is recommended to carry out additional cleaning with an active oxygen.
Ionization of water silver do it yourself
In fact, water ionization is a common chemical reaction that is fairly easy to reproduce at home. To do this, you will need:
- cathode,
- anode,
- two plastic containers,
- conductor,
- rectifier,
- slices of silver and copper.
The cathode is the conductor to which the negative pole is connected, the anode is positive. They make either lead, or acquire special coal electrodes. The simplest anode and cathode are cast from fishing loads. Diameter from 0.5 to 1 cm. Long value has no value.
Plastic does not conduct current and does not enter the chemical reaction of electrolysis. The easiest option is to cut two two-liter bottles of water.
Explorer - any material that does the electric current well.
Rectifier is the most important part of the device. This is a special device that alternating current from the network turns into a permanent, while separating the "plus" and "minus". Although it is not difficult to assemble this device yourself, it's easier to buy ready.
Silver and copper will be needed for the preparation of an electrolytic solution.
Connection diagram:
- pour water in the tank, not adding to the edge of 5 cm,
- pour in both tanks in advance prepared copper and silver chips,
- install anode and cathode,
- install the conductor (should not touch the anode and cathode),
- connect to the Anode "Plus" to the cathode "minus",
- enable rectifier.
As a result of the reaction, the released copper and silver ions move through the conductor into a cathode container, and more volatile compounds are not metals into a container with anode. With electrolysis, part of the metal chips collapses, but the residues are suitable for the next reaction.
The average time that is necessary for successful completion of the reaction is 10 minutes. Next, isolated passages remove the conductor and turn off the current. The liquid from the cathode container is a concentrated electrolytic solution of copper and silver ions. Pour it into the pool. Approximate proportions for two-liter capacity (enough for disinfection 10 cubic meters. Water pool):
- 5 G. copper,
- 1 G. Silver.
Tip: The smaller the crumb, the easier it will be an electrolysis. This concentration is significantly higher than factory devices, and the current is much stronger. Therefore, this ionizer completely eliminates the need to use chemicals. Ions remain active for two weeks. Then their number begins to shrink. The deadline for the next disinfection of water in the pool - after one month. The same rule is valid for factory ionizers.
The assembled device is suitable not only for the ionization of the water of the pool, but also to filter drinking water. On the twentieth unit canister, you will need 0.1 g. Silver, reaction time is 2-3 minutes. In addition, if a well is located on the site, it will be interesting for children to observe the reaction of alkaline water electrolysis (there is a precipitate of metals on the cathode, on the anode of multi-colored salts).
Firms manufacturers
The pool without chlorine is a dream of anyone who faced the problems of dry skin, the unpleasant sensations in the eyes and a terrible smell. The following firms are offered to solve the problem:
- Clearwater,
- Van ERP,
- Hydrover,
- Bio-Pool.
Clearwater is based in Florida for more than twenty years ago. During this time, the company managed to become the largest manufacturer of equipment for cleaning and filtering water. The main priority of the company is products designed for a consumer. Clearwater engineers make the devices as compact as possible, reliable and efficient. I am glad and a wide range.
Van Erp Another large company from New Zealand. The domestic market presents a series of products called "Blue Lagoon". These are complex devices that combine both ionization and ultraviolet use. Allow to completely abandon chemical cleaning.
The Spanish Hydrover Concern is most popular, which presents its products under the OxyMatic brand. The principle of operation of devices, as in the previous case, completely eliminates the chemical water purification in the pool, but instead of UVC rays use active oxygen. The model range is presented mainly by industrial aggregates, but there are several small household ionizers.
The most inexpensive option to get clean water in the pool is the use of Bio-Pool ionizer. He does not take much space, reliable enough, and has almost all the qualities of larger counterparts. The only drawback is that it is designed rather for small frame or inflatable pools with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. m. For a larger water area, there will be chemistry.
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Thank you, I haven't fun for a long time, especially the phrase liked (filtration stations consist of several pumps, gradually filtering water from large, small and microscopic particles. At the same time most bacteria dies,)