Infrared heaters. How to choose, review manufacturers, characteristics Instruments,Climate

Among all the now existing infrared heaters in the heaters occupy a special niche. Their principle of operation consists in infrared radiation, which has a focused action. These devices are actively used for heating during the cold season of the premises of various purposes, such as shops, offices, supermarkets, warehouses, industrial workshops, etc. And even every year the popularity of their application for domestic purposes is growing, for example, at dachas or in country cottages.
The main advantages of infrared heaters
Heaters based on infrared radiation are distinguished by a lot of advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:
- ecology and absolute safety - infrared heaters are practically not absorbed by oxygen, do not emit harmful gases to the surrounding space, completely eliminate the likelihood of ignition or carbon monoxide poisoning;
- silent work;
- high efficiency and cost-effectiveness - this type of device in a matter of minutes has time to evenly heat the room and ensure the necessary comfort in it;
- compactness - most of these devices have a compact size, which allows them to mount on the wall, the ceiling is either in any other place, without occupying a large space;
- the possibility of using in the open space, which is due to resistance to sharp differences in temperature and humidity;
- easy and simplicity of installation.
The only disadvantage still remains for their sufficiently high cost compared to other types of heating devices.
Types of infrared heaters
Depending on the type of fuel used, it is customary to distinguish infrared heaters:
- diesel - more powerful devices that are able to warm up a large space. They occupy a lot of space, and therefore are used only for heating industrial or retail space;
- electric - small power and pretty economical devices that are used for both domestic purposes and in industrial. Most often have an attractive appearance and unusual design, so besides their main function, can serve as an ornament of any interior;
- gas - infrared heaters, which are designed for heating large rooms, such as country houses, cottages, etc. They are independent of the main power sources, but, at the same time, require the arrangement of a reliable ventilation system.
Criteria for the choice of infrared heater
Before you begin the choice of a suitable model of this device, it is necessary to decide in advance with its destination. For what it will be used as the main source of heat or as an additional. Depending on this, you can choose the corresponding power of the infrared heater.
- On average, this indicator is customary to calculate with the fact that 1 kW of the power of the device is required by 10 square meters.
- Some experts recommend purchasing infrared heaters if this is the main source of heat, with a certain power supply in order to be able to compensate for the probable heat loss, for example, through the walls, overlapping at home, windows, etc.
Mounting place
Depending on how it is intended to establish a specific device for heating the room, you can choose:
- stationary infrared heater (ceiling, wall-mounted or floor film, etc.) is a device that is predominantly used as the main source of heat, which is mounted directly into the ceiling, walls, etc., for example, under plasterboard. Its main advantage is saving space and practicality in application. Infrared stationary type heaters perfectly fit into the surrounding interior of the room and can be almost invisible if desired.
- a portable infrared heater is a device that is used for point heating of the room and specific items. They have a compact size, due to which it can be easily transferred from one room to another.
Manufacturers of infrared heaters
Infrared heaters of the Turkish brand UFO are very popular in our country. They differ in acceptable cost and excellent technical characteristics.
- In particular, the devices of this manufacturer can be used, both in closed rooms and open areas, such as terraces, verandas, in the garden, etc. Depending on its power and radius of action.
- At the same time, the UFO heaters do not burn oxygen, eliminate the excess moisture and are rather economical.
- Control of such an infrared heater is carried out using the remote control, which in most models also allows you to adjust the heating temperature.
Another Turkish manufacturer of inexpensive infrared heaters, which is widely represented in our market.
- Products of this brand differ in good quality and reliability and is used to heat private houses, apartments, cottages and garages.
- The operation of Sunny infrared devices is distinguished by silent, and the heaters themselves are compact, ease of installation and transportation.
- In addition, they actively prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
This is a series of ceiling infrared heaters based on a ceramic heating element. Such devices have a rounded case, which guarantees the most efficient dispersion of infrared rays throughout the area of \u200b\u200bheated room.
In more detail about infrared heaters, peony can be found in the video:
A series of ceiling infrared heaters that are used in everyday life and production.
- They are suitable for rooms with ceilings with a height of two to 20 meters.
- These devices are characterized by a large economy, which is achieved due to low inertia, namely good heating and cooling rates. Therefore, ceiling infrared heaters are most suitable for premises where periodic heating is required.
In addition, infrared heaters at Vallu, Timberk, Ecoline and other domestic and foreign trade marks also use great demand.