Wine cellar do it yourself Interior items,Construction

Wine is a pleasant, dopeful drink, which in moderate quantities also benefits. Real connoisseurs are not enough to releasing it in restaurants in the arms of the noisy public. Many of them have long acquired a homemade wine cellar than caused a serious thoughts of neighbors.
Enough to dream - it's time to act!
In experienced gardeners, the harvest never disappears. Berries and fruits immediately turn into juices, jams and go to winter. From the remaining fruits, the courteous owner makes wine, "there is nothing to disappear. Everyone keeps it, based on his own considerations, dreaming of a beautiful wine cellar in the house.
It is time to embody the desire to reality, and we will help you in this, explaining complex moments. For this Wizard, this is a kind of challenge, because this own building on the site can only be proud of.
How to make a wine cellar?
Having a small plot near the house, it is easier enough. But I will not envy the owners of the apartments, they will get the cherished wine chamber only in the country. The whole problem is in the list of requirements, because we do not store toy cars gathered, but wine.
Basic requirements for the room
Wine - capricious drink, and better to take into account. So, moving to the room:
1. Special attention is paid to temperature. The ideal option is 11 ° C, but options 10-14 ° C are possible.
2. The moisture content of the room is about 70%, otherwise the plugs will or rear, or to be covered with mold, which categorically does not suit us.
3. No sunny rays in the cellar, only artificial lighting devices that will look exquisitely.
4. Lack of vibrations is not the main requirement, but quite important. Residents dwelling near the railway, eventually get used to this and live in ordinary rhythm. Wine as a result of vibrations loses taste.
5. Heat insulation and ventilation.
Wine cellar seat
Choose a cellar place based on your preferences. For this, a basement and an underground garage are suitable, and in general any empty plot to you belonging.
In the latter case, it will have to do everything from zero, and the process will be quite laborious. However, nothing pleases, as the moment of scolding the bottle of wine near the fireplace after all the works performed.
Construction of wine cellar. Main steps
Before you take a shovel in your hands, pay attention to one very important element, without which the work will be inconsistent and irresponsible. And this is a wine cellar project with all sizes and wishes. When your idea is painted on paper, it's time to start construction:
1. They dig up on the site with 3 m deep into the depth, 2.5 m in length and width. On the bottom put sand (about 20 cm). The perimeter is dripping, making drainage drangies.
2. Next, you crush the perimeter of the pit with wooden boards. We are wearing asbestos.
3. Concolting the floor, only then set the formwork.
4. Further fill with a concrete solution of the wall in the cellar. Lowned from bricks, they look even more interesting. Whatever the material does not like to do you like, do not forget about the treatment with antifungal agent and composition from mold.
5. Time to do wiring and installing climate control system. With this, we will be able to maintain the necessary level of humidity and lighting. It is good ventilation in the cellar that will take care that unnecessary smells do not penetrate into wine through the plug.
6. The question of finishing is your decision. At this stage, it is possible to embody in advance the design of the wine cellar in advance. The decorative tile, brick, natural or artificial stone are particularly popular. When doing putty or plaster, use non-toxic material without sharp odors.
7. Installation of doors. It should be hermetic, reliable. Natural oak is perfectly suitable as the material.
What to use equipment for wine cellar?
In the usual cellar with vegetables, several shelves are perfectly coping with the task of storage. However, with wine, so it will not go. First, the bottles must be in such a position so that the plug is immersed in the liquid and did not drive. It will be realized only when it will stand at an angle or lie. Install it in this position on the horizontal shelf is impossible.
You can not do without wine racks for cellar. These designs are very comfortable, besides perfectly fit into the design, giving the place of sophistication and mystery. Especially beautiful looks the racks in which a separate cell is assigned for each bottle.
There is an option to fold bottles in the form of a pyramid. In fact, winemakers give a lot of value to laying wine bottles. They do not allow chaotic placement. Apparently, so the photos of wine cellars are always so beautiful.
If you want to make a whole room for recreation, for example, for special occasions, then the furniture for the wine cellar will not be completely unnecessary. Coffee table and a couple of chairs are the perfect option for such a room.
It is useful to put somewhere inconspicuous in the corner auxiliary table for wedging wine, storage of the corkscrew. For many, the inalienable attribute of the home coat are carpets, but in the case of the cellar with wine it does not work. The fact is that they only contribute to the formation of mold, which is not a friend at all.
There will be a convenient to keep the magazine - a real helper winemaker. There are wines, the year of release, the cell number in which it is stored if it is provided.
In conclusion…
Think, you are not under the power to build a wine cellar with your own hands? Are you afraid that anything will not work? Look at the Italian cellar or French, feel all their beauty and motivate the construction of your own. Close particular will be paid to this decision, and the neighbors can look at your efforts on your efforts, but it will only add you strength and vigor.