How to properly choose stairs and handrails for pools? Baths, saunas and pools,Useful advice

The staircase for the pool has several functional purposes. But the main task is to ensure secure pool access. Theoritically, any staircase will cope well with a similar task, but in practice for different pools, special equipment for the pool, which differ in many parameters is used. Therefore, before choosing a staircase, it is necessary to analyze the conditions in which it will be operated.
Material of manufacture
In essence, the staircase for the pool is made of any material. Fits:
- wood,
- concrete,
- stone,
- alloy steel.
Wooden stairs are quite beautiful, but due to the need to observe smooth angles, their use is limited exclusively to concrete basins. In addition, the tree wets and collapses in water. To avoid this, expensive breeds (ship pine, alpine larch) or special chemical impregnations, and in the second case, update the protective layer must be at least once a year.
Concrete and stone are used on the draft stage of construction of concrete pools. Although this is the most convenient way to get reliable, convenient and practical descent to water, it is not always used. This circumstance is due to the fact that such steps are stealing enough space and reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool. On the other hand, in large water bodies, broad transitions are specifically suitable, in order to take sunny baths in the water.
Alloy steel is used most often, as:
- cheaper,
- more practical
- reliable
- durable
- does not steal the place
- suitable for solving any architectural tasks.
On these objective reasons, it is necessary to stop their choice on metal stairs.
What parameters to pay attention to the selection of stairs
Specialized stores offer stairs of various manufacturers, from world-famous brands, to small local firms. In order not to make mistakes important to take into account the following:
- material,
- step height,
- fastening method
- total height,
- the presence of handrails.
As a rule, all stairs are made from a laminated stainless steel (alloy steel with increased anti-corrosion properties). A feature of this material is the presence in its composition of the percentage of chromium. This chemical element allows the use of stainless steel stairs for pools even in rigid chemical filtering reservoirs. At the same time, the rust does not appear. In order to check the composition of the metal, it is enough to know its labeling. Alloyed chromed steel are indicated as follows:
- 20 (30-60) - these figures indicate a percentage of carbon content (20%, etc.),
- the letter after the figure denotes the additions of chemical elements, come:
- A-nitrogen
- P-bor
- F-vanadium,
- Mr. Marganese,
- D-copper
- K-cobalt,
- M-Molybdenum,
- N-nickel,
- C-silicon
- X-chrome,
- P-phosphorus,
- High-rack-earth metals,
- In tungsten,
- T-titan
- Yu-aluminum,
- B-Niobi
- the digit after the letter denotes the percentage of the additive (if there are no numbers, less than 1%)
Minimum requirements for good steel for stairs, according to Russian standards 30x3g or 40x2, or more high-quality steel with a mandatory chromium content.
Step height should be convenient for all family members, especially for children. Recommend to choose the minimum.
By the method of fastening the stairs happen:
- cape
- stationary.
Caides are used for frame and high inflatable pools. They do not require fixation to a monolithic basis. A more complex option of cape ladders is attached to the base of the pool and to the floor surface (budget option for concrete pools).
For concrete pools, stationary stairs are used, which are attached to the dowel to the base of the pool.
Another embodiment of the stairs is the prefaby stepladers. As a rule, they sell firms producers of frame basins. The most famous:
- Intex,
- Bestway.
The height is selected depending on the depth of the pool. The most diverse products are provided on the market, so it makes no sense to buy the first one and independently crushing it.
The handrails are equipped with most stairs, but their convenience is better in the store. The hand should be convenient to wrap the entire surface of the pipe, and not only an adult, but also a child.
Of course, the staircase is bought not so much for convenience as how much to ensure secure access to water. Therefore, it is important to choose not only relying on the quality of the material itself, but also for execution.
Halls of good stairs are equipped with either a ribbed surface or special rubberized inserts that reduce slip. Rubber, on a rubber basis suitable better, as it is pleasant for the leg, but it affects the cost.
If we are talking about a stationary staircase, then it is necessary to carefully study the method of its attachment. Usually it consists of:
- support pillars,
- binding jumpers
- handrail.
The support pillars are attached to the floor using 3-4 dowels and are located apart from each other at a distance of no more than 50 cm. Binding jumpers can occur either in the middle or below. They connect the support pillars creating a rigidity frame. The support handrade is mounted on top. Bole simple options are designed for human weight up to 50-60 kg and with loads there is a risk that the design breaks.
Another criterion that is responsible for security is a certificate of product quality. In any store you have the right to demand this document. If it is not, then the products are made by a handicraft without compliance with technological requirements. Accordingly, it does not have to talk about her quality. Buy the staircase for the pool is more expedient from a proven manufacturer that provides quality guarantee and real maintenance.
Useful advice
It is categorically not recommended to make the staircase. Cutting and welding are performed by special high-tech equipment that cannot be used at home. Accordingly, the appearance of the self-confess will leave the best.
One should not order a staircase from a untested private firm. Ask your opinions of friends and acquaintances, one of them can advise the appropriate option. If there is no other output, you will buy metal yourself and provide your drawings. First, in this way, protect yourself from the unscrupulousness of the performers, secondly, get exactly what they ordered.
Questions of choice and installation of the stairs are desirable to do before using the pool. Construction work will certainly pollute the water, after which it will be needed to lower the entire pool cleaned the bottom and re-gain water. No filter can cope with fine concrete dust and ceramic crumb.
In addition to the stairs, it is desirable to install the handrail for the pool around the perimeter. Being in the water in humans, a person can move the leg or any other part of the body, which will lead to a sharp fright, resulting in a risk of going under water. Therefore, ordinary handrails are easy to protect against such situations.