Proper warming of the roof of the house do it yourself Insulation

During the construction of the house, the bath, the garage arises a natural question: how to insulate the roof yourself? Let us consider in detail the technology of this process. Any roof has two sides: the inner frame and external is the roofing part. And in the form of the construction, two main types are distinguished - flat and scope. And that the roof over the house serve as a reliable shield from atmospheric precipitation and kept heat in it, it is not only important to rise correctly, but also inspired. The roof finish is divided into two stages: from the inside and outside. Consider both processes.
Roof insulation material from inside
The most common insulation for roofs are:
- ceramzit,
- sawdust,
- minvat,
- styrofoam,
- polyurethane foam,
- polystyrene foam.
Each of the materials has both its shortcomings and benefits. We will discover in more detail below, but we will remind that the price does not always correspond to the quality, so it is necessary to approach the choice of material to approach everything and against it.
Warming with clay
- The insulation of the roofing of the ceramic crumb is often used in construction. The main benefit in the application of this material is economy. As well as pretty good thermal insulation properties. Keramzite moisture-resistant natural material, it is not deformed at high and at low temperatures. And one more big advantage is that this material is easy. And so it is calmly used for the insulation of the roof. Warming with clay is more suitable for the insulation of flat roofs. Introducing step-by-step instructions of this process: the grainsite of the fine fraction falls asleep in the cavity of the wooden frame, forming a thin layer.
- The ceramzite layer is rolled by a rolled backrueroid or polyethylene film, which is fixed with wooden staps with self-tapping screws.
- The outer part of the roof is closed with roofing material.
Similar method, the waxing of sawdust occurs. But today this method is practically not used. Since such thermal insulation does not meet the requirements of fire safety.
Warming with mineral wool and foam
- But the finishing of the roof of the minvata and foam is particularly popular and used for the insulation of almost all types of roofs. First of all, it is a simple work technology. And the second, these are the high thermal insulation properties of these materials. Minvata non-combustible material, so perfectly withstands both severe frosts and hot heat. It plastic and allows you to warm, for example, a pipe passing through the roof. At the same time, without disturbing the process of working with the roof.
Polyfoam also has several advantages. It is lightweight and does not waste the design. Does not absorb water, so does not require vaporizolation. It has high noise insulation properties.
And here is the technology of the insulation of the roof by these materials: the first thing, a vapor insulation film is fixed throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe wooden crate. This material will save the tree from the resulting condensate. Extend the life of a wooden support. When insulating foam, this stage can be skipped.
- minvati or foam places are stacked between the rafting wooden frame boards over this film. If the minvat is used by plates, then the sheet thickness should be at least 10 cm. And the roll min wool is covered in 2-3 layers. If the foam, the sheets are selected with a thickness of at least 8 cm. The seams between the sheets of the foam are necessarily closed with a sealant or mounting foam.
- on top of the heat insulation sheets, a vapor barrier film is also settled or also called a parobararier.
- from above, the finished thermal insulation system is closed with plywood or plasterboard.
- then the roofing part is mounted.
Insulation polyurethane foam and polyneolster
A novelty in the construction market is the material polyurethane foam. In recent years, it is widely used in the insulation of the inner part of the roof. This material is poured on the internal shields of the crates. Due to the strong clutch with the surface, a dense seamless layer is formed. Polyurethane foam has high thermal insulation and does not miss the cold.
The most optimal price and quality to date is the insulation of the roof of polystyrene foam. This is a solid foam. When laying, it does not crumble and does not require additional gluing of the seams. It forms a solid strong foundation, which, besides, will be durable.
Insulation of a naked roof
A roof has a curly frame base. Therefore, it requires more detailed insulation of all beams and curves of the design. The best material for the insulation of the mansard roof is Minvat. It plastic and stacked in any frame bending. The method of finishing the Minvata is described above. The only one must take into account that the side walls of the attic floor smoothly move to roofing beams. Therefore, the seams in the places of dusting walls with plasterboard or plywood are additionally isolated by mounting foam or transparent sealant.
Installation of the roof and heat-saving properties of materials
For exterior finish use:
- Copper - Copper Roof
- Soft bituminous sheet - Ondulin
- Soft tile
- Professional flooring and metal tile.
- Slate
Copper roof is the most expensive value. But the most reliable and durable. Copper - in itself a very plastic metal. Therefore, it is easy to uninstall the roofs of any form. It is rawd enough. Fastened on the frame with the help of building copper nails - beamer. How the heat insulator works better than other materials.
Ontulin is a roof material consisting of synthetic fibers mixed with bitumen and rolled on special equipment. The material has a wave-like shape and is wearing a second name - euroshorter. On the outside of Ondulin is painted with polymer paint and has different colors. It is attached to the frame of it with special roofing nails. The edge of one sheet is superimposed on the next sheet and, thus, the place of fastening of the material becomes not visible. Like any other resin, Ontulin retains it well enough, but high temperatures significantly reduce its service life.
Soft tile is another kind of bitumen mixtures in which clay is added. It, according to its properties, does not even reach the real ceramic supervision and is significantly less than other materials. Despite this disadvantage, with the correct technology of laying this material, its high ability to frost resistance remains. The soft metal tile is very plastic and allows you to reduce the roof of a complex design.
Professional flooring is steel sheets covered with polymer colored paint. These materials are necessary so that the edge of the leaf spoke by 2-3 cm. These sheets are attached to the roof frame with roofing screws. This type of roof requires the most thorough thermal insulation, as it is a cold bridge.
Slate inexpensive durable material. To this day, he is widely popular with builders. It is easy to sharpen on the roof yourself. Slate sheets are stacked so that each subsequent sheet come in the edge of the previous one. And the formed seams at the end of the laying are sick of sealant. To the crate material is attached to special slate nails. Although the thermal conductivity indicators are close to 0, the structural features of the material create a free inflow and air outflow, which in turn interferes with the conservation of heat.
How much can the roof insulation can do? In any case, this process will be cheaper, because it is done with your own hands. The budget option will be considered insulation sawdust. And the rest of the material is calculated along the roof area. Expensive is considered thermal insulation of polyurethane foam. And the most optimal is from minvati, foam and expanded polystyrene.
Warming roof is a simple building process. The main thing is to choose the insulation material correctly and keep all the insulation technology. And then it will become for you the present shelter for many years.