How to choose a chandelier for stretch ceilings Lighting

The stretch-type ceiling itself is beautiful, and with a good chandelier - doubly. Single chandeliers and light compositions created by combining chandeliers and small lamps are well looking at it. How to choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling Let's figure it out.
When to buy a chandelier for stretch ceiling
If you want to attach anything directly on the stretch ceiling, that will not work with you. Exit in the following: Fasteners need to perform in advance, even before the representatives of the company stretched, cloth, and then:
- in the stretched canvase holes are cut;
- the hole edged with a ring for decorative;
- all: Lighting can be mounted.
This work is not complicated, but requires great care. It is unlikely that it will be able to fulfill a person who has no experience. The most correct will buy a chandelier, and if necessary, then the lamps in front of the planned stretch design. Wizards simultaneously with the ceiling and installation lighting devices.
Secure chandelier - it's not for an amateur
There are two types of fastening:
- suspended, that is, on the hook;
- patch - the chandelier is suspended directly to the old ceiling.
Chandeliers for stretch ceilings
Specificity of choice
So, what chandeliers for stretch ceilings are suitable for your interior?
So, what chandeliers for stretch ceilings will fit into your interior?
- The choice made in favor of a massive chandelier will be justified if the ceilings in the house have a height meter three and more. In a small room with a 2.5 m high chandelier height, even the most spaced, will lose more modest;
- in the stroy stretch ceiling with a gloss, as in the mirror it is reflected in the inside of the chandelier, therefore, you need to make imperceptible hidden wires. Only light bulbs should be cleaned. Beautiful, elegantly, rich and just fabulously here are chandeliers with small gloves. Reflection allows you to visually double their quantity. And if the ceiling is matte, and plafones are also openwork, the light is originally sprayed throughout its area;
- touching the ceiling is completely excluded, because it is still PVC and can stretch from heating. The minimum space from the ceiling to the surface from 20 to 25 cm;
- plafones should "look" down, otherwise the ceiling is warm;
- 60 W bulbs are allowed and no more;
- the chandelier resembling a plate and ceiling miniature lamps for stretch ceilings at a small height of the room are very appropriate, but then the device and the ceiling must separate the protective plate included in the kit.
Considering chandeliers for stretch ceilings Photos, which are available on websites of online stores and in promotional publications, I want to choose something original, creative. The main thing is that the chandelier fits into the overall concept of the design of the premises. Release chandeliers any style:
- classic. They are elegant and sophisticated. All elements are symmetrically located. Perfect fit into the premises in which the styles "Provence" or "Ampir" are embodied. Good on the ground ceilings. Especially beautiful crystal chandeliers for stretch ceilings, both hanging and resembling a plate;
- country Create a comfort and a special mental atmosphere. Luminaires can be wooden, carved. Material for them is used only natural. The best place for them is a matte ceiling;
- high tech. This style is distinguished by trendy performance. The design there are combinations, it would seem that the most non-combined materials. They are extravagant, striking non-standard forms and unusual design solutions. They are mainly choosing young people.
And what about color?
As for the color of the chandelier, let it be the one that best suits your setting, but choosing, remember:
- the least of all the eyes get tired with the yellow light;
- white chandelier will stimulate your performance;
- red - may even increase pressure;
- orange - make the heart beat in an accelerated rhythm;
- green - will calm down, reduce the pressure;
- blue - has the same impact as the chandelier in green;
- blue - will be a bit ingun;
- having a purple chandelier, you risks often experiencing irritation.
LED chandeliers for stretch ceilings
The stretching ceiling and chandelier LED on it is the perfect combination and that's why:
- LEDs highlight a minimum of heat;
- If you compare with other sources for radiation light, then the efficiency of the LED lamps for stretch ceilings the greatest;
- How manywise you turned on and turned off the light, the LED chandelier for the stretch ceiling will not reduce its service life;
- The direction of light is ensured without a reflector.
The chandelier with LED lamps for stretch ceilings is expensive, but quite justify themselves, because it is bought for years.
Halogen chandelier on glossy field
The chandelier with halogen lamps very well highlights the ceiling, it acquires an extra shine. Such an electric lighting device in a small room, in the bathroom, for example, is visually wider and higher. If the lamp is built-in, then you can adjust the lighting level.
A little about manufacturers
- Commercial networks have a large assortment of chandeliers from the best manufacturers. It:
- Italy -Arredoluce. (Arredized),Reccagni.Angelo.. Produced amazing chandeliers classic;
- Belgium - Modern Company LampsMassive. (Array) in different colors and stylists;
- Czech Republic is of course the famous quality of crystal in the chandeliers of companiesPreciosa., Bydzov., Artqlass.;
- China - here, except for the shirpotreb, release and very good chandeliers such companies likeCrystal, Dzenlies..
Lamps for stretch ceilings
In addition to the chandeliers, the lamps are dotted. Ceiling luminaires for stretch ceilings do not differ in beauty. Their role is reduced to the creation of zonal lighting. They are embedded in the ceiling in such a way that the body can hide completely or partly. By the nature of the lighting, they are divided into:
- scattered;
- directed.
Stripping from how the form they have the following types:
- modular, they are also called panel;
- standard or point lamps for stretch ceilings.
Galogenic lamps are flawed
The negative sides of halogen lamps are expressed as follows:
- when they are installed, the height of the room of centimeters is reduced to 8;
- poor color gamut: only yellow.
Lamps for stretch ceilings price fluctuate. It depends on their type, from the one who produces them, but the pursuit of cheap is inappropriate, since poor lighting quality annoys, will not add comfort in the house. Although the price of lamps for stretch ceilings energy-saving LED, and even from a reliable manufacturer, you need to spend a decent amount, they are worth it.
How to choose a lamp for stretch ceilings
On any outlet, you will find the following types of lamps:
- halogen;
- lED;
- metal halob.
Lamps in the lamp are inserted one by one, but this option is also possible as groups: combining together LED and halogen lamps.
The crucial moment in the choice of the light source is the interval: the base is a stretched ceiling. It depends on it that can be placed there.
LED lamps for stretch ceilings
The power of the lamps for stretch ceilings is different for different types, and how much can be seen from the comparison.
Diode lamps for stretch ceilings are now the most sought-after. For this there is a reason. If you take and compare energy-saving lamps for stretch ceilings and LED trademark ECOLA (ecol), as well as halogen lamps, it will turn out such a picture:
- lED lamp for stretch ceilings serves 25 thousand hours, and energy saving - 10 thousand, halogen - only up to 1000 hours;
- differ in power: the LED lamp is 2.7 W, in an energy-saving - 9 W, and in halogen - 35 W;
- losses of light in energy-saving and diode are absent, and in halogen they are;
- illumination of the energy-saving and diode lamp diffuse, and in halogen - directional.
The beauty that can be created when used by the use of lamps for stretch ceilings photo transmits, if not completely, it is very reliably. It looks stylish and presentable.
What lamps for stretch ceilings choose for their home, you probably have already decided. The main thing is that they give steady light. The decisive moment in choosing a lamp has its own.
Here only general information, and what chandeliers for stretch ceilings choose how to choose lamps for stretch ceilings, solve you, because tastes, preferences and ideas about harmony in each individual.
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You know the proverbs - you want to seem smarter than saying! This is just about the author of this article. If you want to promote your chandeliers and disassemble in them, write only about it! If you do not know anything about stretch ceilings, do not write. I am absolute account without a difference that you are stupid about it. But after all, your article read ordinary people who are reading so Chusi and then come to the company and begins: - "I read on the Internet! You didn't do everything correctly ... "Or" what do you tell me here, I know, I learned the topic on the Internet ... "Ladies and gentlemen, I beg for filter information! If you want to purchase a lighting device for a stretch ceiling, there is nothing easier than just to call the tensioning ceilings, they will consult you according to the technical requirements and you already have proven information, you can safely choose the lighting device in any place convenient for you! Do not listen to these "specials"!