How to choose wallpaper glue. Species, characteristics, application methods Wallpaper,Useful advice

Wallpaper glue is often offered to buy along with wallpaper. It happens that glue that is beneficial to sell the store, you represent as the best wallpaper glue. Therefore, you need to know what exactly you buy in order not to overpay.
What happens a hob
Modern wallpaper adhesives are convenient when preparing for work. It is enough to fall asleep the glue into the water of room temperature with rapid stirring, and after 3, a maximum of 15 minutes, the glue is ready for operation. There were those times when the glue had to be soaked, bring the mixture to a boil, and then wait for it to cool.
In the composition of the glue, two types are produced - glue CMC, based on cellulose and glue based on modified starch.
Glue CMC
Cleaning CMC has good adhesive properties. Adhesive is ready for operation at least than three hours after stirring it with water. It has a relatively small consumption and low price. CMC glue packs Weighting 500 gr. Enound for pasting 50 m². Price pack - 50-60 rubles.
Cleaning CMC is suitable for sticking any kind of wallpaper. For light wallpapers, 8 liters of water for 500 grams of glue are taken, for heavy and dense - glue is preparing more thick - 500 grams to 7 liters of water. Cleaning CMC is diluted in warm water and leave for swelling for 3-8 hours. The swelling time is indicated on the package. With such a long time to prepare glue, it is better to soak it overnight. In the evening, soak - the glue is ready for work in the morning.
Wallpapers, cloigned to CMC glue difficult to remove with subsequent repairs.
Starch-based glue for various types of wallpaper
Based on the modified starch, adhesive is available for each type of wallpaper. The composition of the adhesive is characterized by additives, but the adhesive base is starch, which is an environmentally friendly product. When sticking wallpapers in wet rooms, choose the glue, which includes anti-grab additives.
In its purpose, wobbly adhesive based on starch is available in the following categories:
- Glue for paper wallpaper is suitable for all types of paper wallpapers and lung vinyl.
- Vinyl wallpaper glue - used for dense vinyl wallpaper. Many manufacturers are added to such adhesion. Metylcellulose is added.
- Universal glue - applied to all types of wallpaper.
On the packaging of universal glue, it is indicated in which proportions should be chopped. For paper wallpapers, glue is bred by liquid consistency. It is necessary to quickly twist the paper base of wallpaper. The thick glue is difficult to evenly apply on thin wallpaper, after drying on the wallpaper, irregularities may form.
For heavy wallpapers, glue should be more thick and viscous than for light paper.
4. Glue for fliesline wallpaper. It has anti-grib additives in its composition. The glue is applied to the wall.
5. Glue for glasses. Also suitable for fliser-based wallpapers. In addition to modified starch includes methylcellulose.
What glue to buy unprofitable
• Glue for gluing borders and glue to miss the seams - produced in small tubes. Glue for borders and seams can be consecrated to be called wallpaper glue, because it is not the main glue when working with wallpaper.
Glue has a high cost - from 200 rubles for 250 mg. Do not hurry to buy it. Paper borders are well glued to PVA glue, or on the same glue that you glued wallpaper. The seams on the wallpaper will not diverge, if the walls are properly prepared for the blending of the wallpaper.
The composition includes alkalis, sodium phosphate - these substances are harmful to health.
• Glue with a color indicator. At first glance, it is very convenient when glue has pink color - immediately visible spaces. In practice it turns out that there is no big sense to buy such glue. Glue in the color indicator is more expensive than usual.
When applied to the wallpaper glue without an indicator, the paper base is slightly dark - you can easily determine whether you wicked the wallpaper correctly.
• Loose adhesives, ready for use.
Such adhesives are sold in buckets. For work, you can breed a bit with water, but most often it is not required.
Ready for use glue for bokeckers glasses. Price 3 100 rubles for 10 liters.
Glue for DUFA Wallpaper - the price of 1100 per 10 kg. Consumption - the blade of such glue is enough for pasting 30-40 m² of walls with fiberglass or velor wallpaper.
It's easier to buy melting jacket in a pack and independently breed it with water.
Kelid glue packaging is enough for 35 m². The price of such a pack of about 250 rubles. For quality, dry glue is not inferior to ready. For the price of finished glue in three, and even five times more expensive. Why do you pay, buying ready glue? It turns out what kind of water and the container. In addition, the ten-flame bucket of glue is more difficult to deliver to the house than a tight of 300-400 gr.
Consumption of the wallpaper glue
The glue consumption is indicated on the package. When the number of rolls is indicated on the pack - there is a standard roll of 53 cm wide and 10 m long. In a standard roll, just over five squares. Based on this and make calculations. After all, the wallpaper roll is not always used completely. With the height of the room more than 250 cm or when fitting the pattern from the wallpaper, only three wallpapers are obtained, the rest goes to pasting door and window openings or goes into waste. It turns out that glue packaging is enough for 35-20 m².
Standard wallpaper roll - the concept of relative. Now the Wallpaper 70 and 80 cm wide is available.
On packings of glue for flieslinic wallpaper or glazes, the number of square meters is indicated on which glue is enough. Add to this glue consumption on the pre-primer surface.
The glue consumption depends on the surface preparation. If the walls are poorly brands and strongly absorbed moisture - the adhesive will need more.
Tips for the use of glue for wallpaper
- If the wallpaper is glued well - do not rush to blame glue in this. On the walls there should be no dust and dirt, old coatings - whitewings or wallpaper. Any surface before sticking wallpaper needs to be projected.
- Divide glue in water temperature. Do not allow the formation of lumps.
- Make sure that the paper wallpaper is not very splashing. When drying, the wallpaper strip will take its own former sizes and seams on the wallpaper will disperse.
- When sticking with paper-based wallpapers, glue is applied to the wallpaper canvas. Apply the adhesive more convenient to a wide brush from natural bristles.
- When placing the room with wallpaper on a fliesline basis or glass glue, the glue is applied only on the wall or on the ceiling. Very often, bubbles appear on phlizelin wallpaper, wallpapers are unevenly impregnated with glue. This happens because the walls quickly absorb glue, and the impregnation of the wallpaper of glue is practically not left. To avoid this, drive the walls with liquid glue, let me dry. For sticking wallpaper glue divide according to the proportions specified on the package.
- Divorced glue can be used within 10 days if you put it in a cool place and close tightly. Do not leave a brush from natural bristles in a broken glue - glue will have an unpleasant smell and it will quickly deteriorate.
Leading wallpaper glue manufacturers
The following manufacturers have good reviews:
Kleo - France. Tuting glue weighing 500 grams cost about 250 rubles. One package is enough for pasting 50 m². The glue leaves no spots on the wallpaper, has fungicidal additives that protect the surface from the appearance of mold.
Kelid (Quelyd) - France. Recently, the glue is a wobbly flieselin of this company has consumption more than indicated on the package. It is possible that it is associated with fakes of products. For less fakes in the market, the company Kelid updates the packaging design every year.
Methilan - Germany. The company produces the entire line of wallpaper adhesives. The price of glue packing will cost you in 250-250 rubles depending on the type of glue and packaging weight.
Adhesives of the domestic firm QUOLITY (Quality) are inferior in quality to foreign manufacturers. Leave yellow spots on the wallpaper, do not provide good gliding wallpaper when sticker. The price of the wallpaper glue of this company - from 40 rubles per package 400 gr. Not so long ago, the firm produces glue in a new packaging, but it has not improved its quality.
Many believe that the color of the packing with glue corresponds to its purpose and the same for all firms. This is not true. Each manufacturer has its own packaging design and packaging color different firms.
Recommendations for the choice of glue. Video.
Glue methilane. How to choose the right glue and blew the wallpaper.