How to choose curtains in a nursery Interior items

The selection of curtains for registration of any interior is one of the most responsible stages in the designer's work, especially if it concerns the children's room. The curtains in the child's bedroom are used not only to adjust the degree of illumination of the room and its decor, but also directly affect the psycho-emotional state of the baby, the development of his mental and creative abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider such a question with special attention.
Main criteria for choosing curtains for children's room
When choosing a curtain for a children's room, first of all, it is worth paying attention to such highlights as:
Practicality and ease of care
As you know, children are small fidgets who adore all sorts and are not particularly clean. Therefore, it is not worth buying too expensive curtains for children. Therefore, they will have to wash more often, so the fabric is better to choose a durable, painted with high-quality dyes, so that it subsequently has not lost its original appearance, especially after multiple styrices.
Material of manufacture
- It should be, first of all, safe for the health of the younger generation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the curtains sewn from environmentally friendly fabric, preferably natural (flax or cotton with a small content of synthetics, such as satin, sither, silk, organza, etc.), using high-quality dyes.
- In addition, the fabric should not easily flamm.
- It is very convenient to use two types of curtains at once - thin transparent tulle curtains and dense curtains. Thus, at any time of the day and day you can lay a child to sleep, darling the room, and during active games - provide good access to the room.
Color spectrum
The choice of color scheme depends directly from the stylistics of the room and the method of its design.
- It is better to choose bright saturated colors that will develop creative abilities in a child and a feeling of good taste. At the same time, harmony in the interior is very important. The brighter the furniture in the nursery, the more calm should be the tone of the curtain.
- If you decide to stop your fabric with a pattern, then it must match the child's age. What he is younger, the easier it should be a plot.
- For the nursery, the windows of which go on a sunny side, the curtains of orange or yellow tones will be suitable. If it is necessary to make the room lighter and more spacious, it is better to choose translucent fabric of light shades.
- But the curtains in the vertical strip visually will increase the height of the ceilings.
- In addition, the field of child plays a huge role in choosing a color gamut. As a rule, parents of small princesses prefer pink, golden and yellow curtains.
Curtains in a nursery for a boy usually buy blue, blue or green.
Of course, choosing a way of registration of the window in the nursery, it is also important to take into account the age and interests of the child. If this is a schoolboy, then it is necessary to ask him what he would like to see the curtains in his room.
Design and form
The simplest variants of the curtains can be made more original by adding them an unusual finish. For example, use bows or all kinds of clamps, brooks, as well as squeeze the canvas with ribbons, lace, fringe, ruffles, swans and other details. It all depends solely on your personal taste and preferences.
Types of curtains for children's room
The manifold of the curtains presented today in the market, including for the children's room, causes some confusion from the parents. Which of them choose?
Curtains with lambrenenom
- First of all, the simplest is straight curtains that are hung on the cornice with hinges or champs.
- As a supplement to such a curtain, the so-called lambrequins can be used. It is a piece of fabric, which closes the top of the eaves. With this part, you can significantly transform the window.
- For the children's bedroom, it is better to choose a soft or e-lambrene depending on the interior design.
Roman curtains
In addition to traditional curtains in children's some designers recently, the so-called Roman curtains are very often used.
- They appeared with us not so long ago and represent a design consisting of smooth cloth fabrics in which special metal strips are sewn and which with the help of the chain are folded into the roll, like the blinds, forming smooth horizontal folds.
- This version of the curtains can be used in the nursery, successfully combining it with traditional curtains.
- Roman curtains have a compact size, convenient to operate, do not fade into the sun, securely protect the room from entering direct rays, dust do not accumulate, they are not afraid of moisture and look quite effectively. They can be monophonic or have a specific drawing.
- Such curtains can easily sew yourself, especially if the child himself helps you. This will no doubt cause him indescribable delight, and also teach your child to work, develops creative abilities in it. Roman curtains in their own hands will certainly become the best option for designing the window!
On how to choose curtains for children, you can also find out on the video:
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Now we work on the design of a nursery for the boy. I'll take your idea note.