How to arrange the walls in the bedroom Walls

The bedroom is the rest of our soul, so the appearance of it plays an essential role in the life of any person who wants to remove fatigue after a busy day with a delicious cup of coffee.
It is necessary to approach such a premises with caution and creativity. Special attention is paid to the walls. You should think about choosing finishing materials that can absorb sounds that do not give glare. Color range of walls is an important part in the interior of the room. How to color the wall in the bedroom so that after feeling in "your" corner?
Carefully think over the future interior. Make a layout plan on which place furniture and accessories. Determine the color range of finishing materials and furniture. They must be combined at least one of the criteria: stylistics, color, shade, drawing. So the whole interior will unite, and will look like a single space. Do not forget about additional lighting. The sconce and lamps placed on the walls must fit the color scheme of the decor. Distribute stages of work, and you can start updating.
Wall clearance in the bedroom
For painting walls it is desirable to use water-emulsion paint. Many producers, each make up its advantages and cons. Specify the details from the seller. When working, refer to the main generally accepted rules.
Bedroom design rules
1. The bedroom, drawn up for the married couple, should be drawn up in several colors, giving the liveliness and taste of young life.
2. Do not use dark tones for painting walls, they cause depression and aging not only the organism, but also our soul.
3. Green - most time for people physically tired at work.
4. How without magenta and red shades, only they increase our sexual activity.
5. Orange color causes not only a positive, but also a feeling of hunger, so suitable for wells.
6. Live flowers on a white background will contribute to mutual understanding in your family.
7. The blue color of the walls is a bit depressive, but with a soothing effect, therefore it is ideal for specials with an excited character.
8. With the help of dark gold tones, you can restore confidence in the family.
9. If your windows come to the south - make up the walls in colder colors, north - in warmer.
Pay special attention when choosing a tone for a children's bedroom. After all, all this child sees almost from the first days of life. Avoid bright and motley tones. Pastel tones will act as well as on any person, soothing that sometimes will help the excited kid faster to fall asleep. Dark tones adversely affect the child's nervous system.
How to decorate the wall in the bedroom?
Any family member can paint the wall, but how to decorate - know units. Do not use many tones in the bedroom having minor sizes, because applying one tone, the room space will drastically increase. Conversely: the bedroom with a significant area is where your designer abilities can manifest.
For example, we paint the room into one tone, and at the head of the bed highlight a brightest or darker plot, inventing a creative pattern on it, and apply it using a stencil or sprayer. Ideal wood, flowers, Japanese hieroglyphs. But the strips of the same color with pillows or a blanket will look very unusual and interesting. Avoid abundance of bright colors. Bright accents on a muted background are acceptable.
- Vinyl stickers
Currently, vinyl stickers are publicly available. Walls in the bedroom from family photos will greatly decorate not only the bedroom, but also your family hearth, and instead of the framework they will be framed by vinyl stickers. This masterpiece can be supplemented with animal stickers: cats - for comfort, elephants - to attract wealth, the choice is yours. Try just to decorate the room with stickers throughout the room, but in moderation. In the nursery, create a space imitation, attaching the ceiling and the walls of the stars and planets around the ceiling perimeter.
- Wall mural
We sometimes think about how we decorate the walls in the bedroom so that they become not only cozy and interesting for us, but also for our guests. Make a variety and versatility of the photo wallpaper. This kind of decoration is amazing and is realistic for the simple reason that our gaze is a living waterfall, wood, flowers, or you can unexpectedly move to the metropolis, or on the contrary - to the jungle. On the photo wallpaper, place photos of our people, thereby conducting even more time with them.
- Mirrors and hours
The optional elements for the bedroom will serve as a mirror, on the one hand - a common item, and on the other - a beautiful decor. The shape of the mirror and the design on the edge makes the interior richer. Large mirrors on the walls and the ceiling "dissolve" the borders of the room, increasing it. By setting up a special watch for several time zones, you can watch not only your time, but what time of day have from a friend from New York.
- Paintings
Decorating the walls in the picture, we will give comfort and harmony room. If you decide to hang one picture, then combine it with the interior pattern, then it will not be boring and lonely. Maybe someone from your household embroiders or draws, then they will have the opportunity to show themselves in their business and at the same time make a part of themselves through the picture in the room.
- Curtains
The selection of the bedroom curtain is significantly different from the selection of curtains for other rooms. It is quite suitable curtains from the drape material. Instead of curtains hang blinds, for example, bamboo, thereby slightly increasing the room, if it requires it. In the room with a lack of light, it will be enough to hang tight tulle. The windows with overpressure of the light are drawn up with dense porters, thereby protecting the morning sleep.
Here are some options, how the walls in the bedroom are made. And this is a small drop from what you can come up with, create in your nest. The most important thing is the approach to work, and ideas will come in the process. Try, experiment, create!