How to remove cracks on the ceiling? Ceilings

In any room, be it an apartment or a house, the ceiling plays an important role. It closes tenants from all sorts of natural phenomena and is a certain interior decoration. However, there are cases when the ceiling is cracking and plastering is shuffled from it. Then it is necessary for its urgent repairs.
How to pull the ceiling?
Under the exhaust the ceiling, you should understand the conduct of special plastering, with which the surface is aligned, or as the masters say "pulls out". This is done when in one part of the ceiling there are places speaking for the main surface, and therefore the premises that give this part is not a neat look. Then they produce work on alignment. There are 2 methods - applying a layer of plaster, which hobs irregularities (method 1) or removing protruding places, followed by ceiling align (method 2). The second way is easier, because with it only the "cutting" of the serving part of the ceiling occurs and its rapid alignment with a spatula with plaster. The very first method provides for high costs of consumables and time. Requires alignment of the entire surface under a certain level.
How to remove defects on the ceiling?
We analyze in more detail the plaster of the ceiling under zero with the simultaneous elimination of all defects. First we produce the right solution. It should be such a consistency in order to easily stick to the ceiling and not fell off, and also to be able to manipulate for a long time - to give the right shape, smoothing and clean up too much. After the preparation of the solution is started to the putty. It is made from stairs or forests so that the head of the master is almost under the most ceiling.
Easy, slightly pulled by the workshop to themselves pounce the solution. Select usually a small segment of the ceiling, 1 per meter size. The plaster mortar is thrown onto this surface, and then, begin to align it using special tools. First use a semoligo - they are drained with an derived solution, and then, slowly conduct the rule - bringing the surface to a smooth (zero) mark.
Thus, absolutely all ceiling defects are hidden under the layer of a solution, which, after complete drying, is leaving or covered with water-level paint. We must not forget about the places where the chandelier will be - they do not need to sharpen them.
How to make cracks on the ceiling?
The need to seal cracks on the ceiling may occur in two cases. The first applies to the new premises when, after the end of all construction work on the ceiling, the seams remain between overlaps or plates. If the ceiling is frozen by dry plaster, then the seams can be visible between its sheets on the joints. The second case of cracks concerns the emerging defects on the ceiling caused by the aging of the room.
For a new ceiling, all works on its plastering, as was indicated in the previous chapter. When seeling cracks that appeared for various reasons on the ceiling of the old house, they must first "settle. This process is to remove those part of the crack that can independently fall off. They are removed by a spatula, spending them in the middle of the crack. Slices of old plaster fall off and these places are wiping with a damp cloth, in order to remove all sorts to the end, do not firmly hold parts. Now they prepare a solution. It should be viscous and at the same time can be mechanical exposure - kneading, stirring. Thin rollers roll out of the solution if the crack is small and, laying inside the seam, smoothly gripe with a small spatula. Then carefully cleaned the surface of the surface to compare the fracture with the overall surface of the ceiling.
Remove the slots on the ceiling of large size can be different. Usually resort to the initial seal of cracks with some fastening solution. If the slit is through, close it with the mounting foam - this material will not miss the water, air and it will be the heat insulator. Top on the foam is placed by an ordinary building solution from sand and cement in a ratio of 4 to 1. After complete grazing of the given solution in a crack, this place is compared with the surface of the ceiling by the plaqua, as indicated above.
Sometimes, cracks in the ceiling close up with alabaster. However, when working with this material you need to be extremely careful, attentive and have some plaster skills. The case is in its rapid drying. Alabaster dries out in 5-6 minutes and therefore for such a period of time you need to knead it with water, make a roller from it, put a roller in the crack and gently dare to the surface. If you do not have time to finish working with alabaster on time, it may be an uneven surface that will need to be reduced again.
How to calculate the ceiling area?
To carry out plastering on a large scale, it is necessary to calculate the exact ceiling area. You will need an ordinary or electronic roulette. You do not need to climb under the ceiling. All calculations and measurements occur on the floor. First, the length of the room is measured, and then its width. According to the rule, the length of the room, or other premises, is still known from the school program. The resulting number will show the exact ceiling area in square meters. Often, at the top of the rooms there are ledges. Calculate the Square of the ledges and subtract the resulting result from the floor area.
Of course, the question of how to remove cracks on the ceiling is best answered by the Master Professional, who has repeatedly faced with the performance of such works. The following video presents the ceiling plaster technology with sealing of all cracks and defects.
Following the instructions and actions of the wizard, you can learn how to create perfectly smooth ceilings yourself and close all cracks.