Painting of the walls Alone: \u200b\u200bTips paints and varnishes,Walls

Anyone who at least once plunged into the repairs of its own apartment, sooner or later asked the design of the premises. The widest choice of finishing materials allows you to experiment in this direction, fantasizing any likely the topics. The surface of the wall covers most of the apartment area. That is why its design and color always attached an important meaning. The most popular way to decorate the wall is painting. Thanks to the huge selection of shades and styles of painting walls, it will be the best solution. Properly selected style and tone of the room will allow you to feel exactly the level of comfort that a person needs. Painting of the walls, performed by the personally, will save on the workforce.
Wall paint selection
Before proceeding to staining the wall surface, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of a kind of paint, as well as on the features of the room. The correct selection of paint will make it possible to achieve not only the desired comfort, and also increase the life of the paint coating. Each of the species has its own composition and is designed to be applied to various surfaces.
Here are the main varieties of colors:
- water-dispersive Refers to "breathable" paints. For ligaments of substances use inexpensive polymers and impurities. The role of the solvent in this case plays water. Due to the low value of substances, the water-dispersion paint is referred to the cheapest and economy mind, besides, it practically does not smell;
- latexdiffers high wear resistance. In order for the surface to have a silky-matte structure, it is applied to a thin layer of the finishing of the wall surface. Latex paint will become the perfect option, in case it is used for painting decorative plaster or wallpaper under painting;
- acrylic Paint contains in its own acrylic resin. After drying, they form a protective film, which makes it possible to attribute it to the most wear-resistant form. Such paint is mainly used when painting rooms with high humidity. Sucks and other places most affected by abrasion is better to paint with the help of acrylic paint. The main distinguishing feature is a matte surface structure;
- silicone The paint has a huge multitude of advantages, since it contains an emulsified type silicone resin. High steam penetration indicators and excellent water repellent properties allow such paint to be used on most surfaces;
- decorative Allows you to imitate various kinds of surfaces with very high accuracy (gold, silver, silver, stone, velvet, etc.). The main advantages of paints of this type are: environmental friendliness, reliability and wear resistance. It is impossible not to mention the paint chameleon, which is used in the finish of trendy clubs and modern premises. The main disadvantage, as you already understood, is the high cost;
- eco-paint. It has only natural components in its composition. Such paint will dry for a long time and has a fairly high cost. However, its main advantages are: no smell and harmful components for the body. Most often, eco-paint is used to dye the walls in the children's room;
- alkyd enamel refers to quick-drying mind. Alkyd resins are based on. After painting, a high-strength film is formed. Alkid enamel is sufficiently reliable and durable, but due to its specific sharp odor, use in residential premises is better to avoid;
- oil It consists of natural or artificial olifa, as well as special pigments, which, when dissolved in oil, give the necessary shade of paint. This composition allows you to achieve the durability and strength of the paintwork. However, as in the case of alkyd enamel, such a type of paints is unacceptable for residential premises, since it has an unpleasant smell. In addition, oil paint will dry for a long time and to some extent misses evaporation, which subsequently can lead to detachment on some areas of the painted surface.
When we figured out the main types of paints and their distinctive features, it's time to pay attention to the parameters necessary to buy high-quality paint.
The main features of high-quality paint for walls are:
- environmental friendliness (the more natural components in the composition, the better);
- resistance to mechanical damage (the stronger the upper layer of paint, the more durable surface);
- resistance to ultraviolet rays (the better this parameter, the slower the surface will burn);
- the time required for complete drying of the layer (the rather paint dries, the faster painting work will be made);
- the ability of uniform application on the base (determines the consumption of paint, which saves additional funds);
- lack of sharp odors;
- the ability to calf for obtaining the required shade.
As you can see, ensure that all of the above parameters are combined in the composition of one paint, not so simple. Naturally, the presence of all these elements at the same time will significantly increase the cost of paint. Take the choice of paint with full seriousness and responsibility, then the painting of the walls will cause you only positive emotions with your own hands.
Advantages and disadvantages of paints for walls
Like any finishing material, paint has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing paint for walls as a decorative finish of your room, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the basic privileges that it gives compared to other materials. Since they are much more than flaws, it is worth stopping their choice on paint.
Next, we will list all the advantages of paints for walls:
- the widest choice of color hammes, shades, methods of application, allowing to achieve the uniqueness of your premises;
- high range of paintwork coatings;
- flexible pricing;
- flameproof (compared, for example, wallpaper and PVC panels);
- strength and durability;
- the possibility to easily repaint the wall that will periodically refresh the interior of the room.
As for the disadvantages, then they, too, could not avoid. They are so small that the paint can be appreciated attributed to one of the most popular and available finishing materials.
Listed here are the few disadvantages of paint:
- preparation quality base (the ideal surface, the paint will go uniformly);
- difficulty in self-tinting, due to the need for the utmost accuracy in the proportions.
Useful information: in order to achieve the desired paint color, it is better to take the help of professionals. In any large hardware store has a special tinting machines. They are designed for accurate "hit color" and better mixing pigment with paint. This will ensure uniformity of color and texture to give the wall a uniform tone.
Wall Painting Technology
In order to paint the walls with his own hands will not need any special skills and effort. By selecting a suitable paint and tools, you can achieve the best result. Adhering to the basic rules of paint application and preparation of the substrate surface, the process will take place quickly and successfully.
Required tool
Before starting the painting work it is better to get all the necessary tools and supplies. The correct choice of components will accelerate the painting process by doing everything evenly and effortlessly.
For best results, use the following set of tools:
- drill with a nozzle mixer (mixing paint);
- paint tray;
- stepladder or telescopic stick to the roller (allow access to hard to reach areas of the room);
- rollers and removable coats of different sizes and thickness of the pile (when the image comprises several different colors and texture of the surface of the base);
- brush-CEILING (for base coats);
- spatula (for finishing putties);
- brushes of different sizes (small items and bottleneck);
- stencils (if required);
- sandpaper on paper or fabric based (for stripping the base);
- scotch masking tape (necessary to protect certain elements from the paint falling);
- ukryvochnaya foil or cardboard (to protect furniture and floor from splashes and dust);
- finish putty (in addition to dry mixtures, you can use the finished acrylic putty);
- paint-paint (for better adhesion paints with base);
- cutting paste;
- dye.
Such a simple set of tools is sold in any construction store and will not require tremendous cash. For additional savings, some tools can be replaced. For example, the stepladder is easily replaced with an old stool or a building "goat", a telescopic stick - usual. You can use an old pure pelvis on the replacement of the bath, and instead of painting cardboard - a box from a refrigerator, which can be turned into a stencil.
Preparation of the surface of the base
Beginning to prepare the wall under painting, special attention is paid to the surface of the base. It is from the proper performance of work at this stage will depend on the further quality of the painting of walls in the apartment. This stage is the most dusty and time consuming.
First, remove all the extra objects (furniture, household appliances, carpet, etc.) from the room. By this, you not only free yourself the workspace, but also protect all household items from dust, dirt and paint. Separate the working surface with the help of the tape and the concerning film. The floor is better to be closed with cardboard.
Remove all unwanted elements from the wall. Old wallpaper dismantle with a wet rag and spatula. In order to remove the old tile, use an ax or perforator with a shovel nozzle. To remove the old paint or plaster, use the spatula. Remove the whole garbage from the room, spending and make a wet cleaning.
Useful information: fully cleared the room from unwanted garbage and dust, you will achieve a better result. During painting, dust and fine garbage can be mixed with paint and spoil the wall surface.
Pour primer in the bath and, using a roller, carefully walk along the surface of the base. This is necessary for the best adhesion of plaster. Let the soil-paint absorb (4-12 hours)
Surface leveling
The main way to eliminate all the irregularities, whether it is a borgon or treasure, is a putty. It should be borne in mind that for deeper irregularities it is better to use the starting putty. Mix the dry mixture with water in the proportion indicated on the package by the manufacturer, and with the help of a trowel or bucket evenly distribute the solution at the required area.
When all the large gaps and pits are embellished, and the surface has become more even, proceed to the finish shtlotovka. It is necessary to knead the putty. The mixture should be homogeneous and thick. She dries quickly and hardens, so it is better to make some little damsts than throwing the half-sighted mass.
Apply the first layer, after which let the shplanke dry. The first applying will hide all cracks and bulges. You can then apply a second layer, which will carefully hide all the irregularities, and the wall surface after drying will acquire a more pleasant snow-white look. It takes about 12-24 hours to dry out each layer.
The last step of preparing the surface of the base will be its stripping. The wall is "sandwicked" with the help of sandpaper ("skins") or a special grid with abrasive spraying. Depending on the layer thickness, which must be cleaned, choose the "sandpaper" with a different grain fraction. Mostly it is: p 60, r 80, p100. When the wall is cleaned, go again with a vacuum cleaner to remove the considered plaster and dust. Surface led again.
Painting of walls: Tips
All dirty and dusty work is completed, and now you can start the painting process. Even if you have never been engaged in a similar type of work, then the painting of the walls of water-emulsion paint will not be in a burden. The basic factor that directly affects the quality of the painting, is its uniformity of application.
To avoid the uneven pattern and color Extension, be sure to heed the following tips:
- pay special attention to the choice of paint and its shelf life. Be sure to explain to the consultant, at a surface of the work will be carried out, whether there are additional decorative elements and a structure of paint you want to achieve in the end. This will help you choose the required length and type of the pile, as well as the width of the roller coat;
- before working well stir the paint in a bucket using a drill with a paddle mixer. Choosing the right nozzle will ensure uniformity of mass necessary for the uniform coloring;
- pour the paint into a paint bath special section. Thoroughly soak it roll to avoid the ingress of air between the fibers. Then roll with little effort on the roller surface of the ribbed tank to remove excess paint;
- start to roll out the paint smooth movements. Take, for example, from the left side of the wall to the right. Try to move the roller painting over successive layer overlap at a distance equal to 1: 3 length coat. For narrow parts, such as the angle of the walls and the ceiling of the compound using a brush or a roller smaller. Excellent suitable fur roller 50 mm in length;
- let the first coat dry well. drying time and ink consumption is typically printed on a bucket by the manufacturer, the average is about 2-3 days. Similarly, apply the second layer required for final painting of the wall surface. After the first paint stains remain, it is because the surface is different absorbs the paint;
- when working with several colors of paint, proceed as follows: first, wall paint over the first color and allowed to dry thoroughly, and then glue the masking tape and the paint over the next color. If the masking tape paste immediately after application of the first color, when removing the ink it picks pieces.
In this article we have tried to carefully consider all the details necessary for high-quality, and most importantly a uniform paint the walls with his own hands. Using these tips, you do the work of high quality, and the process will take place fast and exciting. Painting of walls you will enjoy yourself, because it does not require the use of special skills and technologies. In addition, the whole process is quite simple and will be clear even to a child.