Infrared heating at home Plumbing

Among the many modern heating systems, infrared home heating systems are specialized. On the peculiarities of their application now and will be discussed.
Principle of operation of the system
When heating the house with infrared heaters, rays arising from the operation of the heating elements of the instruments fall on the surface of the walls, gender, ceiling, furniture and other items.
In fact, this heating system can be compared with sunlight. After heating the surface, there is a transmission of accumulated thermal energy into the air, which does not absorb heat. This leads to a more rational and natural heating of the room with minimal heat loss and preventing uneven heat distribution.
When lifting the heated air, lowered down cold. Due to heating of items in the room, temperatures are equalized between the ceiling and floor. The energy highlighted by the heater with infrared home heating is directed to heating the air flow only mediated way. Due to this, 65-70% of thermal energy occurs.
If a warm floor is created, you should use a thick polymer thermal film that radiates infrared energy. The thermal film consists of a carbon carbon paste, which is posted in a protective film from polyester. It is on the paste and the supply of electrical energy occurs.
Benefits of the heating system
If infrared heating is compared with other heating systems, it is more economical by 30-40%. When using this technology, there is no burning and excessive drying of oxygen.
The advantages of the use of infrared heating of a private house include:
- versatility and reliability;
- simplicity and speed of installation work;
- the possibility of using any floor covering;
- resistance to voltage drops;
- minimal decrease in the height of the room;
- long operating period;
- ability to destroy foreign odors;
- probability of heating a certain area;
- acceptable cost.
Infrared heaters are small-sensitive to mechanical damage. Even with accidental impact on working elements, you can not worry, because the system will function further. The heaters themselves work silently, heating the room immediately after switching on.
Heating home infrared floors is absolutely safe for the human body. Some experts tend to believe that the resulting radiation practically coincides with the wavelength of the human body. Thus, it can be argued that this type of heating is useful for us, and methods of treating some diseases involve the use of infrared saunas.
Preparatory stage
At the initial stage, room measurements are made, where infrared heating will be installed. Based on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises and the presence of thermal insulation, the number of heating elements of the heating system is determined. Usually their amount ranges from 5 to 9 pieces.
And the size of the total capacity should be taken into account, which is prescribed to the house by a power supply organization. The total capacity can be defined independently. You just need to turn on all the instruments and make the appropriate measurements.
When calculating the total power, the voltage deviation on the network from the optimal level in 220-230V should not exceed 20-25%. If the power of all devices, taking into account the installation of infrared heating, will exceed the norm, then it will be necessary to issue an appropriate permission.
There are several conditions for high-quality installation work. Installation of attached infrared heaters:
- produced at an altitude of 2.3-2.4 m from the floor;
- it is not recommended in rooms with a permanent stay of a person;
- not near window openings (there will be significant thermal energy losses);
- it is prohibited on ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride panels.
If a film infrared home is used, then the main requirement when it is laying is the correct placement of furniture in the room. The film does not fit in places where heavy furniture will be placed.
When the infrared floor is made of film, it should also be considered that the size of the room heating will be directly dependent on the type of finishing coating used. When using linoleum or carpet, the maximum energy consumption takes place, and the material does not accumulate warmly. The best option for the finish coating will be the use of ceramic tiles (if possible).
To reduce the convection process and obtain the most uniform heating of residential rooms, experts recommend to mount as many heating elements as possible.
In any case, before choosing one of the varieties of infrared heating (heater or film), it should be noted that effective heating of the room is achieved only at a power of 100 W / 1 m².
Installation of heating
Now let's go directly to how the device of infrared heating at home is done with their own hands.
The heaters typically include fasteners, with which the devices are attached to the wall or ceiling. Although you can use the usual cable that holds the heater on the ceiling.
For fastening the infrared heater to the ceiling:
- it is removed from the package and put on a flat horizontal surface;
- the heating plate must be at the top;
- after determining the accurate location of the heater, the screw-ring is screwed;
- the chain connected to the screw-ring is hung;
- the heater is located between the brackets in such a way that the screws do without problems enter the grooves of the brackets and properly delayed;
- the heating plate is wiped with alcohol tincture;
- the three-core cable is connected to the heater terminals in compliance with the corresponding polarity;
- the thermostat is connected.
Most heaters that are attached to the ceiling are manufactured with a longitudinal groove on the reverse side of the device. A chain has a slightly advanced link in this groove. Using such a circuit, a reliable fastening of the heater occurs.
Special attention should be paid to the correct location of the thermostat. It is placed at an altitude of 1.4-1.6 meters from the floor. So that the thermostat does not work involuntarily, it should not be in the zone of heat rays, on a draft or near other sources of energy.
So that the heater does not spoil the interior of the room, it is hung in such a way that the electrical connector "watched" towards the wall.
First, the basis is prepared. The floor is leveling, all defects are eliminated and a deepening is made, in which the temperature sensor will be located (it must be placed on the substrate).
Further, the heat-reflecting foil substrate is stacked, which in size should exceed the area occupied by the film. This is explained by the fact that only so the extreme part of the film will easily be attached to the substrate.
Film infrared film installation technology provides for the following actions:
- the necessary piece of film is cut;
- it is placed on the downstream of the tires;
- at the edges, the film is fixed to the substrate with a tape;
- its endless part of scotch is not sick (cable will be supplied to it);
- electrical wire laying is carried out;
- it connects to the contacts of the film;
- the temperature sensor is styled;
- the installation of the thermostat is carried out.
You should pay close attention to the high-quality connection of the wire to the film. If it is incorrect to clip contacts, they will become oxidized with the subsequent cliff of the electrical network. In order to avoid dismantling outdoor coverage and re-work, you should use a special electric clamp, which is called "crab"
Installation of infrared heating at home on video: