How to put the wall under the wallpaper with your own hands Walls

Wall puttquis is a necessary event if you plan to stick wallpaper or surface painting. It should be recognized that many people frankly ignore the need for a putty, given the fact that this process can take a lot of time, as well as spending a lot of strength. So it turns out that the owners, not particularly experiencing for the quality of the works carried out, produce glue of wallpaper directly to the old surface. As a result, it turns out that such a surface can create a lot of problems. First of all, wallpaper can be significantly deformed, or just disappear, if the surface, on top of which was glued, was unsuitable. Ultimately, it is possible to face not only with troubles associated with the need to re-implement repairs. Often, it is necessary to re-acquire wallpaper, since the past was too damaged.
Experts note that the putty of the walls is necessary, and at the same time, this is a simple process with which any person should cope.
In this article we will consider the various features of the putty process. It so happened that this process includes many subtleties capable of significantly affecting the final result. In addition, the financial side of which we will also talk about the decisive becomes often decisive.
The need for putting the walls under the wallpaper
Many people frankly beware of events related to putty walls. According to most of them, with inexperienced hands you can create a lot of problems, due to which troubles with a common style of space. However, in fact, everything is somewhat different.
- For example, the process of putting the walls is far from the most responsible event. It should be borne in mind, during this process, various changes can be made that will allow you to get the highest quality result. This is especially good news for those who are afraid to do something wrong. Compared to many other processes within the house, there is some practicality, which allows you to repair, not at all afraid to spoil something.
- To carry out the putty of the walls yourself - the best solution, as building brigades that provide such services are often requested too high. Thus, it is necessary to do everything possible so that all these events can be made free of charge, using finances only to buy the necessary resources. If the scale of work is not very big, then small money will be spent on putty.
Again, to obtain a qualitative result, often the owners attract their relatives and friends. Ultimately, the disadvantages of repair are extremely rare. Also, all problematic details are extremely easily eliminated.
Price issue of putting walls under wallpaper
It is obvious that most of all ordinary people are worried not by labor-intensiveness of work, and not even the features of a particular material, namely the cost of products used for putty. Thus, it should be borne in mind that compared with many other materials used to repair the dwellings, putty is an inexpensive resource.
To date, for putty 1 square meter of the surface, you need to spend about 250 rubles. Of course, you can find the material cheaper and personally carry out all the necessary events, however, practice shows that people often do not regret and really large money, if only the process spent a specialist.
Do not forget that the surface itself can be affected directly on the current situation, which will be corrected under the oxidation of wallpaper. For example, if there is no irregularity of more than 3 mm, then this is quite large money that will need to spend on additional volumes of material. At the same time, you should not forget about the slopes, arches and other elements of the dwellings, which, at first glance, do not create special problems, however, in practice, additional cash costs may be more than large.
In big cities, only a challenge of a specialist at the house will cost at least thousand rubles, after which it may be that money for repairs need to spend much more than was planned by the owners earlier.
Often, people are not going to call anyone if the budget of the work carried out is humble. Of course, in such situations, some problems will not be avoided, but at the same time, it is obvious that small mistakes made during putty do not have much influence on the situation. The most important thing is that the surface is flat (although it is possible, and not perfect), and the wallpaper is most highly held on the surface, an otned design is created. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to allow small blots than paying thousands of rubles for useless consultations.
Tools for putting the walls under the wallpaper
First, it should be noted that the putty tool must bend if you make a small force to the handle. This feature of the tool allows you to get thin, but at the same time the optimal layer of solution.
Practice shows that in his hands such a spatula almost immediately becomes convenient, as its form and is designed in such a way that no difficulties have arisen.
It is important to remember that the spatula should have an ideal blade without exaggeration. When buying a tool, you need to pay attention to it. Otherwise, some blades flaws can create significant surface disadvantages. It is advisable to use a spatula that has rounded edges of the blade. This allows you to create exactly the surface that is needed for subsequent repair activities.
You can find a wide variety of spatula variants, however, people first draw attention to the price component. The logic is that they are not ready to spend large money on a tool, which will not be needed after a short period of time. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense to borrow a spatula from acquaintances. There are also companies that can provide this or that equipment for repair. Among such an inventory can be found and spatulas.
Also as the necessary supplement for putting the putty will need a bucket. It must be plastic and with a rounded bottom. Often for this is purchased a new container, which is not contaminated with any other construction materials or food waste. Approximately the same requirement to the soldier. As you know, this tool is needed quite often, therefore, if it has already been used, you need to check its purity. It often happens that during the very construction of turmoil people forget to clean the instrument, and it becomes impossible to use it in the future. Of course, there are other cases when cleaning allows you to make a tool almost new.
Immediately before repair activities, you need to wipe the tool with a rag or microfiber material. Thus, a small cleaning allows you to get rid of little contaminants.
Selection of shuttle for walls
Despite the fact that the process of putty is standard, you can find various types of putty on sale. It should be borne in mind that this product is different in characteristics, however, most buyers this information is not useful, so the cheapest putty is often purchased.
To draw conclusions associated with the choice of putty, it is necessary to analyze each type of material.
- Gypsum-cement putty. This material is used precisely to prepare the surface under shook wallpaper. However, in contrast to other products, a gypsum-cement putty costs somewhat more expensive. At the same time, an important aspect is the fact that the material is produced in a dry form, which is mixed with water, while the remaining putty have to dissolve. You can find a putty and for ordinary residential premises, and for spaces with high humidity.
- Acrylic putty. This resource represents a really good choice that combines the majority of the advantages of the remaining putty. However, in this case, it was not without flaws. Practice shows that the surface after applying becomes smooth and perfect for further repair activities. At the same time, people who plan to carry out inexpensive repairs are extremely unhappy with the fact that cheap types of paints on such a putty are very bad. It should be borne in mind that on the basis of acrylic surface it is often applied by a layer of paint, while the wallpaper is better glued using other materials.
- Oil-glue putty. This material is based on the Olife. Experts believe that this resource is not the best choice in our days, since for some characteristics it is supposedly outdated. However, it is necessary to clarify that Olife, despite the many rumors, is not dangerous to the health of people with material. Moreover, the olifa slightly improves waterproofing, and also retains the coating created from many external factors. Unfortunately, it's not so rarely olifa creates problems. It is absorbed into the concrete, and later can stick and stains that will be visible on the surface of the paint. The good news is that the oil-adhesive putty is inexpensive, so almost all the hosts can afford this material.
- Water dispersion putty. In this case, the material is also produced on the basis of gypsomoter, however, kneading occurs based on water-polymer emulsions. Such products are available for buyers in the respective bucket containers. Accordingly, the important advantage of this resource is that the use of material is extremely simple. You can simply take the container with the products and apply to the surface. Despite such practicality, specialists are advised still not to forget to be attentive, since with an open bucket, the mixture quickly comes into disrepair. The viscosity of water-dispersion putty allows you to get a really excellent surface that will accurately comply with the stated characteristics. Experts note that this putty is one of the best for beginners, as it will require a minimum of experience to obtain a high-quality surface.
Spacure manufacturers
It should be borne in mind that the market has many products of various species, as well as numerous manufacturers. In this regard, the choice of optimal products is often significantly complicated.
Already after the desired type of putty was determined, it is worth considering the range among manufacturing companies.
As you know, today the market is filled with products from several companies that produce a wide variety of products of construction and repair purposes. Thus, the buyers remain a choice between brands who managed to establish themselves in the market. In addition, you can sometimes find products from companies that are just starting their way in this area. With this situation, you can either make a profitable purchase, or become a victim of poor-quality goods. Therefore, experts recommend to look closely to proven companies that are treated for the quality of the goods.
The following list of manufacturers can be noted: Knauf, Vetonit, Unice.
Wall puttering process
Preliminary work
- First of all, when work begins to carry out a putty, it is necessary to clean the walls. Often, putty occurs right on the old plaster, and in such a situation it is best to remove a layer of wallpaper or paint. On sale you can find special products for cleaning unnecessary layers of material, after which the drying of the surface occurs. Immediately after this, it becomes clear that there are some remains of old finishing materials on the surface, so the removal takes place with the help of a mounting knife.
- Obviously, to carry out the rest of the work it is necessary to check whether the surface of the wall is smooth. It is extremely simple to conduct an inspection: it is enough to arm a plaster rule or a flashlight. It should be borne in mind that there should be no essential flaws. Often on the wall you can find some protrusions or bugs, from which you can easily get rid of the plane. In addition, an acute plastering spatula may be an excellent assistant. If there are some deepening on the surface, it will be necessary to circle them with a pencil in order to pay attention to it later.
- Now the time comes in order to prepare a tool for further work. As we have already mentioned, there are special requirements for the soldier, which allow you to maximally spend all the necessary work. Immediately before repair work, you need to wipe the tool from dust or other contaminants. Sometimes you can use wet fabrics, after which it is necessary to arm a rag or microfiber cloth to wipe the spatula. Here it should also be noted that for this process you will need a container that needs to be cleaned in advance. During past work, small lumps can remain in the bucket that it is advisable to delete. Approximately the same situation with a mixer for a drill.
- Then we are talking about mixing the mixture. Most often, a bucket of a quarter is filled with water. The jet must be filled into the mixture in the container. You need to do it until the top of the mixture does not seem. After a few seconds, all this should be soaked in water, after which it is necessary to check that there is no dry lumps. Within two minutes you need to mix the mixture with a drill with a mixer. After this process you need to wait about a minute and re-knead from the very beginning.
Separately, it must be said that to make any adjustments associated with the addition of water into the mixture, is not categorically recommended. Even if errors are allowed during the mixing process - it is better not to change anything, since the situation may be only worse. In the event that, after applying the mixture, some irregularities will appear, you can use the abrasive and adjust the surface under the required result.
Surface leveling
First of all, it is necessary to spend the grout of all cracks and other irregularities that can significantly affect the final result.
Newcomers in this business should be remembered that the application of the mixture should be squeezed, which allows you to get the necessary result of work. Moreover, if the material is slow, it is hardly possible to avoid problems.
The application of the mixture occurs evenly and cross movements. It is important to pay attention to the pressure, since in different cases the result may be somewhat different. Throughout the process, you need to pay attention to the surface, inspect it visually. Most often, flaws are visible immediately, so such a self-control allows you to get closer to the perfect result.
Drying of the surface
At first glance it may seem that the drying putty - it is quite a simple matter, but in reality the situation is different. Practice shows that the errors associated with the drying surface rules may lead to global problems. At least we can talk about the cracks formed on the entire surface. In the worst situations, putty can and does warp. We have to admit that all these problems are easily avoided by proper drying, which does not require too much effort.
- First of all it is necessary to limit the draft. Often people open all the windows and expect that the drying happens quickly.
- In addition, you can not avoid significant temperature changes. Thus, if the open window, the night temperature may change significantly as compared to what it was in the afternoon.
- Sunlight - this is an important factor that can create the very undesirable temperature fluctuations. Thus, if indoors, where out repairs, the sun shines brightly, then this must somehow be limited. A good option could be shutters. You can just cover the window with a cloth or other material.
It is best to carry out airing directly under the apartment. To do this, just open all the doors in the room, creating a small exchange of air, a positive effect on drying putty.
It is necessary to pay attention also to the fact that often the drying putty occurs within 16 hours.
Plaster under the wallpaper
Now we come directly to the main subject of the article, and it all starts with applying the mixture to the surface.
- The application material is lapped wide spatula. After several visits may be small remnants of the material, they can engage in a little later. The spatula should be kept at an angle up to 30 degrees, and the applied layer should be no more than 4 mm. Experts emphasize that people must learn to apply a mixture of the required thickness, as this is often dependent on the end result.
- After all this, you need to dry the plaster. As we have said, this is not an easy process, but dealing with it is to everyone. When an abrasive jointer is necessary to remove the excess layer on the wall surface. Otherwise, you will notice a variety of bumps that can create a lot of problems. Practice shows that the quality results you need multiple approaches to the surface was smooth.
- Next is used abrasive with a smaller grain, which allows you to make the surface even better. At the very end, you can arm a flashlight and check with it with the surface, whether it has the most unpleasant irregularities.