Soft roof overhaul technology Construction

The soft roof is fast, inexpensive and convenient, so many owners of private houses prefer to lay it. However, in terms of durability, such a coating significantly loses with alternative options, and in a few years it is already possible to notice the first signs of destruction. Unfortunately, in most cases, it is necessary to make a major overhaul of a soft roof, because the patchwork saves rather weakly. On how to repair the roof with your own hands and pick up for this suitable materials we will tell in today's article.
Estimation of the state of the roof
Often, the soft roof has to be fully transferred, since patches are very unreliable and short-lived. They are only a temporary measure - a delay before inevitable overhaul. But even if you found only minor damage, but the insulation under the coating has already managed to wet a lot, the patch will not solve the problem - the roof must be prohibited.
Starting work follows from the assessment of the state of roofing, calculating all defects and damage. Based on this, it can be concluded - put patchwork or fully change the coating. Current repair, that is, the local with the installation of patches is permissible to do if the roof surface is damaged by no more than 40%. In other cases, it is necessary to resort to capital measures.
Useful advice: To extend the life of a soft roof, it is recommended to check its condition once every 1-2 years and eliminate defects with local repairs. If you eliminate the swelling and cracks in time, the overhaul can be delayed for several years.
To serious defects, saying that the roof is time to proceed, refer the following:
- peeling the roofing material;
- deep and large cracks in which water is stared;
- strong and numerous bloatings (this indicates that there is moisture inside the "bubbles");
- oxidation of materials;
- the appearance of moss, fungus.
But even the overhaul of the roof is not so terrible, as inexperienced owners imagine it, especially if we are talking about a small summer house or garage. If you know some nuances and correctly choose consumables, you can cope with work in just a day and only with one assistant. The first thing to be remembered is to repair the roof in the warm season and with dry weather. In winter, rolled materials on a bitumen basis will become too hard and non-refined, and the quality of their laying and protective characteristics will be very low.
Since the overhaul provides for a complete dismantling of the old roofing coating, it would be unreasonably not to evaluate the condition of all layers of roofing cake. This consists of a minimum complex of work. If, during the inspection, it was found that the insulation inside was dumbfounded, drew or strongly freezed, it would also have to be changed. ATTENTION should be given to both the cornese skes, waterfront funnels, parapets and devices for drying the insulation.
You should not count that with such work you can handle alone. If desired, of course, it is possible, but you do not have to talk about good quality. Laying with a soft roof provides it to warm it up with a gas burner, followed by pressing to the surface, so it is better to divide the work for two. Silic lovers follow the instructions should immediately know that the overhaul of the roof on the SNIP looks very difficult, wisdom and confusing, so the newcomer will not be difficult to quite despair and think that only professionals can cope with such work. In fact, the situation is much easier. SNiP requirements have been developed in Soviet times, and since then has invented many new laying technologies and building materials with which it is easy and easy to operate. Therefore, specifically in this case you can look in SNIP only with one eye and do not edify yourself for incomplete compliance with the prescriptions.
Materials for repair
The modern building market is replete with materials intended for repairing a soft roof. We will look at the most popular of them. The first thing that will offer you a sales assistant - glass eelast. It is roofing and waterproofing material in one face, made on a bitumen-polymer basis. It is pretty elastic, so it easily falls on any relatively smooth surface. Among other things, the glass pool provides additional thermal insulation and is distinguished by a long service life of up to 20 years.
The glass eelast is not to be confused with the technolast, although it is easy to do it. The technolast is based on a fiberglass or polyester film, a bitumen-polymeric material covered on both sides, so it becomes more durable, biostroof, weather-resistant and durable. From above, technoelast has a shale spript that protects the inner layers from the destructive effects of ultraviolet. With an inside, there is a polymer protection that makes technolast a reliable waterproofer capable of protecting from moisture not only to roof, but even the foundations, underground tunnels and other building structures. You can put a uniflex and linocur into one line with technoelast.
If we are not talking about a residential building, but, say, about the garage or barn, the rolled materials can replace bitumen mastic. It is warmed, apply to a smooth layer on the prepared surface of the roof, after which the mass is frozen, forming a monolithic coating. But mostly mastic is used not as an independent roofing material, but as an adhesive binder for rolls. However, in this case, it is necessary to clarify whether the material is compatible with it.
In addition to the coverage, you will need tools for its laying. In the case of filled materials, special attention should be paid to the choice of burner. For harvesting garbage prepare a shovel and broom, gloves, protective clothing.
Remembrance for overhaul
Every owner is not alien to save, without sacrificing the quality of work. Drawing up the estimates on the overhaul of the roof will save you from extra costs and will allow you to clearly plan the actions. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to start creating the estimates only after dismantling the old roofing coating, because it is impossible to guess whether the insulation will have to change or pour another screed?
Stages of creating estimates:
- After removing the old roofing coating, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, taking into account all the protruding structures, including auditory windows and ventilation pipes. To the resulting value, add 15% about the reserve and in case of repair in the future.
- If it turned out that in some places it is necessary to make a concrete screed, determine the required amount of cement, sand and crushed stone for this. Choose the cement brand not lower than M400. Unfortunately, the amount in this case can be determined only approximately, but the cement is useful in the economy not only for the roof, and it costs it is inexpensive, so do not be afraid rounded into the biggest side.
- Determine what material you will cover the roof and monitor the market - see which suppliers offer the smallest price and do they have discounts / free shipping.
- If free shipping does not provide the store, make its cost in the estimate.
- Find out which tools to work with roofing material you do not have and how much will buy them. In the case of a gas burner, it is better to use rental services than to buy a fairly expensive device.
- If you work with large areas, it means both a construction garbage will be quite a lot, so you need to take into account the cost of its export.
After drawing up the estimate it will be seen, whether it is necessary to take on this job on their own or you can pay a little and entrust the roof repair by the brigade of hired workers.
Stages of repair
Any repairs should begin with surface preparation. In the case of a soft roof, this implies the dismantling of an old coating and a thorough sweep. Glue the new material on top of the old one is not so categorically prohibited, but completely irrational. In this case, you risk in the shortest possible time to spoil not only fresh coating, but also aggravate the condition of the damaged layers of roofing pie - the insulation can start rotting, which is transmitted by wooden elements of the charter system, etc. Therefore, in that in the future, it is not to get to the complete replacement of the roof, it is better to devote several hours to dismantle a spoiled coating.
Soft roof overhaul technology:
- To remove the damaged coating, you can use special equipment that cuts the material from the surface and immediately twists it into the roll. Very comfortable car, but, unfortunately, it turns out that it turns out not always.
- As an affordable alternative, an ordinary ax, but not with a wooden, and metal handle, the length of which is chosen in accordance with the growth of the working person.
- When the surface is cleaned from the old roofing coating, it is necessary to estimate the state of the base - to search for dents, bloating, cracks and other defects. If nothing like has not been found - you are extremely lucky, and a new screed is not necessary.
- In some cases, there is no screed under bitumen roofing material, but the thermal insulation layer. Then you need to evaluate, in what condition it is and, if necessary, replace the defective parts. After replacing or repairing the insulation, it is better to close it with a polyethylene film or a vapor barrier membrane.
- After that, you can proceed to the back of the bitume. Bituminous mastic creates a waterproof film that protects the inner layers of the cake from wetting and creates a high-quality basis with good adhesion for subsequent laying of a soft roof. In the case of coating a bitumen screed, the film prevents too fast evaporation of moisture from concrete.
- After pouring the concrete, the roofing material is placed. Despite the diversity of compositions, experts recommend to give preference to fiberglass-based materials (technoelast), since they are more durable and durable.
- Bringing to laying follows from the bottom edge of the roof. Since the widths of one roll is not enough to overlap the entire surface, cuts are mounted alternately, laying each subsequent twist with the previous one by 8-15 cm. This parameter depends on the angle of inclination of the roof - the greater the angle, the smaller the nesting. If the roof is built at a big angle, the water from it will go very quickly, on the stronger surfaces of the moisture can linger, so it is necessary to do everything possible so that it does not learn inside.
- After laying all sections, the seams between them should be thoroughly wrapped with bitumen mastic.
- When mastic dries, you can start laying the second layer. Of course, in some cases it is really to do with one, but if we are talking about a residential building, the reinsurance does not prevent. When laying a second layer of soft roof, there should be cuts in such a way that the seams between them find as far as possible from the seams of the first layer.
- If you are working with such materials as runneroid and only, you will need to apply a protective coating from the same bitumen mastic, then sprinkle with gravel crumbs and roll with a rink. More modern materials already have a shale powder, therefore reliably protected from the destruction of ultraviolet. The benefit of their use consists also in the fact that it is not necessary to miss the seams between the rows - just a small allowance, which is tightly applied to the cut below. Thus, the material is spent less, although it is more expensive than Ruberoid.
By and large, it's all that you need to know about the overhaul of a soft roof. Estimation, choosing the right materials and simple instructions for their installation are three important components of the work. If you have done everything according to the instructions, you can forget about the leaks and similar troubles for a long time, but you should not throw out this from your head - check the condition of the coating once a year.
Finally, an interesting video about the new and practically waste-free technology of overhaul of a soft roof, which allows you to save on the purchase of new rolled materials: