Technology concreting foundations Construction

The construction of the foundation is an incredibly responsible process, during which it is enough to simply make a mistake that will later become serious consequences. Despite this, most of the works that are conducted to create the foundation of the structure are characterized by elementality. Accordingly, even those who have not previously had to deal with them with them.
In this case, we will talk about the concreting foundation. This is exactly the amount of work that can boldly take on newcomers. Despite this, some subtleties this process still has. It should be borne in mind that there is sufficient volume of concreting technology foundation that provides a long-lasting basis, which for decades would be perfect hosts.
In this article, we will also analyze the main subtleties with which you have to face builders in concreting foundation. In addition, I will not leave without attention and some unexpected moments that are unambiguously found in concreting.
Conducting earthworks
Immediately before concreting, we need to conduct a number of activities for the construction of the foundation.
Earthworks - is only the beginning. In this case, we will need pegs and rope. With these items we will carry out the markup site. Of course, it is desirable to have a plan to have on hand, so that during the construction is not to study the landscape. However, if we are talking about the creation of a small structure that performs the function of a warehouse or garage, it is enough to make a small sketch on the basis of which already can be guided in its future actions.
Once we have created a layout, you can start the creation of a trench. For small structures enough order of 0.6 m wide trench depth -. More serious aspect. In this case, the depth of the trench must be 0.3 meters more than the depth of soil freezing. Accordingly, the value may vary significantly depending on the location of the structure. At the bottom of the trench must be placed a layer composed of a thin gravel layer (0.15 m). This component is called the filter pad.
Of course, if there is the creation of small buildings, it is sufficient to bring the work of several people who use the shovels carry out all necessary measures in a relatively short time. However, it should also be borne in mind that doing very similar things quite difficult. It will be spent too much energy and precious time. Accordingly, it is best to use the services of specialized equipment. To create a medium-size structures is quite handy tractor, which will dig trenches incredibly fast and, most importantly, quality. You can be sure that the depth and width of the trench is such what we and necessary. Most often, people who personally carried out the creation of the trenches for the foundation, faced with the problem of too solid ground. Normal shovel in these situations do not always help.
Create formwork
Formwork represents a special shape which will be the basis for the concrete mix. Most often formwork created from prefabricated panels, which perfectly fulfill their immediate task. However, in some cases where the construction takes place in a fairly modest conditions, can be used formwork downed from the boards. We should not think that this is the worst option for the creation of the foundation. It's just a disposable formwork, which is often used in large-scale construction.
Prefabricated panels are massive structures that can be used an unlimited number of times. Unfortunately, the cost is quite high, so if you do not carry out regular construction work, the need for them simply do not have.
When using the boards as a formwork, it is necessary to bear in mind that their thickness depends on the scale of construction. For example, if we build a small garage or a modest apartment building, it should be fine and thin boards, the thickness of which only a few centimeters. In other cases, a small thickness of the wood formwork can adversely affect the process of construction. Under the pressure of concrete elementary boards can bend or break.
Fixing nails should occur throughout the formwork area, or design can again be damaged due to the pressure of the concrete mix.
Preparation of the solution
The solution obviously should be a high quality, however, the foundation for the construction quite descend mixture of medium quality, since the strength of the concrete structure in any case will be excellent.
Brand Cement must be not lower than the M-200.
We also need the following components:
- sand;
- water;
- rubble.
To improve the quality of the concrete can also be used plasticizers, however, little need for them there.
In the process, we need a concrete mixer. Here we need about 0.7 cubic meters of water per 1 cubic meter of concrete. Other relations must be indicated on the packaging of cement products. Specialists also recommend the use of such ratios: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts gravel.
Returning to the process of creating the mixture, with a concrete mixer does everything goes fast enough. If such devices simply do not have, you can try to use a large container in which and will house all components of the mixture. It should be understood that the construction process can take as personally to make the concrete mixture is very difficult.
It is worth noting the fact that the preparation of the mixture takes place directly before the filling process. If we do it in advance, concrete can lose their essential characteristics. In this case, the foundation will not the most durable, and to evaluate its performance and even impossible.
The main methods of concreting
First, let's understand that when concrete is poured it is necessary to take care of high-quality reinforcement. This is a general strengthening of the structure, which will make the foundation is not only durable, but also the most durable. It is obvious that during the operation of the structure will be faced with a lot of influences that framework should safely withstand.
In our case the required steel rods having a diameter of 8-12 mm. On the basis of their need to create a grid with a cell size of 15x15 cm. You have to do everything efficiently and precisely to the strength of the foundation was uniform. Casting process begins only after the installation of the reinforcement took place around the perimeter of the structure.
At the same time, many experts install reinforcement and a few other ways. For example, the valve can be installed vertically. If you create a concrete mix used high-quality cement, reinforcing the question goes by the wayside. Therefore, as metal elements, you can use a variety of construction waste that can strengthen the structure.
Manual way to concrete foundation
It concreting manually performed more often, because it is such an option most suitable for the construction of small structures. Here we need only a few people. Alone, such work is almost impossible to carry out, and if you can simply attempt to hell with all their efforts, and at the same time - harm the construction process.
Most often used in the course of a couple of concrete mixers. To service each of them will need about three people. Experts recommends dividing the concreting process into two teams, each of which will carry out the process in a certain part of the base. It should be understood that the process should be carried out quickly enough, as concrete is rapidly gaining strength.
concrete mortar feedrate foundation perimeter should be such as to create a layer whose thickness is 0.4 m. In the same process would not uniquely odd vibrator which will evenly distribute the mixture over the entire depth. Instead, you can use a vibrator and a large cloth, which is also nice to do their job. Such leveling is necessary in order to get rid of voids that are clearly after the concrete is poured. If voids remain, the foundation will be under threat of destruction for the entire period of operation of the structure. In most of the void liquid is removed, which is light in color. Accordingly, after her appearance on the surface must be removed immediately liquid.
Only after all of the above procedures begin pouring the next layer of concrete. Again, everything is done with utmost care, together with carrying out the removal of voids. Construction of each new layer is carried out through the basement 2 hours after pouring the last. Accordingly, the process can be quite long, given sufficient height base. When it comes to the last layer, there need to be as attentive. And the most responsible - is to ensure a perfectly flat surface. For this we need a builder's level, and a range of devices that allow a massive level the surface.
To gain strength is the foundation for a long time. Depending on weather conditions the process can take 6 to 8 weeks. It should be borne in mind that during this time to the foundation is better not to touch, but you can cover it with insulating materials in order to not hurt the bottom sediments.
Concreting using a mixer
In this case, we'll discuss the use of the car, which in no time will complete the concreting of the foundation. It should be understood that this is a more costly option than the previous one. So it makes sense to pre-weigh all the factors and make a choice in favor of the most acceptable method of concreting.
With special concrete gutters fed into the mold, it is worth to keep in mind that the process is very fast. Thus, the need to promptly carry out the alignment by means of a vibrator or a rag.
After that comes the process of waiting until the concrete reaches full strength. It lasts as much, how many and manual concreting.
Construction joints and extension of the construction process
Sometimes it turns out that during the concreting foundation there are a variety of problems that do not allow the whole process in a short period of time. For example, it simply may not be in the presence of the required number of building materials.
Thus, if the pouring of concrete occurs after a large period of time, it is necessary to keep in mind some subtleties. First of all, it is worth aware that the already equipped concrete layer must be as smooth as possible.
Next, if concreting has begun for a long time, then some contamination has definitely on the base surface. It can be leaves, dirt, mold and other things that need to get rid of. After purification of the foundation may well be that a lot of time has passed, and the surface has already solidified layer. With this scenario, we need a strong water jet, which will easily destroy all the strong bonds formed on the surface. In the event that too much time passed, you can pay attention to the milling equipment, with which it will be necessary to remove the thin layer of the foundation of the foundation.
In some cases, acid compositions that instantly remove the cement film on the foundation are helpful.
If passed a relatively short time (up to several days), it is enough to clean the surface from rain, leaves and dirt.
Next, it is safe to carry out further concreting, while the additional reinforcing elements here will definitely not be superfluous.