Roofing regulatory: characteristics, brands, properties Building materials

Ruberoid is one of the most sought-after materials, which has not loses its position in the construction market for a long time. Advanced modifications have become an excellent alternative to more expensive roofing materials. They allow creating high-quality waterproofing and an attractive design of an external roof covering. What is the referenceroid, and how to choose the right option for a specific project, you will learn from this article.
The main characteristics of rubberoid
The manufacture of this roofing material, regardless of the manufacturer and brand, is carried out according to the standards of GOST-10923 93. The requirements of the regulations define the following values:
- qualitative characteristics, including appearance and technical indicators;
- rules of the production process;
- terms of transportation and storage;
- packing marking;
- dimensional parameters;
- the degree of its safety.
The brand of roofing regularoid is determined by the technical indicators:
- mass of dry cardboard to impregnating bitumen in the range of 1 / 1.25-1.4;
- rasp strength - from 216 to 333 H;
- bending strength (lack of cracking) 18-25 degrees when cutting a rod with a cross section of 20-30 mm;
- the mass of the coating components is in the range of 0.5-1 kg / 1 m2.
Important! In addition, the roofing regulatory is different and a number of other advantages:
- resistance to moisture and frost resistance, which makes it the optimal material during the arrangement of the roof in the northern regions;
- The price for rubberoid at the same time is significantly lower than any other material, and you can choose the perfectly suitable option from a wide species series;
- Features of use allow it to be used at different stages of creating roofing pie, and not combine several different materials, which turns out to be doubly profitable;
- service life is also optimal - 10 years;
- if you need to repair, it is not necessary to remove the old coating - just to restore it.
All this makes it so popular with material in private and large-scale construction.
Views of Roofing Rubberoid
Each type of this material for finishing the roof has a digital and alphabetic marking. Each of the signs determines the distinctive features according to the following characteristics of the roofing regularity:
- recommended appointment;
- type of main material component and method of use;
- surface sprinkle quality;
- dimensional parameters.
Types of Region for appointment
Depending on the recommended layer of laying, the runner is divided into:
- lining - this indicates the letter "P" in marking;
- roofing for the outer layer - in this case there will be marked with the letter "K";
- elastic for the inner layer - denoted by the letter "E".
Types of Ruberoid on the type of sprinkling
The quality and material of the sprinkling is noted in the marking 3 in the account of the letter. According to the standards, the values \u200b\u200bare as follows:
- M - sand fine-grained powder;
- P - Cretaceous, Talc or Dolomitic Dusty Running;
- F - foil layer;
- H - scaly powder based on mineral crumbs;
- K - granite large-scale sprinkle;
- C is a decorative multi-colored powder.
Important! Most often today is used by a universal roofing roofing with a dust-free spript, but the rest of the options are also constantly on sale and find their consumers. The correctness of the choice can be determined only for a specific roof project. Therefore, if not sure what kind of material you need, be sure to consult the seller or professional builders.
Typrokeroid types of material
To understand what kind of roofing runner you better buy, find out the features of the structure of all types of this material present in the market today. Depending on the component composition and the principle of laying, such types are divided:
- Tol. This type is used in more measure as waterproofing. Its base is a cardboard sheet, which is impregnated with tar and poured with a dusty crumb. Its strength is relatively low, and storage is allowed exclusively in a vertical position.
- Liquid. He became an excellent alternative to the rolled backrueroid and is used everywhere today for waterproofing and creating a bulk roof. The range of application is expanded to the ability to repair asphalt roads and anti-corrosion protection of metal structures. The main component of this material is liquid rubber. It is applied with a coating by roller or brush or the method of staining from the sprayer. Features of the composition and principle of use provide very high performance:
- excellent elasticity;
- resistance to ruptures and cracks;
- the absolute integrity of the coating without seams, which completely eliminates the penetration of moisture, garbage and dust under the layer;
- maintainability - the update procedure is maximum simple and consists only in applying a new layer along the same technology, without removing the previous coating.
- Euro. This roofing rheoreoid is the most commonly used today. Its main components are fiberglass, polyester, blend of bitumen with polymers. Technology of use - sticking after heating the lower adhesive layer with a gas burner, which is why it is also called the state-called rubberoid.
- Gymelockeroid. This material is made of fiberglass, covering its fine-flowing crumbs of natural minerals. Great for decoration and waterproofing protection of pitched roofs with a steep slope.
- Self-adhesive rubberoid. The easiest option that is suitable even for the arrangement of the roof of wood. Fixation is carried out by the adhesive lower layer, which is required to be released before use - for this, the protective film is removed. Excellent softness and plasticity in combination with strength and resistance to deformation makes it very practical and maintainable. But the price is somewhat higher than usual, since the design is distinguished by a large variety of calpers and pattern.
Important! In addition to directly roofing rules, there are 2 more types of other purposes:
- Barulin. It is made from asbestos, impregnated with bitumen. Allows you to create high-quality waterproofing when laying pipelines and the construction of bridges.
- Hydroisol. The basis of this species is asbestous cardboard. It is impregnated with oil bitumen to enhance it, and the top layer is created from the refractory pure bitumen. The main purpose is waterproofing walls.
Ruberoid parameters
All sizes of roofing ruler, regardless of the brand of the manufacturer, are standardized. The release of this product is carried out with the following ratings:
- roll width - 1050, 1025, 1000 mm;
- material area in 1 roll - 7.5-20 m2;
- weight 1 roll - 26-30 kg.
Important! The packaging of the liquid rubberoid is carried out in banks and buckets of 1-200 liters.
Marking Ruberoid
To quickly figure out which ruleroid for specifically your goal is suitable, according to the following recommendations directly by labeling:
- For the upper layers of roofing carpet, the material is suitable:
- with large-scale mining type of the type RKK-420 (A, B), RKK-350B;
- with scaly powder brand RCCH 350B;
- with dust-like mineral powder type RKP-350 (A, B) and Lining brands RPP-300 (A, B);
- with colored mineral sprinkling for operation in the climatic conditions of the southern regions, an excellent decision of the RC-420;
- liquid rubberoid marking RK 420-1, RK 500-2.
- For a lining layer, with heavy loads and natural changes, it is recommended to use:
- elastic roofing rubberoid with dust-like rashring of the RPE-300 brand;
- liquid roofing regularoid with abbreviation PM 500-2, RM 420-1, RM 350-1.
Now you know all the necessary information on the roofing ruler, so you can easily understand the so-wide range in the market. Follow the terms of installation and operating rules, and the roof from the frontierooroid reliably and for a long time will protect your home and you yourself from any unfavorable moments.