Replacing glass in interior door: step-by-step instruction Doors

Glass broke in the interior door? This does not mean that your doors with glass interior are not subject to recovery. It is possible to replace the glass with your own hands, and the door will be like new. It all depends on how bold man you are to take up such work. Working with glass implies certain skills. It is necessary to follow safety. The ability to replace glass at home depends on how the glass was initially established. An important aspects are: the method of fastening the glass and the type of door. Let's deal with what can be taken in each particular case.
Replacing glass in interior door: classic rectangle
The rectangular glass replacement procedure is not complicated. The main thing is to do everything methodically and according to the instructions.
- Shardings can be dangerous. Gently remove fragments from the door, collect them from the floor. To remove fragments from the door, loosen a slightly stroke mount (about how to remove the strokes, see below). Observe the security technique: put on working gloves. Reminder: Before throwing out a broken glass, measure its thickness.
- Remove the door from the loops and put on a flat horizontal surface. If it is possible, perform work in the workshop, and not in the residential room.
- If the glass has been fixed on the stroke, carefully unscrew the screws on which they hold. If decorative screws should be saved. Conventional screws to check for rust and replace items. Most often, the strokes are fixed with nails. Then the pliers and the chisel will be needed. The chisel is approaching the stroke and gradually loosen it. At the same time, the nail hat becomes available for the gripping pliers. Thus, you remove all nails and take off the strokes.
- Decorative headquarters preferably keep them to secure new glass. The headquarters on interior doors are rarely susceptible to rotting, as it happens on window glass. Problems that can meet: scratched or broken staps. Usually scratches can be painted with varnish. The broken strokes are also possible to glue, and gluing places to scratch or smelting out with a wax pencil in color.
- Remove the old putty (or sealant) using the chisel, knife or seer.
- Measure the height and width of the opening for glass. Make sure that the glass is strictly rectangular, measuring the height and width in different places of the opening. With a little error, it can be neglected, specifying a smaller length and width when ordering. Insufficient tightness is compensated by silicone and strokes. The big error (more than 5 mm) will require a glass order in the form of a trapezoid. The result and speed of subsequent work depends on the accuracy of your measurements. Therefore, we assume to this procedure scrupulously.
- For glass, which was inserted into the groove. Add to altitude the depth of the cells in which the glass was on top and bottom. And to the width to add the depth of the cells to the left and right. It is important that the size of the glass is 1-2 mm less needed, it will facilitate the insertion into the grooves. Worse, if you specify the size more necessary: \u200b\u200bthe glass will have to be short.
- Order Glass in a special workshop. Perhaps instead of a broken glass you want to put a frozen glass, print, mirror or stained glass window. Check out the photo of interroom doors with glass in various variations, before making a choice. Choosing, consider in which room there is a door: in the nursery it is necessary to insert glass with a film.
- It happens that in the garage just worth a forgotten cut glass, almost suitable in size. It is necessary to reduce it a bit. When cutting the glass necessarily wear safety glasses: even small fragments are capable of hard to damage the eyes. At the end of working with glass, spend thorough cleaning. After cutting the glass, treat the edge with a file.
- Fix the stroke on one side of the door. Insert glass. If there are grooves, it is desirable to apply silicone in advance for stability and tightness. Fix the glass by the staps on the other side.
New heads preferably paint the door of the door. Use the simulars or special varnish.
Replacing glass with increasing opening
Suppose that after the shards from the glass are removed, you will want to make the door upgrade: change the shape or size of the doorway. It is possible to replace the glass in the interior door with increasing opening with your own hands.
- Remove the door from the loops and place it horizontally. Remove the strokes and glass (if the glass was not broken). The strokes, alas, will not be useful, so when dismantling can not be accurate. It is advisable not to damage the door cloth, especially in the place that you do not plan to trim.
- Draw on the door to the future opening. At the same time, follow the rules: the remaining part of the door should not be less than 15 cm on the sides and at the top, and at least 40 cm below.
- The opening begin to cut from the corners using the drill. Press should not be too strong.
- After spending the holes in the corners, the other parts of the opening cut out the jigsaw.
- We open in the hollow door (or doors with filler) close the end inserts. You can use a timber or pieces from the cut part of the door as inserts.
- Measure the height and width of the opening to order the glass. Also measure the thickness of the door to order the headquarters. The stroke width is calculated as follows. From the thickness of the door, deduct the glass thickness and divide two.
- Orders the glass or cut the desired size yourself (see the instructions above).
- Mount the stroke on one side of the door.
- Install the glass in the opening.
- Close the glass of the staps on the other side.
- Collect the strokes (or the entire door) with a special varnish or verse.
Collapsible door
This option is available for self-replacement, unless of course the design of the door is not too intricate. The process of replacing the glass is not complicated. It is difficult to disassemble and collect anew such door. But if they still decided, act as follows.
- Miss all the screws.
- Carefully disassemble the design. If there are many parts, draw the assembly scheme. You can also post items in a certain order so that when assembling it is not confused.
- Measure, order and insert a new glass (or glass).
- Collect the design anew.
Sometimes the door design can be fairly puzzling. It is advisable to set the difficulty before you start the disassembly process. Because risks more harm than to improve. Better to order professionals inserting glass into the interroom door. The issue price will be less than if experts will correct your unqualified repairs.
Sliding interroom door
To replace glass or mirrors in the sliding door, it will also be necessary to disassemble the entire door. And again, if you are not sure, you are completely in your abilities, trust the process of professional collectors of sliding doors. You wish to independently implement the entire replacement process - be sure to perform it with a partner.
- First, remove the door from the profile grooves.
- Glass or mirror in the sliding door is protected by a special film. This makes it easier to remove it, since the fragments are not scattered. Carefully measure the broken glass and order a replacement (be sure to specify the presence of a protective film). In addition to glass, you may need to order a silicone seal to insert if the old one has failed.
- Putting on the glass on the glass Remember the rule: it should be 5mm in short, the width of the mirror. To do this, make measurements in advance and cut the desired length.
- If the glass is installed between other types of filler (chipboard or MDF) connect these views on the horizontal surface.
- The horizontal profile must be fill on the collected filling with the help of a queen. Carefully! There are no cases when it is during this process that the glass is broken.
Installation of the vertical profile and rollers is made according to the standard assembly scheme of sliding doors.
What is impossible to do yourself
Types of glass that are difficult or impossible to install at home: triplex, glass with photo printing, some types of stained glass windows. Of course, much depends on the magnitude of the glass and the complexity of its attachment. But the main reason is not even in attachment, but in the value of these types of glass. An unqualified approach to the installation is fraught with burst glass and cash costs.
Another option that is difficult to fulfill at home. The glass is fixed in the door with hidden wedges that are inserted into a special groove. This is the so-called hidden glass fixation. The process of extracting wedges is better to entrust specialists.
You can not replace the glass in the radius door, corrugated or intricate form. Such a replacement will have to be ordered from specialists. And the work is not performed at home. Sometimes to insert the glass into the interior door can only manufacturer.