What to buy impregnation for a tree. Characteristics and impregnation paints and varnishes

The tree is one of the most ancient building materials after stone and clay. In the entire history of the practice of construction of wood, a person gained extensive experience in handling this material, found out how to make it more durable and durable. One of these moments is the use of impregnation for wood. What it is and how to choose the desired composition you will learn by reading this article.
Main characteristics
Wood is a unique building material that has a lot of positive qualities that are valued at all times. In the houses built of wood, the natural and most comfortable level of humidity, heat, in the air always enough oxygen is always observed. The use of special wood breeds allows you to create a special healing atmosphere due to microscopic volatile substances and resins that have favorably affect health.
But, despite the mass of obvious advantages, wood has its own minuses. So, if you do not comply with precautions, the tree will deteriorate from moisture, fungi, mold, fire, insects or rodents. And if earlier people used to protect any suitable means, then today it is enough to handle the tree impregnation.
You can buy impregnation for wood in any large construction store or supermarket. This is a special composition designed to protect the structure of the tree from the devastating environmental influence, biological factors or fire. Depending on the components in the composition or purpose distinguish several types of impregnations. So, some are made on an oil basis, others - omnipient or organic.
The following groups distinguish with the purpose:
- antipirens - do not give a tree to burn;
- antiseptics - disinfect wood;
- antiatosphea - protect against the negative impact of precipitation;
- combined - universal compositions of a wide range of impact.
Types of impregnations
Consider each of the groups in more detail.
Antipirens for wood
The main purpose of this group of impregnates is to protect the tree from fire or any combustion processes (drainage). They contain special components that begin to melt with increasing temperature, thus creating a durable film on the surface of the tree. It covers oxygen access to wood, and without oxygen, as is known, fire is impossible. Firepart impregnation for wood is mandatory should be used in the construction or repair of log cabins, as a guarantee of further security.
Antiseptics for wood
Impregnation-antiseptics are designed to protect the tree from decomposition, rotting and other types of biological damage. The composition contains biocides (potent poisons), which effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms, including insects, without giving them to multiply and destroy the tree from the inside.
The most popular impregnation-antiseptics: Prim, White, Biosept, Biote-stone, Tikkurila, Senezhek, Aquatex.
Anti-nimsorphic impregnions
Impregnations that serve to protect wood from the negative impact of the environment, in particular - atmospheric precipitation. The compositions protect the structure from the formation of cracks, drying and other deformations. The main disadvantage of these impregnations is that after processing them, wood loses aesthetic species, and also impairs its qualitative characteristics. To protect the tree from the water, the best option is the complete impregnation - immersion in the bath or autoclave.
Water-repellent impregnation for wood is a solution that increases the strength of the material and its resistance to water. Such formulations significantly extend the timing of the construction of structures from the tree. The most popular on the Russian market are solutions from ticcury.
Very often, the water-repellent means for wood includes metal oxide that protect the material from the destructive ultraviolet radiation, burnout, drying out. At the same time, oxide give an impregnation for wood color. Depending on the metal, the color may vary from light yellow to dark bordeed, blue or purple. Thus, you can not only protect the tree, but also give it an original appearance.
Combined impregnions
Combined impregnations are compositions that are aimed at protecting wood from several factors, for example, from fire and bacteria or water and the formation of fungi. In places with high humidity and risk of a tree infection by mold, such an impregnation will have to be likewise.
Criteria for impregnation
Before choosing the desired protective solution, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. So, if you choose an impregnation made on a water basis, an additional drying will be required, which can lead to wood deformation.
With antiseptic impregnation on a water basis, you can handle the lining for runs, the runs themselves, the panels of partitions, lags, beams, bars or transverse strips. That is, you can process elementary structures that cannot be deformed or the curvature of which will not affect special damage.
Oil compositions are distinguished by an affordable resistant odor, which is difficult to disperse, so such impregnation for wood for internal works is better not to use. Moreover, oil-based solutions are very easily flammored, toxins are ejected into the air and extremely slowly dry. After processing such impregnation with the tree, it is almost impossible to work - paint, process, etc. Thus, oil impregnations are suitable only for those wooden elements that are on the street and regularly in contact with water.
Choosing an antiseptic impregnation for wood should be tailored to the wood of wood, since different types have a different degree of resistance to biological destroyers:
- "Weak" wood - aspen, alder, clutch linden, birch kernel (tree is strongly susceptible to rotting);
- low resistant wood - birch and buoyat, maple, oak, elm core;
- medium - spruce, cedar swamp, larch, fir;
- resistant to rotting wood - pine, oak and larch core, ash.
Different wood species absorb protective compositions in different ways, which should also be considered when choosing impregnation. There are three groups of wood in difficulty absorption:
- difficult - oak core, beech core and ash, spruce (very dense wood);
- medium (moderate) - alder, maple swamp, core of pine, aspen, linden;
- lightweight - pine swamp, birch, beech.
Impregnation with your own hands
The price of impregnation for wood depends on the appointment and composition, but you can save and make a simple protective mixture with your own hands. In any case, the impregnation will be cheaper than the most budget purchased option.
The main component of such impregnation - bitumen.
- In an unnecessary old metal bucket pour bitumen.
- Put a bucket on fire and bring bitumen to boil.
- Remove the bucket with a fire and a thin flowing, stirring, pour the diesel fuel to the mixture not thickening even after cooling.
Homemade impregnation for wood is ready! Only two elementary ingredients, and the tree can be protected from moisture, fire and damage to parasites. Penetration of such impregnation is about 6 mm, while wood will "breathe".
To make quick-drying impregnation, bitumen should be diluted with non-saline, but gasoline. But in this case, heated the composition is not worth - the bitumen should dissolve in gasoline. After processing a tree, it can be painted with such a solution, cover enamel and primed. In no case do not use nitroquiques and paints!
Precautionary measures
Any impregnation for wood is an outer or inner, antipiren or antiseptic, contain hazardous chemicals that can harm human health. Therefore, during processing, you must remember the safety measures and strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Before buying, study information about the degree of toxicity of the composition and the possibility of using it within the house (if you choose for internal works).
Be sure to follow the storage and disposal of the unused means so as not to damage the ecology (not to drain into the sewer, do not dispose of water bodies, etc.).
The impregnation for wood is a necessary measure of protection with modern construction. Despite the presence of hazardous chemicals in the composition, it allows you to significantly increase the operating time of buildings and secure the dwelling from fires and atmospheric phenomena.