Using rubble in construction. The use of gravel rubble Building materials

What types of work use crushed stone? This question in one form or another arises from any developer who begins the construction of his own home and selects the necessary building materials. There is extremely many options for its use and some of them can be found in this article in detail.
Varieties of rubble
The material obtained by crushing the rock rock is called rubble. Depending on the size of the produced fragments, it is divided into fractions with various gradations.
Not only the sizes of this material differ, but also the rocks of which it was produced.
Granite crushed stone is mined by crushing natural granite. In such a material, many minerals (sword, quartz, mica) and it is considered one of the highest quality.
Limestone crushed stone is obtained as a result of crushing limestone (calcium carbonate), which is also a rock, but not volcanic, and sedimentary origin.
Gravel crushed stone is made from ordinary river pebbles and gravel.
Secondary cruspat is obtained as a result of processing old concrete or brick structures, which are crushed and sorted depending on the magnitude of the fractions.
Slag crushed stone is the result of crushing metal slags, which are obtained in the process of smelting cast iron.
Using rubble depending on the magnitude of the fractions
0-5 mm. The crushed stone of this fraction is used mainly as decorative. This is the so-called screening, which automatically turns out when sorting in gradations. Using explosion both for swelling of the tracks in the garden and sports grounds and for the manufacture of certain types of concrete products. In road construction, it is used as a drainage when laying the ground trails.
5-20 mm. The most popular fraction that applies almost at all stages of construction from concrete:
- Concrete production: Crushed stone is mixed with cement, sand and water at the rate of 4 / 1/2 / 0.5, where 4 is crushed stone, 1 - cement, 2 - sand, 0.5 - water. The brand of the obtained concrete depends on the quality of cement and the breed of rubble. The use of granite rubble to obtain high-quality brands is considered strictly mandatory.
- Filling the foundation. Crushed stone 5-20 mm is used to prepare a cement mixture. The solution is prepared in proportions 2/2/1/1, where 2, it is crushed stone and sand, and 1 - water and cement. First, all dry materials are thoroughly mixed and, only after that, water is added.
- Sweep road. In great demand, secondary crushed stone, which was obtained as a result of crushing dismantled asphalt layers is enjoyed. The canvas road falls asleep asphalt crumbs and pass on it with a rink.
- Airfield coatings. For stacking concrete coating on the runway, crushed stone is taken, which has high strength characteristics. Most often for the production of this type of work, crushed stone is used granite or gravel. This fraction is only suitable for laying a second layer of two-layer coating, a crushed stone is much larger at the first level.
20-40 mm. It is considered an average fraction and is widely used both for swelling under the canvas of future roads and for laying the foundation of large industrial buildings, where the load on the base is very significant. Also, the tramways and railways are added rubble.
20-70 mm. This fraction is used to work with large volumes of concrete when erecting large-scale structures, bridges and laying the first layer of concrete coating at airfields.
70 mm and above. It is mainly decorative and used for finishing and decorating pools and reservoirs, as well as for work with landscaped design and alpine slides.
Detailed gravel gravel characteristics
Gravel crushed stone deserves to write about him in more detail, because in terms of its strength characteristics, it is unsolved inferior to the granite, and according to some indicators even surpasses it.
- Gravel crushed stone has an extremely low level of radioactivity, which in the light of an unfavorable environmental situation makes its use in construction most useful. The same granite crushed stone has an increased radiation background, which makes it unwanted its use in private buildings.
- Gravel crushed stone to buy much easier and more profitable than crumb from granite. The dried beds of the rivers where the material for crushing is produced, there is in any edge of the country, so the price of this material is not high at all.
- The scope of its application is extremely wide and diverse. Gravel seference (small rolled river pebbles), obtained by sieving career rocks, will be an excellent finishing material when designing cottages and a garden. Tracks, covered with small river pebbles, will have a stylish and well-groomed look, and homemade reservoir, decorated with a river rubble, will cause delight of all guests. If desired, you can pick up various color combinations of rubble. It can have different color characteristics produced in different careers, of which it is completely easy to lay out the original pattern.