Wax for wood: application features paints and varnishes

In order to protect the wooden surfaces from the destruction and extension of their exploitation, they are processed by wax. This material is used in natural form or in the form of special mixtures. On the features of applying wax on wooden products Talk further.
Wax for wood - Properties and recipes Preparation of polishing mixtures
The use of wax is wide enough: in cosmetology, medicine, industry, etc. It is especially good when covering wooden surfaces, as it is able to give a new life to the tree, improve its quality characteristics and appearance.
In the composition of bee wax there are certain substances in the form of esters, free fatty acids, hydrocarbons. The wax is practically no oxidized, and therefore it is capable of maintaining its properties throughout hundreds and even thousands of years.
Since one of the properties of wax is driving, its boiling temperature is too high. In addition, the bee wax is characterized by moisture-repellent properties. Due to the good interaction with various types of solvents, a variety of emulsions are made of it. Wax covered tree becomes silky and brilliant.
In addition, its use is able to replace lacquer, which in some cases contains harmful substances, is distinguished by the presence of an unpleasant odor. Wax, on the contrary, has a pleasant honey aroma.
We offer to familiarize yourself with several types of recipes based on natural bees wax, which will help make a polishing mixture for applying on wooden surfaces:
- The traditional recipe for polishing mixture includes one part of the wax and one part of the turpidar added in equal proportions. For a start, the wax will crumble and melts on a water bath or using a microwave oven. Note that turpentine is a fireproof material, so when working with it should comply with certain rules and carry out work in a well ventilated room. Gradually fill the fluid in the form of a turpidar into a melted mixture of wax, while carrying out constant stirring. Leave the composition until complete cooling.
- In addition, it is possible to replace the turpentine more modern types of solvents. Since the substance in the form of a turbidar is distinguished by the presence of negative properties that cause allergic eye and skin reactions. Great with the replacement of turpentine oil made of nuts, olives, coconut, citrus, etc.
- For the preparation of the simplest recipe for the polishing mixture for wooden surfaces, olive oil and natural wax are used. Use 2 s. l. wax and 7 tbsp. l. olive oil. Olive oil is added in the crowny wax. Put the container with the composition on the water bath or in the microwave for dissolution. A variant of adding a different kind of extracts is possible.
- This polishing mixture recipe is perfect for processing all sorts of wooden parts that are located in the children's room. For its preparation, it will take: 100 mg of wax; 300 ml jojoba oil; 1 ampoule vitamin E.
Take care of the creeping wax and its melting on a water bath. Mix the wax with jojoba oil.
Tip: constantly stir the finished mixture to its complete cooling. Otherwise, wax will be folded.
To change the consistency of the mixture, use additional additives and adjust the amount of oil and wax.
To store these compositions, it is enough to pour them into glass or metal jars. Leave them in a dark and warm place. The shelf life of the composition based on olive oil is 12 months, and on the basis of jojoba oil - 24 months.
To process wood wax, use a brush or soft cloth. With the help of wax, wood texture is greatly restored, scuffs, various kinds of defects are removed, the color acquires saturation and soft shade.
How to cover a tree wax: Application on parquet
We offer to familiarize yourself with the wax wax oil application procedure on the floor, made from the parquet board.
Before starting work, it is required to prepare the surface to apply this composition. For applying wax oil used unearned her previously wood. Since using impregnations, primers, varnishes and other similar compositions, the pores are closed, and this prevents the penetration of wax into a wooden texture. To change the color of the tree, it is necessary to pre-cover the surface of the mourn.
The first stage of work is assumed to perform surface grinding. It is produced vertically to the fibers. It is better to use the grinding machine, as the paper is able to leave scratches on the surface. When grinding, which is carried out in parallel with fibers, scratches become invisible, and the tree acquires a pleasant texture.
The following is required to clean the surface from dust, which remained after performing grinding.
To obtain the maximum effect of the manifestation of wood structure, the wax oil is applied immediately after performing work on the grinding of the tree. So exactly at this time, all the pores that are in the wood become open.
Wax oil application technologies on the surface of parquet and furniture are slightly different. Since when performing work on the parquet floor, it first polishes the drum grinding machine, then it is once again polished by the grain grinding machine. In addition, it is possible to carry out grinding one more time. Further, the parquet is polished by a flat-grinding machine, then the planetary grinder. The surface receives perfect grinding. With the help of finishing grinding, it turns out to get rid of all kinds of scratches and other small defects.
The finishing stage of the parquet base is performed by polishing. For this, the grid is used, the grain of which is 120 and higher. With the help of a vacuum cleaner, clean the surface from dust and dirt. Next, coating wood wax.
Features of the impregnation of wood wax
The main advantage of the coating of wooden surfaces wax is that this material does not cover the texture, but absorbed into the tree, thereby allowing it to breathe. Thus, a wooden texture is clearly visible to the touch. In addition, the tree is characterized by good resistance to everyday loads.
The wax is well suited for the newly made wooden furniture, it is with its help her the finished and beautiful appearance attached.
There is a wide variety of mixtures, as the main component of which is the wax. They have various forms:
- pasty;
- creamy;
- oil.
To maximize the absorption of furniture wax to the tree, take care of the surface preparation, thanks to which all the pores of the tree become open.
The most suitable basis for applying wax is the newly made furniture made of wood, which was not covered yet.
If the furniture is lacquered or polished, then it will be necessary to remove the upper part of the coating, using various kinds of solvents. Take care of the multiple application of this tool, which will help to completely get rid of the layer of varnish or polishing.
To remove traces of cleaning, use warm water, and to get rid of the residues of the politico, it is enough to walk on the surface of sandpaper.
Next, the use of a brush with a rigid bristle, which will help remove the grooves, the remains of the old solvent and the garbage.
When the surface will eat well, polish it with sandpaper shallow fraction. Treat the surface extremely vertically with respect to the fibers. As a result, a uniform surface that has perfect smoothness is obtained. To remove wood dust and chips, use a rigid brush.
In the process of influencing the furniture of solar radiation, moisture and other factors, it will have uneven color and darkened areas. Since it does not manage to disguise dark spots and color defects using wax, it is necessary to pre-take care of the whitening of the tree. To do this, you will need to purchase a suitable bleach, and following the instructions specified by the manufacturer, make whitening.
In order to buy wax for wood, contact a specialized furniture or shopping store. The wax price for wood is determined by the type of material, its shape, consistency, the presence of various types of additives and the manufacturer.
There is a wide variety of different types of wax. In a consistency ratio, certain means are used to apply.
When using a liquid wax for a tree, it is applied with a brush, exclusively in the direction of fibers. In addition, for a semi-liquid type of wax, a cloth is used, with which the application procedure becomes more convenient. The liquid type of wax allows you to process the most hard-to-reach sections, so this form is the most optimal for furniture processing.
There are variants of solid wax for wood that is diluted with ordinary water. In this case, the consistency of the composition chooses directly a person who puts it on the surface. In addition, water allows you to choose an optimal shade for a tree. This type of wax is applied evenly with a thin layer.
After applying wax to the surface, it is necessary to wait at least an hour in order for it to absorb. Next, you should take care of the removal of surplus, which spoil the appearance of the surface. A tree after such a processing will have a pleasant matte texture. In order to give it the shine, it is necessary to repeat the wax applying procedure again. In this case, the wax is practically not absorbed into the tree, but will remain on its surface as a thin film. This layer does not require removal, it is polished with the help of a cloth or a thin metal wire.
Colored wax for wood allows you to paint the surface or give it the necessary tint. The cost of this type of wax is slightly higher than the price of white wax for wood, but its composition is capable of significantly improving the appearance of the surface.
Application of wax for wood inside and outside the room
In a ratio with the type of wax use, formulations are isolated for operation inside and outside the room.
Wax on a tree for exterior work involves using it in a complex with oil. The scope of these materials is limited by wooden facades, summer cottages and garden houses, gazebos, fences and other wooden structures that are on the street.
This variety of wax is widespread during surface treatment, which are under constant influence of external factors. Such a wax ensures reliable protection of the tree from moisture, temperature drops, various types of microorganisms and ultraviolet radiation.
These compositions, except wax, include:
- natural oils: linen, taking, nut or soy;
- substances that ensure the preservation of the color of the tree and their protection against microorganisms, fungus and mold;
- light-resistant mineral pigments that provide protection from the sun.
After applying this kind of coating, the tree retains the original appearance of the minimum of 5 years.
To apply wax oil on a wooden surface, follow the instructions:
1. Clean the dry wooden surface. If there is paint or varnish coating, remove it completely.
2. To apply the product using a brush or roller. The temperature of the environment should be at least 9 degrees and the wood humidity - 19%.
3. Before applying the composition of the mix well.
4. Apply oil wax at least 2 layers. Drying time for each of them - 12 hours. In the presence of moist weather or low temperature drying time increases.
Such coverage is distinguished by the variety of colors, among which are:
- amethyst,
- white,
- colorless;
- adriatic, etc.
By using the wax is treated for interior surface of various kinds of wood which are indoors and not exposed to external factors such as the sun, and temperature differences.
The scope of use of the wax:
- coating wooden walls, floors and roofs;
- applying to the wood paneling of walls and roofs;
- panel processing, furniture, ceilings;
- applying to the wood surface that is not exposed to constant humidity.
Among the advantages of wax for wood should be noted:
- ecological material used;
- the use of natural-based diluent;
- absolute safety for people, especially for young children;
- presence of different water-repellent, dirt-protecting properties;
- the presence of a nice glossy shine wax;
- there is no need for constant rubbing;
- speed of drying;
- a variety of colors and shades.