Jute Meznets Heater: Characteristics, Advantages, Installation Insulation

The construction of any wooden house provides for the implementation of thermal insulation works. One of the most effective materials for these purposes is a jute insulation.
Types of jute seals
The raw material for the manufacture of thermal insulation material is the fibers of an annual plant, which is called jute. A plant grows in a warm and wet subtropical climate grows. Bangladesh and India possess the greatest scenes.
From jute fibers, three types of insulation are produced:
- tow;
- felt;
- len-jute.
Pacle Sealer.
This material fully consists of a cheap jute. It is the most economical option for houses erected from ordinary logs or timber.
The main distinguishing feature of the pacular is pretty high strength and density (550-600 gr / m²). Sailing jute fibers is carried out using a special unit. Therefore, they do not rush and retain their natural properties.
Insulation Felt
The felt includes:
- jute (85-90%);
- len (10-15%).
Material is most attractive and hard. Flax acts as a binder element. Among the flaws of the felt should be noted the possibility of its sip.
Insulation Len-Jute
It is a combined tape insulation. In most cases, the material consists of equal parts of the jute and flax. Although some manufacturers produce Leng-jute in different proportions of the feedstock.
The insulation has absorbed the best quality jute and flax. Thanks to the presence of jute fibers, a hard "framework" is obtained. Lena plays the role of filler. As a result, thermal insulation material is obtained, which is practically not frozen and serves a long period of time.
Characteristics of jute insulation
The jute interventic insulation is used for thermal insulation of various wooden buildings:
- buildings from a rounded, profiled and chopped timber;
- houses from logs or timber who have hidden longitudinal grooves;
- manual-crushed buildings (garage, bath, household buildings).
According to its chemical and physical characteristics, the jute insulation is largely similar to the wood. Being a natural "breathable" material, it will contribute to the creation of a healthy and comfortable microclimate in the house.
The main characteristics of the jute insulation:
- density - 400-800 gr. / m²;
- the average thickness of the canvas is 8-10 mm;
- length and width of the tape - 10-50 m;
- material width -4-22 cm;
- golden color;
- the proportion of lignin is 13%;
- the moisture content in the insulation does not exceed 20% at air humidity up to 80%.
Especially indispensable insulating material from jute when blewing bath. After all, high humidity and specific temperature indoors make it impossible to use seals made from synthetic materials.
Use of interventory insulation for timber:
- allows you to abandon the cacopa of the walls;
- makes uniform filling of the slots between the crowns and the jacks between the timber.
Benefits of material
Interventical thermal insulation material made from jute is completely resistant to the negative impact of natural factors. He is not terrible either moisture nor the wind. The insulation does not scatter and does not accumulate dust.
In addition, the material has more advantages:
- long operational period;
- high strength;
- elasticity;
- homogeneity;
- economy;
- excellent hygroscopicity;
- resistant to the appearance of mold and fungi;
- ease of transportation;
- affordable price of jute insulation.
Due to the presence in the jute natural antiseptic lignin wood is absolutely protected from injuries insects and the harmful effects of other microorganisms. The insulation pretty quickly absorbs moisture, taking it in such a way from wood. In this case, the drying of the material also occurs in the shortest possible time.
Laying the insulating material from Jute also has its own "pros". In particular, they include:
- speed and simplicity of installation work;
- ease of drilling material without breaking and winding on the drill;
- simplicity cutting without mechanical damage;
- an ordinary building stapler is used for attachment.
Technology laying insulation from jute
Buy interventian jute insulation will not be much difficulty. A small complexity is associated with the implementation of installation work. First of all, it should be noted that laying of thermal insulation material can be produced in three ways. A specific way depends on the variety of timber, from which the house was erected.
Jute insulation is located in a groove of a bar or logs:
- Without bends. Used in the construction of buildings from ordinary logs or profiled glued timber.
- With one-sided bend. It is used when insulating houses made of planed timber.
- With double-sided bend. The optimal solution for homes, during the construction of which was used chopped timber or rounded logs.
From the type of timber, from which the house is built, the thickness of the jute insulation tape is also built:
- 5 mm - for buildings from glued timber;
- 8-10 mm - for houses from a standard bar;
- over 15 mm - for the buildings of chopped wood.
The process of laying the heat-insulating material itself provides the following actions:
- focused on Brusa or distribution for interventovate logic groove;
- fixation material stapler to cut;
- installation of the next log (cut);
- circumcision of jute on the edges of the crowns;
- the bending of the protruding parts of the insulation inside the cut.
When building houses from a rounded log or glued bar, laying a jute heat insulator can be carried out by one layer. When using conventional timber facilities, the insulation is laid in two layers.
The only requirement that should be observed in the process of performing work is absolutely complete filling with the jute of all grooves in the Siruba.
When the final construction of the walls occurs, the thermal insulation material will be subjected to the maximum seal under the weight of the bar (logs). The straight edges of the insulation will give the walls attractive, and the joints are a smooth and neat appearance.
Video on the installation of interventovascular jute insulation: