Installation of a furnace in a wooden house Baths, saunas and pools

In every country house there must be heating, and often the only source of heat and comfort is the oven. If it is not possible to connect to the central heating system, you must install the stove, fireplace or boiler. In this article we will tell in detail how to install the stove in a wooden house.
Types of stoves
If you have not yet decided on what kind of oven you want to see in your house, you should know about some features of using different designs. There are many classifications, but the main one shares all the furnaces on brick and metal.
Each of these materials has its own characteristics that affect the efficiency of heating. The brick oven in a wooden house is a classic. Previously, such structures were erected from homemade clay bricks burned in a fire. The stoves were very large, had cooking surfaces, bake compartments (brass cabinets), a place for sleep and recreation could be on top.
An interesting fact: in the old days they built a stove, and the walls and the rest of the house were built around it. All because she was so massive that he needed a very powerful personal foundation.
Advantages of a brick oven in a wooden house:
- The brick cools for a very long time, which means that the stove will warm longer, even after the decay of the fire.
- The big furnace is able to heat the whole house in several floors.
- The brick is not late, so the floors, the walls and the ceiling are not needed from fire.
- The cost of construction is quite low, if you make a masonry with your own hands. A refractory burned brick is suitable for work, but even it can be done on his own, saving and in building materials. In the article "Machine for bricks do it yourself" You can find a lot of useful information on this topic.
Unfortunately, brick furnaces are not devoid of flaws. Among them, it is possible to distinguish the fact that for the design it is necessary to build a powerful stable foundation. If you just fold the stove on the floor in the house, then the base may not withstand, and the entire building turns or see deeper into the ground. The foundation for a brick furnace should be monolithic on a reinforced concrete plate with solid blown in the ground. About a third of the total cost is given to it.
Also, the laying itself has its own specifics, so you need to get the appropriate skills and knowledge. Making a full-fledged oven in a wooden house with your own hands - a responsible event, so it is possible to practice, building a summer kitchen. Start acquaintance with the profession of the cook we recommend from the article " Kuznetsov furnaces. Design, drawings, spokes».
And the last drawback is a brick oven takes a lot of space, so it will be necessary to take a spacious room for her.
The metal furnace in a wooden house will require less space, but its installation and use have their own nuances. For the manufacture of such structures, cast iron is used or profiled steel. The wall thickness can vary from 3 to 5 mm. They are always done double so that the air layer between the sheets does not allow the outer shell to crack. Thus, the room is protected from fire, and tenants - from a heat strike.
What are the good metal stoves:
- They have a more aesthetic appearance than brick structures. Polyma metal allows you to build the housing of the original shapes and sizes.
- A durable cast-iron furnace in a wooden house with careful operation will last no less than 50 years without repair.
- In most modern metal models there are automatic temperature control systems, that is, if necessary, you can slightly set the heat or to seduce the flame.
- The cost of such products is rather low, especially considering technical specifications, aesthetics and durability.
- Metal stoves quickly heat the room regardless of the fuel used.
Unfortunately, the metal design is cooled as quickly, as heated, so if the harsh cold winter in the evening does not throw firewood into the fire, it will be cool in the morning in the house. It follows the following drawback - metal furnaces can not warm large rooms. They are ideal for cozy living rooms and kitchens, but not for big halls.
But the main reason why many people think three times before getting a metal stove - a high risk of fire. However, if you provide all operating conditions, you can not worry about it. It is enough not to install the furnace next to easily flammable surfaces and objects. Wooden walls of the house near her it is better to protect the apron from the ceramic tile, having previously treated with the flame.
In addition, the safety of the operation of furnace equipment largely depends on the model. For a wooden house, the following types of structures are best suited:
- Traditional Russian oven, on which you can cook food, sleep, dry clothes, etc. Perfectly complement the interior in the classic folk style.
- The furnace-fireplace, which is simultaneously a heat source and decorative interior decoration. The fire is fend off from the living space with heat resistant glass.
- The cast-iron oven in a wooden house will help create a cozy atmosphere. A variety of models allows you to choose an option for any interior. Especially beautiful such stoves look in chalet and loft houses.
Useful Tip: Install an open fireplace without heat-resistant glass will be not the best idea, so if you like the appearance of such designs, put a fireplace furnace in a wooden house.
Security measures
So, when you have decided on the model of the future stove, you should familiarize yourself with the safety technique. Installation can not at all at any point of the house, and the rules directly depend on the type of design.
If we are talking about a brick furnace, then lay the base for it better at the design stage of the house itself and during the fill of the foundation. The design of medium sizes weighs about 300 kg, so it is mandatory to organize a monolithic concrete support. Otherwise, the oven simply produce the floor. If the house is already worth, it is necessary to disassemble the floor covering at the place of installation of the furnace, to drain the cavity in a depth of 25 cm, make a sandy-gravel pillow and pour the reinforced slab foundation. Only then can be confident in durability and safety. The base area should be wider than the lower part of the furnace by 10-15 cm on each side.
For metal stoves, it will also be necessary to build the basis, but it will be much easier. For this, a thick steel sheet is suitable. As such furnaces weigh a little, you can do without foundation.
How to choose a place to install a furnace in a wooden house? In fact, this task is more difficult than it may seem at first glance. When choosing a place, consider the following factors:
- The furnace should be near the opposite door of the wall so that it has enough fresh air to maintain burning.
- The wall to which the oven is leaning, it is necessary to sheathe the non-flammable materials. Typically, for this purpose, ceramic tiles are used, building apron with a minimum height of 2.2 m.
- All items that will be very hot should be covered with non-combustible thermal insulation materials. Chimney should also be isolate, so as not to lose the precious warmth. Special attention needs to be paid to the waters of the chimney through the slabs of the overlaps.
For a large house with several floors, it may not be enough for one stove. In this case, you can combine several types of designs - on the first floor install a Russian oven, and on the latter in a small room - metal.
Installation of a brick furnace
Since installing a brick oven longer and much more difficult than metallic, we suggest start from it. Before proceeding with the work, select the right place and, if necessary, insulate the wall.
Arrange the foundation for the furnace in accordance with its dimensions (10-15 cm wider on each side). It is best to engage in the installation of a furnace in a wooden house in the kitchen - you do not have to run while cooking.
Foundation under the oven in a wooden house (video):
The underground in the room where the furnace will be placed, it is necessary to isolate several layers of rubberoid or roofing. Now you can translate the look above and inspect the ceiling beams - on their location, it depends on how the chimney will undergo. It should be placed at the maximum possible distance from the matrices between the rafyles. The optimal place is the space at the outer wall - the chimney there will rise very successfully and will protect the house from drafts.
The stove built of brick must be bonded with a tile or coat with a special refractory plaster. Read the article. "Plaster for furnaces. Than plastering oven "To know what materials to buy for decoration design. But it is best to bust the stove with a heat-resistant tile, because it does not interfere with the heat transfer.
Installation of a metal furnace
Installation of a furnace in a wooden house with your own hands - troublesome occupation, but not only if we are talking about modern metal models. Usually, on their assembly and installation, a couple of hours go, after which you can immediately breed the fire. By the way, even buying such a furnace - if you wish and minimal skills, it can be made with your own hands. Make sure you read our article "Pipe oven with your own hands".
The main rule when installing an iron furnace is not to move close to the wall. Even if the wall is lined with a cafeter, a regularly split surface of the furnace will strongly reduce its service life, and in the case of a tree, it can be caused by a fire. Fire safety technique obliges to put metal furnaces at least 25 cm from the walls. At the same time, all surfaces located nearby must be made (lined) from non-combustible materials.
If a foundation is needed for a brick oven, then metal specialists are recommended to install on a low podium or a thick steel sheet. Under the floor at the installation site, you should attach additional safety racks that will take on the weight load. There are suspended metal furnaces for sale, for which the support racks are not needed.
The chimney of the metal furnace can be laid out through the ceiling or wall. The diameter of the exit pipe must be identical to the diameter of the chimney to create a stable powerful traction.
Useful advice: Before installing a new iron furnace, it is better to produce the first firing on the street to paint, which is covered with surfaces inside and outside, as it should be fixed (the thermocracy begins to "work" only after the first heating) and has lost an unpleasant odor.
Chimney for the furnace
Probably the second most important part of the design after the furnace is chimney. The success of exploitation depends on the competent insulation of the body and chimney. The specificity of work depends on what material it is made.
In wooden houses, chimneys must necessarily be guilty to reduce the degree of heat heating and reduce the risk of fire. If the chimney is made of galvanized steel pipe, it should be isolated with non-combustible materials. Special attention is paid to the places of contact with wooden surfaces and roofs.
Sandwich chimneys are one of the most successful options for wooden houses. Their surface is reliably protected by insulation and does not heat much. The only drawback is a short service life, which is limited to 10-15 years. After the specified period, insulation may be compressed, and it must be repaired.
However, no other is compared with the ceramic chimney in quality. It practically does not form condensate, one-piece design provides a constantly good craving, and the operating time can be calculated by decades. The only drawback is a lot of ceramic tube.