Methods for repairing the ceiling. Tips and recommendations Ceilings

Hold up the ceiling again or did neighbors flooded with you on top? Do not slow, make repairs, avoid bigger problems.
To date, there are many ways to repair the ceiling. The choice of one of the options depends on the quality of ceiling plates, your desire and financial position. Make the usual cosmetic repair of the ceiling, or turn it into a masterpiece. Contact your designer or make sketches yourself. Calculate the number of desired materials and the necessary equipment. Choose everything you need in the store.
Take the furniture, beating utensils from the repaired room, cover all the remaining items and the floor.
Insufficiently purified surface will not give the effect of "strong attachment" of the material. Remember! We remove unnecessary, close the irregularities, soil, proceed to the update.
Using various methods of repairing the ceiling, we mask irregularities. Each type of ceiling has its own "hiding" ability. Defects from one to ten centimeters are removed without visual decrease in the height of the room.
Consider the types of repair of the ceiling
Repair of ceilings by wallpaper
Repair the ceiling with wallpaper more difficult than the walls. Make work at the proper level is not independently possible. For this you need three people. One lubricates a canvas with glue, two glue. This is the fastest way to mask the defects of the surface, but to entrust it better to experts. Square - the enemy of wet wallpaper. When you are saved, close the windows and the doors and do not carry out until the wallpaper is dried.
Attaching the wallpaper to the ceiling, use a more thick glue so that it can hold the sheet at the height. In order to avoid visibility of the seams, there are wallpaper sheets from the window in the direction of light. For confidence, apply markup on the ceiling, so wallpapers will be shaken. If you plan to use liquid wallpaper, then pre-apply the paint layer. Material consumption will be less.
Painting ceiling
Another reasonable repair is to apply paint to the ceiling. Starting work with paint, protect the wall. From the corner on the wall we stick the greater tape. Choosing paint, look marking. It must have a mark allowing the internal surfaces, that is, "for internal works." Some manufacturers recommend to dilute the paint before applying.
For staining the ceiling, choose a roller with a long handle. You do not have to wear a staircase behind you to get to the ceiling. Malariers use a special paint tray. It will help remove the surplus paint from the roller and will save the surface from drowshes and drops. Start applying paint from the window. We carry out the first smear along the wall, the next perpendicular. This method allows you to apply paint without spaces. For drying, paint is necessary from two hours to days. Duration of drying depends on the manufacturer and the amount of layers applied.
Repair ceiling by plastic panels
If the surface is uneven, then it is worth considering the alternative method - use plastic panels. They are suitable for the kitchen, bathroom and hallway, have a noble view and you can wash them. The fastening system "groove in the groove" allows you to fix plastic on the ceiling by own forces. Want to make faster and without problems - to trust the work of professionals.
We measure the ceiling height, make a crate of a metal profile. Attach plastic panels. Additionally requires strengthening in places, contact with a profile for reliability.
Repair ceiling Tile
The textured ceiling tile will decorate the front rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, if we want to add luxury and volume to the interior. Due to the hygroscopicity of some models, the use of bathrooms are not recommended. The principle of operation with them is simple: on the purified and processed surface, secrets with a special glue polystyrene foam plates. The palette of paints and drawings allows you to choose any shade. If this could not be done, the plates can be painted. Ceiling tile has positive qualities like noise insulation. When damaged, dismantle all the plates are not necessary. We only remove the deformed and replace it.
Repair ceiling plasterboard
With the help of such a nondescript at first glance, the material as plasterboard do incredible designs. Designers often use drywall structures as the basis and further fasten the finishing material to the surface.
Multi-level ceilings are manufactured from drywall. Levels hide unnecessary irregularity ceiling. Inside the design, we mount the lamps and lay the cable or insulation, which will look organically and imperceptibly.
We collect a metal frame to which the sheets of plasterboard will be attached. We make marking on sheets and cut out the desired form. Attach the "pattern" to the profile with self-draws. We disguise the seams with a special mesh ribbon and putty. As an finishing coating use painting or wallpaper. Do not load the design, any lightweight materials are suitable for finishing.
See one of the options for repairing the ceiling plasterboard, you can on video
Renovation ceiling
The renovation of the ceiling remains popular among orders. It is performed by specialists who have experience in working with various materials. Euro ceilings of the standard combine several types of finishes in one. On the perimeter there is a plasterboard design with lamps and illumination, and in the middle of the vinyl film. As a result, the ceiling becomes perfectly smooth and glossy. This is not the only option. There are other materials that complement plasterboard structures. For example, textile coating, a film with a printed pattern, wallpaper, mirrors, and other, the euro is a decorative function or becomes an emphasis in the room.
The above types of ceiling repair can afford everyone. Even with a small cash investment, make a "candy" from the old ceiling. Enough to live according to Soviet standards with an unspoiled ceiling ceiling, choose something new. Create an exclusive ceiling that will only have you.