Repair of wooden and parquet floors Floors

The old wooden floor was silent, the floorboards began to creak, in some places to fall behind, and you decided to replace it with a new flooring? A familiar situation for many who live in an old house or apartment with wooden floors. However, perhaps you should not rush and just carry out the repair of the old floor?
After all, the tree has a lot of advantages over other types of flooring, and most importantly, it is easy to restore.
Starting the repair of the wooden floor in the apartment, it is important immediately at the first stage to understand, is it worth the game of the candle, namely, whether it will be profitable? Repair of the wooden floor, the price of which will turn into large expenses, no one needs. For the purpose of saving, you can repair the wooden floor with your own hands. And although this may, at first glance, seem an impracticable task, in fact, it is not so difficult. For greater confidence before starting work, you can view video repair of wooden floors or read the recommendations of specialists. So, proceed.
Preparatory work, replacing spoiled boards
To begin with, we free the room from furniture and things, open all the windows, as there will be a lot of dust in the process. Many experts recommend even stitching the sockets, which is quite reasonable. Next, we dismantle the old plinths, and also carry out a thorough inspection of the surface of the wooden floor. In the course of it, it is possible to identify the main defects and weak points in the boards, which will have to be replaced. For example, because of the high humidity in the room, some floorboards may make and become a source of reproduction of fungus or other harmful microorganisms, etc.
Visually rotten boards are difficult to reveal, so you will need a hammer. With it, it is necessary to catch up with each floor and, having heard a deaf sound, carefully cut it. Instead, we establish the board of the same size, having to navigate them to lags, so that each head of the nail used was clogged to a depth of about 2-4 cm. Each new floor element is pre-lubricated with an antiseptic. If we talk about the repair of the parquet floor with your own hands, the installation of a parquet board must be performed using a bitumen mixture or special glue.
Cyclishing and grinding the floor surface
The second stage of repair of wooden floor is its cyclishing, during which the top layer of wood is removed along with paint or varnish. To do this, we will use a special drum cyclical machine or the entire process of repairing the floor from a parquet board can be made manually, armed with a metal plate with sharp edges, called cycles.
Such a technology for repairing wooden floors implies three approaches. First, we refuel sandpaper with a large abrasive to remove the upper layer of paint or varnish. Next, we will use paper with medium grain in order to smooth all the surface irregularities formed after the first approach. And only then in the third stage - refuel paper with fine abrasive for finishing grinding.
Very important detail in this work, which is worth paying attention to, this is the direction of movement of the machine. If it is a parquet floor, then we will carry out it to the grinding, if the repair wooden floor is subject to repair, then along the boards. At the same time, each strip we pass twice in both directions: first in one direction, then to another. And each next pass should capture the previous one by about 75 mm.
Next, at the end of grinding, we pass the machine around the perimeter of the room along the walls, and in hard-to-reach places we use an angular grinding machine or a conventional grinder.
Seeling slots
At the third stage, when the floor is almost ready and polished, and the boards are replaced with new ones, in continuation of the repair of old wooden floor, we need to make the sealing of the applications formed between the boards. Small almost imperceptible gaps and grooves from nails hats We can smear the usual putty or a mixture of glue and shallow shavings, which remained after grinding. And larger cracks width more than 3 mm we close up long and thin wooden planks, which, if desired, can be placed on glue.
How to put parquet parquet shown in the video:
Application of paint
The fourth stage of repair of old parquet floors or handrails involves applying a protective layer of varnish or paint onto its surface. The choice depends solely personally from each of us what to use. However, the re-staining of the floor after the work done before this work may seem unreasonable for many. Hence, at least for the dyeing of the floor, we will use water dispersed paint, which is transparent and will retain the natural look of wood.
Completion of work, opening with varnish
And we completed the repair of the parquet floor or the message that we will open it with a varnish, which must be applied with a wide brush and preferably not less than in three layers. Varnish can only cover the surface or pre-painted, in the same direction as it was applied to this paint. Each subsequent layer of varnish should be good for about two days and only then you can apply the next one. This, although it takes a little more time to repair the wooden floor, however, as a result we will get a more durable and wear-resistant flooring with excellent external characteristics.
So, everything is ready, you can put furniture and enjoy the beauty of the renewed wooden floor!