Types of greenhouses and their device Plot.

Weather conditions do not always allow growing vegetable cultures and flowers in the open soil. Greenhouses and greenhouses are used to grow seedlings or for a full period of growth of plants and ripening fruit.
Than greenhouses differ from greenhouses
- Have a small height - no more than one and a half meters.
- No door. The possibility of access to plants depends on the device of the greenhouse.
- In the greenhouses often arrange artificial heating and lighting. Greenhouses are warmed only due to solar energy and compost.
- Unlike greenhouses, greenhouses are not only stationary, but also portable.
- Non-futured greenhouse designs are installed for the period of cultivation of cultures.
- For growing plants in the winter period, greenhouses are not suitable. Capital greenhouses are built for these purposes, which are equipped with lighting and heating.
Only experienced gardeners are dealt with such subtleties. In fact, it does not matter how you call a protective device serving to grow seedlings or heat-loving plants. On sale some designs have a double name - greenhouse greenhouse.
Types of greenhouses and greenhouses
Many first buy and install a greenhouse, and then think about its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a design, have clear answers to such questions:
- what crops are you going to grow;
- place of a greenhouse;
- the ability to sum up the power point for the lighting device;
- heating method;
- what amount you are willing to spend on the acquisition and installation of the structure.
Constructions for the protection of soil and plants differ at the location, design, material for the frame, type of coating and an internal device.
1. According to the method of location, the greenhouses are adjacent, which are attached to the standing building and separately worth it. Adhesive structures are often called confused.
Advantages of adjacent greenhouses:
- the construction requires less costs than separately;
- there are no problems when liding electricity and water;
- the ability to go to the greenhouse from the house.
The disadvantages include what is not always possible to establish a greenhouse on the southern side of the building and the need to create additional insulation of the wall from high humidity.
Advantages of separate greenhouses:
- the possibility of election form and design;
- the optimal choice of place to install;
- access light from all sides.
The disadvantages include the complexity of summing up communications.
2. According to the method of building the greenhouses are capital and temporary. Capital types of greenhouses are installed on the foundation. The foundation is arranged around the perimeter of the greenhouse to the depth of the freezing of the soil. Outside, the foundation is insulated with clay and other thermal insulation material.
Temporary or portable greenhouses are convenient because they can be installed elsewhere if you decide to change something on your site.
3. At the height of the ground, there are two kinds of greenhouses - swallowed and ground.
For a device of swallowed greenhouses dig a pit, the bottom fall asleep with the ground, covered on top of the film. In such greenhouses, it is possible to grow early seedlings due to the fact that the soil freezes less than with the usual, terrestrial way of locating greenhouses. For the protection of plants in the open ground, mini-greenhouses are comfortable.
4. By type of design, greenhouses and greenhouses are divided into arched, polygonal, single and duplex. Single construction is used mainly when applying for used facilities. There are convenient and arched structures in which you can move in full growth and plant plants in 2-3 rows.
5. Heating in the greenhouses are possible several species - electric, biological, water. The easiest and cheapest method of heating is a bucket with smoldering coals. When choosing a heating method, it should be considered from which material is made of the coating of the structure.
6. Plants are grown in ground or in pots or boxes on racks. Racks are comfortable for low-layer plants.
7. Power supply can be soil or hydroponic. In the hydroponic method of the plant are grown on aqueous solutions of substances necessary for the growth of culture. This method has not been widespread among the gardeners, it is used mainly when growing vegetables for sale and is not suitable for flowers.
What materials are used for framework
For the frame, we use wood, plastic and profile pipes, metal, fiberglass.
- Wooden frame is the cheapest option. The term of his service is small - the tree needs constant care. In conditions of high humidity, it quickly begins to rot.
- Metal frame durable. It is usually used to build capital structures, in polycarbonate greenhouses or in combination with PVC pipes to increase the stability of the structure.
- For the construction of arched type greenhouses, PVC plastic pipes are comfortable. Pipes have a small weight, easily bent, have greater strength. Such a frame is easy to assemble from the pipes or buy a ready-made set, in which the pipes have the necessary length and marking to facilitate the assembly. The finished frame includes doors for passage and vents for ventilation.
- A simple version of the greenhouse device is a film stretched on plastic arcs covered in the ground. Such greenhouses are built in the spring, the arcs are cleaned into the utility premises.
Coverage for greenhouses and greenhouses
The choice of coating depends on the carcass of the greenhouse.
- Glass is used in wooden structures. It is used in capital buildings or fixed in frames, of which the greenhouse is subsequently collect. It is possible to use old window frames for the construction of a greenhouse. Due to the complexity of the installation and fragility of the material glass becomes an increasingly popular coating material.
- The greenhouse film, the usual or reinforced, is used to cover any kind of designs and is the cheapest material. Lack of film - short service life.
- The most durable coating is a cellular polycarbonate. Polycarbonate do not recommend using PVC pipe frame. The incompatibility of two types of plastic reduces the life of the greenhouse to 3 years. A suitable frame option is from a galvanized profile or a profile galvanized pipe.
Types of polycarbonate greenhouses
Polycarbonate greenhouses have a number of advantages.
- Easy installation.
- High strength.
- Small weight.
- Provide good light permeability.
- Have high thermal insulation characteristics.
Disadvantage - high cost. The construction of a greenhouse with your own hands will cost you cheaper than buying ready.
Greenhouses are distinguished in shape, design, quantity and device of hatches.
Greenhouse-butterfly. The design allows you to ensure maximum light access to plants in sunny weather.
Gernik-Blender (snail) It has a very comfortable design.
Belgian Greenhouse with a single-sided roof. The roof is lifted for ventilation or completely folded.
What needs to be taken into account when installing greenhouses and greenhouses
- Choosing a place. The greenhouse is installed ends from the north to the south at the place of maximum light illumination.
- Do not collect a greenhouse with a plastic coating at low temperatures. The optimum temperature for installation is 10-12º above zero.
- When using polycarbonate coating, choose the arched type of greenhouse design. This type of construction will protect the coating from damage during the winter period.
- Buy high-quality polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 4 mm. The type of plastic sheet should be transparent without any inclusions.
- For installation, use accessories intended for installation of polycarbootat - thermoshaba, press-washers, sealing ribbons, end edging profiles, stroke seals for sealing.
- Install partitions in greenhouses where you plan to grow different cultures. This will help avoid cross-pollination of plants.
Greenhouse from fiberglass fittings.
Build the greenhouse with their own hands.