Bath heating methods. Options, features and characteristics Baths, saunas and pools

Everyone knows that the oven is the heart of the bath. Many years later, people came up with the most unimaginable paths, which moves heat in modern poirs now.
If the steam room is used periodically, then you should not use complex heating, install the usual oven - it will be enough for it. And if the bath is often used, then one furnace will be not enough. It was to this option that a solution was invented - developed many additional options for the heating of the bath. Let's consider them in more detail.
Types of heating baths
Electric heating
One of the most pure fuels - electricity. In this way, the minimum temperature in the steam room is preserved for a long time. Thanks to a special autonomous heating system, power will be enough to periodically warming the bath.
The basis of electric heating bath is a boiler. With electric boilers, you will forget about chimneys, ventilation and supply channels. In modern conditions, where the uninterrupted supply of energy is located, the economic inappropriateness of their use may become justifying against the use of electric heating.
He became famous for the large selection of boilers Dakon (Czech Republic). All boilers have water pressure sensors, built-in expansion tank, filter, valve. Protherm - Slovak manufacturer equipped the boilers of heating for the bath five versions. These two firms have reliability and ease of use of electric boilers.
Gas heating
Gas heating Bath is rational to use than electric. Experts argue that this heating in the near future can become a competitor to wood heating. And not surprising, as the advantages are to:
- cheapness
- ecology,
- security,
- ease of service
- using the device.
With the help of such heating, the room can be stolen for 4-5 hours.
The gas furnace device is like an electrical and wood-based option. The difference is that the device includes a thermostat, housing and fuse. The gas burning process occurs in the gas chamber, which is located under the stones. Gas heating is saving your money, since the main fuel of the furnace is gas.
Water heating
A simple and reliable type of heating. The type of fuel for such heating can be natural gas, stone coal, firewood, kerosene, etc. When installing water heating, you should pay attention to the choice of the boiler.
The cast iron boiler is a win-win version. The water heating process consists of this way: hot water moves into devices that equip the entire room with warmth. Then the heated water, the heating device, cooled and returns back to other pipes to the heat generator. This bath heating system is well assisted in the desired temperature in winter.
Warm floor
Not quite a favorable option, but the effect will exceed all expectations. Technology of such floors is difficult, so without a specialist can not do. Warm floors are divided into water and electric. The first option is high costs and difficulties in implementation. Water floors are more economical in operation, but almost all unrepretentious.
Electric warm floors cheaper, but at the same time their repair costs quite expensive. The installation scheme of these floors is as follows: a solution from cement and sand is applied by waterproofing layer. The thermal insulation is carried out with the help of special materials - mineral matte, extradited polystyrene foam or poll.
Then it is placed on the thermal insulation layer of the cable, which will evenly warm the floor in the bath. The design of water floors is similar to electric, the difference is that the circulation of hot water does not occur by an electrical cable, but according to the heating pipe. Pipes produce from such materials as copper, steel, special polyethylene, which has been demanding due to a small cost and a long service life.
Contour heating
The most economical and efficient version of the bath heating is a connection to the heating industry. This requires an additional heating circuit. The installation procedure is very laborious. It is beneficial for this option when the connection will occur from a nearby building.
You can directly connect when a heating industry passes nearby. In this case, it is necessary to develop a project, and then assure it in the relevant authorities. If you correctly use this heating system, you can significantly save your money.
How to make heating in a bath
1. Prepare the cement-sandy solution, make a screed.
2. We take waterproofing mastic and we produce floor waterproofing.
3. We re-apply for waterproofing another layer of the solution and on top of it are placed on the heat insulation, which is manufactured from the materials above mentioned.
4. We take a heating cable or mat and distribute to thermal insulation. Connect to power supply.
5. Then we perform another concrete tie and put the floor covering.
Of course, most people wish to protect themselves from the electrician, but the manufacturers of electrical cables have tried and improved their products. Now isolation, tightness, waterproofability, heat resistance - all these factors will protect all your family. When buying a "warm floor" system, you will definitely present information on installation and operation. But, if you are not sure of your abilities, then use the services of professionals!
And at the end I would like to say that today, the methods of heating are many. No matter what method you choose, the main thing is that it is warm and cozy in your pair. And if you decide to independently spend heating, write down everything on points, all to the smallest particles. And you will succeed. Enjoy Your Bath!