Sculptures for the garden from Papier Masha Plot.

In connection with the development of country construction, all the items to decorate the interior of the house and the plot around it were widespread. Depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the Homeowner, these decorations may have a wide variety of forms, and for the manufacture of them can apply a wide variety of materials.
These are natural materials - granite, marble, artificial - polymers, papier-mache. Such interior decorations are in the form of alpine slides, artificial water bodies and sculptures of the most different shapes and sizes.
Of all the materials used to decorate the interior, Papier Masha is perhaps the easiest in the manufacture. Anyone, not possessing special skills, can make crafts from papier-mache for giving.
The figurines installed on the territory are becoming increasingly popular - numerous animals, gnomes, storks and elephants, a variety of characters of fairy tales make the surrounding interior fabulous and interesting. Delight defensions will be provided! And especially if in the process of making sculptures they will still participate.
What is Papier Masha?
This is a mass that includes various materials such as paper, cardboard and fastening elements in the form of adhesives, gypsum, etc. In general, translated from French Paper-Masha means "chewed paper". The first products from this material were found when conducting archaeological studies in China and dated IIIVEK to our era.
This material is widely used in the manufacture of layouts, dules, butafory, and after special processing, for the manufacture of elements of furniture designs or other design elements.
Methods for obtaining sculpture from papier-mache
In practice, two methods of obtaining products (sculptures) from this material are used.
Method 1.
- the model of the future sculpture is manufactured;
- several layers of paper are pasted on the prepared model (the number of layers can reach 100).
The result is a sculpture of a hollow inside.
Method 2.
- the paper is finely cut, placed in hot water and withstand about 24 hours;
- after exposure, the paper is boiled, pressed and dried. The dried mass is thoroughly stirred with a small powder, in the process of mixing the glue (carpentry or monitoring) is added;
- as a result of mixing, a homogeneous mass is obtained, which can be laid in a pre-prepared form or apply to the frame of a future sculpture.
Frameless sculptures are solid without inner void.
Materials used for making sculptures from papier-mache
The bulk of 40-60 gr / m is used as the main materials. 2 (newspaper), joinery glue, alert or PVA glue as the adhesive component. To increase the strength characteristics of the sculpture, it is advisable to use reinforcing materials, it can be a gauze and plastic mesh, which is stacked between papier-mache layers.
In the manufacture of papier mache for the garden, it is necessary to remember the effects of atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain or morning dew. That is why, to extend the lifetime of the crafts from Paper-Masha, after the manufacture, it must be carefully primed up with a water-repellent putty, and after staining, apply several layers of varnish.
One of the factors that can significantly reduce the life made by their own hands the sculpture is the pest invisible to the eye - mold, fungus, microorganisms. In order to minimize harm in the manufacture of mass, it is necessary to make special additives. It may be salt, lavender oil. To remove the smell of glue, you can add various fragrances.
Required tools and materials
- paper, cardboard;
- glue - a wobbly or pway, you can use the homemade hubber;
- paints and brushes;
- kleenka - to protect the working surface;
- sunflower oil and liquid soap;
- frame for salabing;
- protective gloves;
- knife or scissors.
Variety of shapes
Showing a creative thought, anyone can make sculptures from Paper-Masha, in full compliance with its fantasies. The fact is that with a large selection of garden figures in building supermarkets, they repeat each other, these are gnomes, hedgehogs, various animals and agree, the presence of the same dwarves in neighboring sites is unlikely to please your child.
As trials, you can try your hand in the manufacture of mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, that is, the simplest figures, at the base of which the ball lies. On the surface there is an idea to arrange a copy of the pyramid of Heops on its plot. As experience gains, you can go to more complex forms.
Installation of sculptures
The weight of the figure of the figure is determined by its dimensions, but in any case, the design of paper and glue will have a small mass and therefore when it is installed on the site it is necessary to think about the place of place. It is desirable that it would be a place protected from the wind, if there is no such place, then the sculpture must be fixed to the soil either a little touch it, or apply an anchor, you can inside the papier-mache figures for the garden to build the cargo in advance.
Despite the fact that the figures have protection against moisture, it is necessary to remember that the papier-mache is based on paper that is not entirely friendly with excessive moisture, so the place for installation should minimize the access of excess water in the form of rain or dew.
After the end of the summer season, the sculptures must be removed from the site and transfer them to the room, otherwise, snow and frost can destroy them.
The resulting result will be happy to please you, your children and loved ones, and most importantly - what will be installed on your site will not be repetition of serial shop crafts. Yes, probably, store sculptures can last longer, but on the other hand, it is a stimulus to make new figures and sculptures to the new season.