Facing the pool mosaic Tile

For the pool of any size and design, the choice of material for finishing is the most important stage in construction. Materials should be selected in such a way that the problems with the exploitation of the basin did not occur.
Requirements for the decoration of pools:
- Have strength to constant water impact.
- Resistance to any chemical water purification and surface of the pool.
Pools are divided into:
- personal;
- public.
By type, the pools are distinguished open and closed.
Finishing materials for personal basins serve:
- Ceramic tile.
- Sturdy glass tiles.
- Special polyvinyl chloride film.
- Mosaic.
- Natural stone, more often - marble.
The color for facing the pool bowl is predominantly the blue and green shades that create the effect of the sea and the freshness of the sea breeze. If the color of the artificial reservoir finishes is chosen a dark shade, the pool will visually seem deeper. Registration of the decorative part of the basin, as well as the edges of the walls around the perimeter of the reservoir are performed from durable wood, stone, mosaic tile.
Advantages and disadvantages of tiles
Despite the frequently used facing material for the pool, tile, including mosaic, has both a number of advantages and disadvantages.
- It is a durable facing material.
- It has a presentable view.
- There are many colors of mosaic.
- It is possible to lay a tile with a designer approach.
- Stay out of the mosaic panel.
- Facing the pool bowl of both standard and non-standard forms.
- It has a fairly high price.
- When installing, you need to spend the maximum time.
- The ability to facing tiles only plastered concrete surface.
- In the outdoor pool, it does not tolerate temperature fluctuations, in particular, cold, frosty air.
Features of cladding and material selection
Facing the pool tile is not performed in a traditional way, for example, not as in the bathroom. When laying a mosaic tile, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of water effect on the facing material itself. Water puts pressure on the walls of the pool and they have a little flexing a little, just a couple of millimeters. It is for this that is the property of the pool bowl and it is necessary to lay a mosaic tile with a small gap, and "sit down" to its special "movable" glue and the same elastic mass for seams. If you do not comply with these recommendations, the coating may not withstand the load and the whole mosaic can get caught and cracks will go through it.
So that after cladding the pool did not arise, the tile must be purchased special - from a porcelain, which has an increased density and minimal absorbent properties. An ordinary tile having a porous surface is not suitable for cladding, it will absorb more water, which will entail an additional source of reproduction of unwanted algae and various microorganisms, in particular, mold. The special tile from the porcelain is capable of carrying out both low air temperature and high.
Types of mosaic
This type of facing material is most reliable. Mosaic tile is the most wear-resistant. She has high strength and increased density, as a result, the pool bowl always looks clean and tidy, and the fungus does not develop on it. Mosaic tile is two types:
- glass;
- ceramic.
Glass mosaic does not absorb water at all - it is a huge plus. But there is a substantial minus - the price of such a facing material is very high. In addition to the cost of its acquisition, a significant amount will go to work on its laying, but the result will be excellent. Such a tile will last long years. In addition to the quality, glass mosaic is a universal material, with its help you can lay out the most intricate patterns at the bottom of the pool and its walls.
Also, the tile is quite realistic to bore hard-to-reach and curved surfaces. Mosaic glass tile is made of special alloys, which includes sand silicon and coloring components. The most common type of mosaic tile - smalt. This mosaic tile is very saturated blue. It gives the pool a very presentable appearance, and as well as the other mosaic tile, has high strength. Smalt is easy enough to wash, it does not absorb water and the temperature differences are not terrible to her. The distinguishing property of the smalt from the ordinary mosaic tile and glass is that it has a very beautiful surface that sparkles in the sun and overflows with beautiful shades.
Mosaic with the addition of artificial stone Avanturin firmly conquered the construction market. This material looks very effectively due to the small impractions of special sand. Golden sand is created with a complex technology, and after creating only a small part of the plugs, a lot of waste remains. But the appearance of the mosaic with adventurine is simply gorgeous! Such a mosaic tile has a number of advantages:
- It has minimal moisture absorption, only 0.1 percent.
- Withstands low temperature, minus 30 degrees!
- It is used for cladding open artificial reservoirs.
- Durable and durable material.
- Creates a unique gloss effect when sun rays fall into the water.
Facing the pool mosaic
After the pool is completely rebuilt, you can proceed with finishing work. To bind the walls of the pool, you need to withstand a pause of 3-5 days after applying to the bottom and walls of the layer of plaster. Mosaic tile is laid according to special technology and only on special glue, or a solution from cement and sand. Starting the pool cladding with a mosaic, first laying the tile on the walls. It will take:
- mosaic tile;
- special glue;
- nails;
- plumbers;
- rope or thick cord, you can line;
- spatula or special blade for tile;
- material for filling seams;
- rail;
- special tool for cutting tiles.
Phased performance:
- We start to carry out facing. Before starting work, you must calculate how many full tiles will be in one row. This will save time and strength. It will be known in advance how many tiles will have to cut.
- The tile lays strictly horizontally, row over row. In order for the ranks to be even, it is necessary to install the beacon - with the help of a plumb, ordinary nails and cord, fishing line. As moving from the bottom up, the line must be moved. Such a board will help perform straight joints.
- Neighbor tile must be applied, focusing on the entire surface. The reference is the vertical level and cord. So that the tile "sat down" to the desired depth, it is necessary to gently knock on it with a wooden handle of the blade.
- The thickness of the seam between the tiles can be fixed using wooden matches or special plastic carnations. The connections between the tiles must be filling with the solution not completely, but half the thickness of the tile.
- If the tile is laid out in the drawing or pattern, then the facing start from the middle and finish the started row along the edges.
- The jokes formed between the tiles at the end of the work are thoroughly washed and maintained by a special grout, which will be resistant to both frost and moisture. The flap color is chosen into the tone with the mosaic tile.
Facing work on the bottom
The bottom, as well as the walls, requires increased attention. It is this part of the pool to be lined with special care.
- So, the laying of the tile must begin with the corners of the reservoir. This rule works, provided that the bottom of your pool has a small slope.
- If the water drain hole is located in the center of the pool, before starting work on laying, outlined the terminal line. After the reconnaissance of the bottom of the pool should be conditionally "broken" into four triangles. They are starting to be facing.
- In each of these triangles, the first tiles are put in a fastened row, without slope.
- Then the "Ring of Lighthouse" is stacked, which should be further equal.
- After a triangular surface is faced, you can put half the tiles at the edges.
- After completion of the work, the tile is carefully wiping, the gaps fill the gaps, rub themselves with a special means and only after that wipe it dry and take place along the seams of tiles with colored grout.
- It is advisable to give a tile to settle and relax, within a few days.
Several tips for choosing mosaic
In the store, among many different building materials it is not difficult to confuse. To prevent this, before buying you need to decide on the size of the mosaic. The most common - has a size of 20 to 20 millimeters. Also often acquire for finishing pools both personal and public tiles with dimensions of 25 per 25 millimeters. There is a small mosaic, 10 per 10 millimeters, which is used to lad out panels and various patterns. A cheap mosaic option has no pure color, but with small white dots. These encrosses can slightly reduce the tile resistance. The price of such a material is quite acceptable. Pure mosaic color, as well as with reflections and lowers will cost more, but such a facing material will serve much longer. Mosaic is sold in different packaging. This is also worth paying attention to. The first, cheaper option - protective paper is pasted on the tile. When placing the tile, it must be washed with the front of the mosaic. This is not entirely convenient. The second version of the packaging - the tile is laid on the grid, which remains under the glue layer imperceptible and creates additional strength. Manufacturers of mosaic for finishing pools representing their products - abound. One of the cheap options is a mosaic produced in China. The high-quality and most prestigious mosaic color gamma is produced in Italy and Spain. You decide what mosaic tile to give preference.