Metal gates do it yourself Construction

Evaluate the practicality and ergonomics of the entrance gate of the swollen type were able to have hundreds of millions of garages and country houses. This is amenable to logic, since such a design is a classic look of the gate. Easy to operate, trouble-free mechanism, affordable price - all of this continues to lure consumers. And if earlier the gates were made of wood, then modern analogues with embedded automated means are beneficial on their background.
What are the swollen gates?
Depending on the type of material, the products can be two types:
- metal gate;
- wooden gate.
The design is distinguished by:
- single one;
- two-rolled (biscuit).
Often finds the use of the third type - the so-called combined. These are a biscuit metal gate with a gate, which build for hangars, warehouses and garages. This is significantly saved by space and building materials for a single entrance.
However, in most cases, the design is a deaf homogeneous barrier. And only in a number of municipal institutions, such as hospitals and administrative structures, there are metal gates with forging, lattices and other decorative elements.
Another type is a swing metal gate, represented by two targets, with the presence of decoration or cladding with a painted straw. The wicket is usually performed directly next to the lightweight floors.
The only drawback of swing, unlike the sliding metal gates in the mandatory available space for the opening of the canvas. In conditions of small summer cottages, this factor can significantly affect the choice. Therefore, think carefully before assembly and installation, whether the design does not prevent whether the bush does not have to reset or cut off the tree.
Otherwise, this is the cheapest and easy-to-manufacture option. It is realistic to assemble the gate with your own hands, only healthy enthusiasm is needed.
How to make a swing gate with your own hands?
We offer an embodiment of the design of a disintegration type from a professional flooring. Working toolkit includes:
- professional flooring;
- welding machine;
- angular grinding machine (in the people of Bulgarian);
- metal pipes;
- sand;
- cement;
- loops;
- self-tapping screw;
- screwdriver;
- shovel;
- broken brick;
- paint and tassels.
The manufacture of swollen gates from the professional flooring includes the following operations:
- Primary markup is done in the installation area.
- Two 90-centimeter pits are equipped to strengthen side supports. The width of the holes should be a half-meter.
- Supports are chosen - metal pipes, the cross section of which depends on the mass of the gate.
- Concrete solution is mixed.
- Pipes are installed, a concrete solution is poured with the addition of broken bricks, stone. Concrete is used to dry in the earthenware longer than usual. It is necessary to wait until the day for further action.
- The frame of the gate of small pipelines is collected, securely attached with the welding machine. Cut the material is easy through the "Bulgarian".
- In places, the pipe connections are additionally strengthened with 3 mm corners. At the same time, the shut-off knots are easy to do from cropping of reinforcement or pipes. Details are simply welded to the bottom and top of the main framework.
- On the opposite side of the frame, the loops of the type of canopies to the stems are welded. Another half of the canopies is attached to the columns that are tightly fixed in the concrete pillow.
- Profile flooring is fixed to the carrier frame using selflessness.
- Lightweight swing gates are ready. It remains to give them an attractive look and secure from corrosion. For such purposes, traditional oil paint is used.
Sliding gates
Retractable or metal sliding gates are a one-piece panel on a roller base shifting along the fence. The main advantage of the gate of the tight type is in the separation savings of space when opening. The canvas simply smoothly shifts on the rollers aside.
According to the design scheme, the sliding gate come to the shift doors. The canvas does not come into contact with the base, resistance is minimal at the expense of the movement of the roller.
The additional advantage of the sliding gate lies in practicality, especially in winter. If it is rapid to work to open the swollen gates to get hoped after a snowstorm, then with a shift gate all as easy as possible - they will easily go away with a slight pressure.
As for cladding, the canvas are covered with any material. To create a single style, it is recommended to bind them with a coating for the fence. And to facilitate operation, you can install an automation system that will not touch the cauldons when opening and closing.
Electric drives with photocells transform a standard gate to an intelligent barrier that is capable of functioning in automatic mode. For example, the photocells signal the closure of the gate, thereby warning the car from the collision.
Features of creating metal gate with their own hands
If desired, the sliding doors really make on their own. We will provide advice from specialists on this topic.
- The width of the canvas varies from 2 to 3.5 m. The scatter involves creating an opening for both cars and trucks. If you have confidence that the entrance for the cargo car is nothing, boldly make a small gate. But in case the access of a cargo car is important, say, an associate mobile machine or construction equipment, it is advisable to provide a wide opening.
- The width of the wicket must reach at least 1 m. It will create and comfortable conditions for the passage and allow to carry a small furniture.
- Service life and strength characteristics of the product are largely dependent on the base under supports. The manufacture of metal gates is always accompanied by the fill of the foundation. It can be both lightweight pile and dense concreted. Foundations under supporting racks in practice are laid on a depth of more than half meter, the pits are filled with rubble. Then the tram and poured with concrete solution.
- Publishes are installed (clicks and bolts) on the inside of the gate stems. Then parts are equipped with limiters. Optionally, you can install spring locks that will prevent the opening and closing of the gate.
- The simplest shutter for the metal gate of the deaf type is the supporting stand in a spring and a snap.
- Immediately the rack itself is easy to make from an angle of 45 ° tube. At the top of the rack, it is necessary to strengthen the metallic shaped latch. In this case, the lower part at the opening will be fixed with the cluster of the latch.
- Spivenets will rise in order to keep a metal gate in a static closed position. For giving, it is the most optimal option. Products from fittings are pre-fixed in the stems. Alternatively, you can use a specially designed gate restricter. The device is attached exactly in the middle entrance.
- The frame of the target is created using wooden bars 50x100 mm according to the desired size of the metal gate. Single spikes are used for mounting bars. Additionally, the design is bonded by a diagonal.
How to create a metal gate with your own hands?
For a garage or entry, the gate is collected according to one technology. We will get acquainted with the process of creating a gate with your own hands.
- The base is prepared - the foundation with the built-in pillars is poured.
- The carrier frame is going. The collection of design is easier to produce on Earth. Turning the frame is appropriate before fixing the crate.
- The loops are attached to the support pillars. Depending on the stamp material, the mounting method can be varied - from welding to anchor. In stone pillars, for example, a plug of wood is attached.
- A doomle is done. The material is chosen on the basis of financial or practical considerations. For a lightweight gate option, a simple plastic or metal mesh is used. Alternatively, you can heal the gate by professional flooring or other material. It is important to realize, the gate carry exclusively decorative character or act as an obstacle for animals and robbers. In the second case, it is recommended to decide the design with metal sheets.
- It is left by lumen between the stems and the soil. It is necessary to make it about 15 cm. In this case, the ice will not become a significant problem during operation.
- Welded metal frame gate. It will help steel corners. The neckenet is carried out from the reinforcement, metal mesh, wire, other materials.
- Attach roller assemblies and other parts of the motor mechanism. Purchase mechanism can be in the DIY stores. Installation does not provide daunting task. It's as simple as making a wardrobe.
- All parts are combined and tested in action.
Nuances of assembly and installation of sliding gates
Before installing the metal gates of this type of study such structures drawings. Equally important is the width directions. Sliding doors require space for normal operation, proportionate width of your canvas.
In practice, it happened more than once, when you do not take into account the width of the web prior to installation. As a result, the gate did not open until the end of a number of reasons. So, to remedy the shortcomings of this takes a lot of time and money due to the dismantling of some farm buildings.
Recommended opening for the valves in advance to plan wider design. Also, think ahead. In case, if you get a larger car, the gate should miss it.
Finally, no fence or sliding gate should not be vertical or horizontal slant. If there is a slight bias, the gate will be greatly difficult to open. A general automation fails.
As for the motor mechanism, in the manufacture of sliding gates carefully choose roller assemblies. It is on these elements will have to weight the metal gate so important reliability and the lifting capacity.
On this basis, it is necessary to calculate the ideal weight for the entire structure. For example, if you make all-metal gates, rollers must withstand maximum loads. Nevertheless, it is still recommended to facilitate the gate. This will help not only during operation, but also the assembly and installation.
The reliability of the gate will not be affected, and the automatic system will not experience congestion during operation. Consequently, at the technical maintenance will save you.
Of course, metal insulated gate emit less noise, but their cost is much higher.
Problems with equipment for automatic operation of the gate
In severe frosts equipment often breaks down. If the stated minimum temperature at -25 ° C technique operates correctly, then when severe frosts automatic door control system fails or starts to act. Alternatively, you can insulate the drives, but this measure will cost a pretty penny.
electric linear space is severely limited. So that put an additional heating system is difficult enough in the device, even for experts.
Manufacture and installation of gates with their hands - it is difficult, but not impossible. The first step is to calculate and plan. Then comes the process of preparation: Fill the foundation, installation of poles or piles. After the assembly phase begins immediately leaves. It can be metal fire or budgetary wooden gates, single or double leaf. After assembly, attached sheds and gates are installed on the support.