How to build a hood in the kitchen with your own hands Useful advice

The need to install the ventilation system in an apartment or house does not cause doubts even at too economical homeowners. With the development of household appliances and electronics of simple air ventilation, especially in the summer, it becomes not enough. This is especially true of the kitchen and bathroom, where, along with not quite pleasant smells, moisture and remnants of detergents and cleaning agents can accumulate, whose influence cannot be called positive on the human body. Next, we will offer you instructions for installing an exhaust.
Necessity mounting kitchen hood
Many homeowners, asking for the feasibility of mounting the drawing in a private house and in the apartment, are mistaken, putting the sign of equality between such different concepts as air conditioning and ventilation at home. Indeed, going into the room in which the air conditioner works, the feeling of freshness comes. But it is not. Most split systems (the most common type of air conditioners) are only cooled by room air, running it in a circle, and emit back all the harmful bacteria and dust particles that have not remained in the filter. A few years ago, split systems appeared with the function of airing, however, such devices are much more expensive.
The ventilation of the house can be represented as simple hoods in the kitchen and in the bathroom and complex metabolic ventilation systems. The exchange ventilation system is used for the forced inflow of fresh outer air and internal outflow. Such a system is considered combined. It consists of several basic elements: air fans that create air pressure for its forced circulation, air ducts, filters that serve to clean the supply air from dust, leaves and insects, calorifers, or heat exchangers, which heat the dying air in winter, shut-off valve, not giving inside outdoor air when the fan is turned off. Such systems are very expensive, but the benefits of their operation are much superior to money spent on them.
When choosing an exhaust to the kitchen and when installing the air duct, despite the wrong, which it will be (simple or complex), only an area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment cannot be considered. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the location of the premises, their purpose, the number of heating devices, the frequency of their use, the number of people living. Only then you can roughly calculate the necessary type and power of the ventilation system. The best way out if you are going to mount the hood and ventilation, will refer to the specialists who, making the necessary measurements, will be able to determine the power and necessary components of the system, because the ventilation of the house is a very serious question.
Types of exhaust
Consider the most popular types of exhaust to date:
- Built-in. Embed into the kitchen cabinet, thanks to which the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room is preserved. They are very comfortable, but cost enough.
- Island. Located immediately above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. It is very practical, as it allows you to immediately pull the scale that is formed during the cooking process.
- Suspended (vertical and horizontal type). The most common embodiment. This technique is suspended to the wall. For convenience, it can be "hide" into the kitchen cabinet. Suspended hoods are usually relatively inexpensive.
- Dome. Similarly distributed to consumers, like suspended hoods. Pretty functional. Most often directly above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.
How to mount a hood cabinet
Basic moments
As mentioned above, the extractor is the necessary element in each kitchen. To preserve the beautiful appearance of the kitchen room, they are often resorted to the installation of embedded techniques. It is convenient, compact, aesthetic. Therefore, most often the owners of apartments and houses acquire drawings, which are then embedded inside the kitchen headset.
Before buying equipment, for further embedding it in the closet, you must consider several important nuances:
- If the purchased extract will be somewhat more than the available kitchen cabinet, then you can not do without the help of qualified carpenters. After all, the masters will have to rebuild the external and inner walls of the kitchen headset so that the technique can fit into the cabinet and the necessary technical gaps for ventilation remained.
- Hood can be size less than the available kitchen cabinet. In this case, the installation works will be simple, and they can be performed independently, without the involvement of specialists.
- Sometimes elite embedded technique may have a non-standard form. In this case, the manufacture of an individual cabinet under the order will be required. However, most often the hoods have a rectangular shape, so that they can be easily embedded in any kitchen cabinet.
The easiest way to perform mounting work will be the one at which they will match the dimensions and the extract and the cabinet or the extract will be slightly smaller along the area.
To mount the drawing box, we need the following tools and materials:
- Pencil, marker - to apply markup.
- Roulette, ruler - for measurements.
- Drill, joiner.
- Electrolzik and saws designed to perform work on wood.
- Screwdriver, timed.
- Plastic corners - 4 pcs.
- Screws - for fasteners.
- Glue.
Phased mounting extract
Let us then consider the order of installation work. So, initially you should remove the lower part of the cabinet. To do this, it is enough to squeeze the back wall, unscrew the fastening confirm. In some cases, nails and screws are applied to mount the wall, so it is necessary to remove all available fasteners. Installation of technology will be held in the resulting hole from the bottom of the cabinet.
Sometimes the size of the hood and the cabinet does not match. In this case, in the panel located at the bottom of the cabinet, it is necessary to make a hole of the desired size. The technique will later be installed in it. At this stage, you must consider several important points. So, the hole at the bottom of the cabinet must be done so that it is located not exactly in the center, and closer to the front of the kitchen headset. Therefore, before cutting, it is recommended to make measurements and draw marking. This will help avoid mistakes and inaccuracies in work. In addition, cutting at the bottom of the cabinet can be carried out without disassembled it. It is enough just to remove it from the loops and arrange on the floor in a steady position.
If the cabinet is made of chipboard, then to avoid further destruction of the material, when cutting holes, it is worth using several tips. First of all, the edges of the cut hole should be treated with waterproof glue. In addition, when cutting, you should use a saw with a reverse tooth, and directly cutting should be carried out only after small cuts are made by a conventional knife along the markup line. Then the protruding chips can be avoided and the chipboard will be protected from further separation.
Go to the next step of fastening the hood by mounting on the wall - dismantling the middle shelf of the cabinet. To do this, unscrew all existing fasteners and remove the shelf from the supports. Sometimes in old models of kitchen heads there are situations where the average shelf is fixed with the help of corners and wooden planks. In this case, you should completely disassemble the back wall of the cabinet, otherwise the shelf will not work.
In some cases, depending on the structural features of the embedded equipment, install the shelf to the former place will not work. In this case, it is necessary when installing, shift the shelf at the desired distance. In a new place, the shelf is installed on single plastic corners.
Next, you should make holes for conducting electrical wiring. They are done with the help of a thin drill. Sometimes instead of the holes are cut out some of the wall. However, in this case, an extra moisture that accumulates in the kitchen room during cooking, can fall on the wires, and this is undesirable.
Go to the next step of mounting the drawing for the kitchen - the duct duct. To do this, in the middle shelf and at the top of the cabinet, the holes of the desired diameter are cut. Preliminary measurements are made and markup is applied, on which cutting will already be taken. For cutting, the electrolovka is most often used. Most often holes are made rectangular or round. To prevent the formation of chippers into chipboard, the edges of the cut holes should be treated with moisture-proof glue.
Next, it is necessary to perform measurements and according to the structural features of the embedded equipment on the walls of the cabinet markup to place the fastening elements of the exhaust. For more accurate accommodation, it should be pre-installed in the placed places to make small peaks with a conventional sharp seer.
After that, the hood is installed in its place. Fastened by screws in previous places. Wires and air duct are displayed in the existing holes. At the final stage, a kitchen cabinet is going and hanging in its place. Last bar - hanging out doors. Now the installation process of the built-in hood in the cabinet can be considered completed.