Water primer: Properties, Choice, Application Technology paints and varnishes

To fulfill any construction work, competently and efficiently, be sure to comply with the deadlines and phasing. Priming is one of the preparatory processes during the finishing work. There are a lot of solutions of this purpose today, but invariably water primers remain the most sought-after. All features, properties, methods of application and varieties of this group of building mixtures you will learn from this article.
Primer - definition
The primer is a greasy solution, which includes a filler and a binder. Components may be different, respectively - indicators for one or another characteristics and properties. The main ones are:
- drying speed;
- the depth of penetration into the material;
- shade;
- quality of protection against moisture, frost, fire, other adverse effects;
- the effect on the property of the main material for further adhesion with decorative coatings.
Purpose of primer
Some consider priming at all unnecessary and deliberately misses this stage. Such an approach is rooted incorrect, since it is after processing any foundation such a mixture, the following result is obtained:
- Hardening of the main building material, which is especially important for crumbling and crumbling varieties.
- Increased adhesive properties - lack of clutch of the base with decorative material may not be manifested immediately, but after a short period of time. The use of water primer eliminates the risk of disappearing, the impact and the occurrence of other defects after the completion of the repair.
- Increased moisture resistance, which is very important for raw premises - basements, bathrooms, etc.
- The decrease in the porosity of the surface is such a function reduces the flow rate of the decorative solution during shtchelivania, staining, plastering.
- Creating a protective antiseptic layer that does not make it possible to multiply fungi, mold and other pathogens of microorganisms.
- An obstacle to corrodes - this problem is relevant for metal structures.
- Simplifies staining - after priming the paint falls in a smooth and homogeneous layer.
- Increases the service life of the main decorative coating and its wear resistance.
Important! The density and flow rate of water-dispersion primers may vary depending on the specific manufacturer of the building mixture and component composition. The range of indicators covers such numbers:
- density - 0.8-1.55 g / cm 3;
- consumption - from 40 to 250 ml (g).
Water based primer - Properties
Water primers not only have all the characteristics above. They are allocated as follows:
- Parry permeability - natural air circulation contributes to a consistently pleasant microclimate indoor and eliminates the risk of condensate under the decorative layer.
- The complete absence of caustic smell or is felt only a light, unobtrusive fragrance, which in no way affects the convenience of continuing repair.
- The speed of setting and complete frozen - this factor is extremely important to comply with the terms of construction and its acceleration.
- Excellent penetrating ability, even in dense materials such as artificial stone.
Important! The price of water primers is significantly lower than any other solutions of this group, so they are ideal even for construction with minimal budget.
Rules for the choice of primer
When choosing a primer, you can pushed from 3 main criteria:
- appointment;
- composition;
- reliability of the manufacturer.
Important! Depending on the component composition, the penetrating ability of the solution is determined, respectively, it affects the quality of the protective layer and the leveling property. For different materials, the appropriate composition is selected to get the result optimal result. These features should be paid to ensuring that the priming will really benefit and allowed not to doubt the strength and reliability of the finish, to extend its service life.
Types of primer in purpose
As already mentioned above, primers can perform various functions. Depending on which properties prevail, such types of solutions are distinguished:
- Adhesion. Such mixtures are designed directly to increase the adhesion strength of several layers of finishing and base. It is not only applied to the basis itself, but can be used to fix each subsequent layer when painting, galvanizing or plastering.
- Insulating. The composition of such a primer often includes viscous and adhesive substances - oils, adhesives, resins, pigments. On the surface is created after the solution of the solution is a thin film that prevents any adverse coating.
- Firming. Used only for initial surface treatment to strengthen, align it for further finish. This group includes water-dispersion primers of deep penetration. Their main difference is small-phrase binders, which allows you to impregnate the basis for a thickness of up to 10 cm and fill all microcracks.
- Anti-corrosion. Such primer is intended solely for protective processing of metal structures.
Important! Some manufacturers to simplify the task of choice for consumers began to produce another group of solutions - the primer of water-dispersion universal, which are used to finish various surfaces at different stages of construction. The use of such solutions is suitable with small volumes of finishing work in different rooms for various materials. In this case, it appears to significantly save and prevent the formation of a large number of excess.
Types of primers in composition
Depending on what kind of substance is taken as a basis, there are several types of water-based primers.
Grinding aqueous acrylic
- water-dispersion primer deep penetration;
- adhesive primer.
Manufacturers recommend using such primers for:
- concrete;
- wood;
- plasterboard;
- fiberglass;
- plasters and putty.
Important! Despite the existing opinion that water primers are undesirable to apply for metal elements, since the water itself will contribute to the development of corrosion, it is not reasonable. The correctly selected component composition of the acrylic primer on a water basis completely eliminates such a result and allows you to create a reliable protective layer not only from moisture, but also from the ignition and the negative effect of all adverse atmospheric conditions on any alloys.
Bituminous primers on water based
Despite the fact that the main component - bitumen is a petroleum product, solutions of this type are absolutely safe and non-toxic, subject to decency and reliability of the manufacturer. Most often water bitumen primers are used as a preliminary layer with:
- laying self-adhesive waterproofing membranes;
- mounting materials, including roofing;
- finishing brick, concrete walls, foundations, basements.
Important! In addition to high elasticity, solutions of this type are characterized by high anti-corrosion characteristics and resistance to any aggressive chemical influence - alkalis, acids.
Alkyd primers
Water-dispersion primers based on alkyd substances are used mainly for materials that differ poor absorbability. In addition to excellent anti-corrosion properties, alkyd compositions dissolved by water, have a high drying rate.
They are ideal for external and interior finishing works when processing:
- plastic;
- glass;
- metal.
Important! Alkyd primers cannot be used on plasterboard plates and similar material. The resins will cause the surface fence.
Latex primers
Water-dispersion primers on latex based on their characteristics are also alkyd and acrylic solutions. There are significantly higher indicators for such operational parameters:
- moisture resistance;
- frost resistance;
- adhesion.
Important! Another very important nuance - latex formulations are permissible to apply even on previously painted surfaces, without preliminary preparation and removal of paint layers.
Silicone-based primer
Silicone-based solutions are universal water-dispersive primers suitable for any type of finishing work. In particular, it is very often preferred when staining the facade or, if necessary, brew porous materials or painted / unpainted stone structures.
The distinctive properties of silicone primers are:
- high vapor permeability;
- the maximum possible exponent of frost resistance;
- optimal strengthening of the surface.
Important! The price of silicone primers is high enough, but it is fully justified with quality and reliability. The main condition is to choose products of the well-proven brand.
Popular manufacturers of primers
To quickly determine the primer suitable for your construction, look at the products of the products well-proven manufacturers. These include:
- Knauf. This brand persistently withstands the championship in the market in its popularity. The widest line of products in the construction mixture group of excellent quality at quite an affordable price is not a complete list of advantages. Among the goods of this company it is easy to find exactly what it is necessary to solve even specific tasks. For example, interest causes quick-drying, colorless TiefenGrund solution, which can be used even on materials such as gypsum fibrous plates of any type and bulk floors.
- Bigss. A group of companies that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. Relatively new brand that has won the popularity of consumers to the availability of its products and high quality materials. For all the time of work, consumers left only positive feedback after the construction mixtures "Birsss" were solved. One of the most frequently acquired goods is the BIRS primer water-dispersion "concrete contact" - special purpose for processing the concrete surfaces of any type: foundations, floors, walls both outside and inside buildings.
- North. The domestic manufacturer, who for almost 15 years of its activities was able to stand out on the market. Basic principles are the use of efficient and innovative trends. Therefore, it is among the products of this brand that very specific solutions that are not found from other manufacturers can be found. Examples are acrylic water-dispersion primer "Nortex Soil Antiseptic", which is characterized by a very economical flow rate, an extremely affordable price and versatility of application, as well as a wide range of unique fire-protected wood protection products.
- Ceresit (Germany). One of the most sought-after European manufacturers of all sorts of dry mixtures and mortars. The quality of this product does not cause any doubt. It can be manufactured as directly in Germany, that to and in Russia, Ukraine, but it does not have any influence on the final result. All proportions are clearly suppressed according to the unified rule of German technologists. Popular primers from this manufacturer This is: bituminous - BT 29 WB, silicone - Article 15, primer water-dispersive deep penetration of universal use - Article 17, acrylic - Article 16.
- Vetonit. Another European brand, the production of the power of which is located directly in Germany, as well as in the CIS countries. Many consumers among the wide range all products mark such mixes as MD 16 designed to handle floors and vetonit dispersio, which has a universal purpose, up to applying strongly absorbing materials.
Important! The primers of such companies are still stable demand:
- Bona;
- Synteko;
- Bases;
- Pinotex;
- Unis.
What exactly to the brand give preference - decide on the basis of the requirements of construction, the volume of upcoming works and the designated budget.
Application of soil
Printing technology does not differ in difficulty. The rules are very simple, even those who have not had experience in repair and construction work have not yet had experience. They are as follows:
- Good prepare the foundation:
- remove the coating remnants if the manufacturer does not indicate that it is permissible to apply to previous coloring layers. If necessary, use spatulas, construction hairdryer, drill and other suitable tools;
- remove the entire construction trash, including dust from the surface;
- rinse the base with water and wait for complete drying.
- Make sure that there is a suitable temperature in the street or indoors - the optimal indicators are considered + 5- + 20 ° C.
- Stir the primer solution to a homogeneous consistency. If you bought a ready-made mixture - also mix it a little.
- Pour into a comfortable flat painting drawer.
- Put the brush or roller into the mixture and scroll the surface with a thin layer.
- Make sure that the primer is applied evenly - it is undesirable to remain lower.
- All hard-to-reach joints, corners are treated with paint movements using a painting brush.
- Wait for drying.
- Apply another 1-2 layer.
Important! Specialists are recommended that 1 layer of primer makes 1-2 mm. This is quite enough to obtain the desired result.
Now you know all types of primer, its purpose and the rules of use. Be careful when choosing a suitable solution and accurately perform the finishing itself. With this approach, you do not have to doubt the quality of work, even if you performed them with your own hands.