Dismantling: Step-by-step instructions Floors

It is not so rarely the need to make sex disassembly. The reason may be a complete replacement of the coating or repair of individual components of parquet or laminate. Unfortunately, it is very often possible to encounter troubles, which is not very high-quality coverage, which is very difficult to disassemble. When installing the floor of the hosts (or builders), the installation of the floor is carried out, after which it is very difficult to carry out any other coating related manipulations.
It is especially serious to approach the dismantling of those elements of the floor that are under visible parts of the coating. Accordingly, there we can face anything, and you need to know that there is nothing impossible, especially if it concerns the dismantling of the floor.
The largest amount of work with which you can encounter when dismantling the floor is the removal of the floor screed. This is a rather laborious process that requires not only knowledge, but also endurance, since the process can delay for several days.
Features of dismantling of wooden floor
Often there is nothing complicated in the dismantling of the wooden floor, especially if it was created by professionals. At the very beginning of the process, we will need a mount (fomka), with which large boards will be removed. First of all, sex elements are removed, which have significant damage or scratching boards. They are easier to remove them. To do this, it is enough to make a board with a rubbish and pull on yourself.
You should also not forget that on the floor, as well as under it, various communications can be located. First of all, we are talking about the wires that we can easily damage with mounts. Also in old houses you can find underground ventilation, which is often scored and does not function properly. After dismantling, if possible, you can clean ventilation or get rid of it.
After parsing the wooden floor, it is often possible to detect a huge amount of garbage, which is located between lags. It is worth noting the fact that lags can be quite suitable for the construction of a new floor, so the cleaning process should be very careful. If wood lags are no longer able to perform their functions, you can feel comfortable from them. At the same time you need to pay attention to the state of the screed. If the cement screed has at least small flaws, we will have to restore everything, as the quality of the installation of the future coating depends on this.
At the screed level, you can also find various pipes that may already be replaced. You should do this until the main process of installing a new coating begins.
Floor screed and its features
As already mentioned, the center screed guarantees the high-quality installation of any coatings, whether it is a parquet or ordinary linoleum. Not so rarely get rid of it. This is done in order to reduce the floor level. Accordingly, the space of the room increases. It should be understood that when installing wooden floors, the screed will still need.
Often the screed is a monolithic layer, which consists of cement-sand mixture. In some cases, this component of the surface may consist of several layers of gypsomoter. When creating a monolithic screed, builders also do not forget to use the reinforcing grid, which significantly increases the characteristics of the floor. Accordingly, such a screed is most likely to remain unharmed for long years. If this surface layer has no reinforcement or used not the highest quality building materials, during the entire period of operation, such a screed will be collapsed and jeopardized the integrity of the floor covering. For example, if a parquet was installed on the surface of the screed, then after some time it can shift a little or even sick. You need to pay attention to such details in order to replace the cement layer on time. It is especially serious if the screed takes load on the supporting structures. Then, under threat there may be all the structure.
Dismantling cement tie.
Fortunately, to remove the cement layer of the floor surface can be quite simple, however, for this we will need some devices. Often the best solution will be the use of a jackhammer, as it is this tool that is capable of high quality to destroy the hardest layer. Often for similar processors, perforators are used, which are drilled by numerous holes in cement. Also an excellent way is to use diamond cutting circles.
When the dismantling of the screed occurs at home, where a sufficiently small scale can be armed with chisel and hammer. You can remove the snug in a small room very quickly. Also in the process, you can use a sledgehammer or any other tools with which the cement component of the floor occurs in the shortest possible time.
The process is significantly complicated if the room has a large area, and the screed itself is equipped with reinforcement. Get rid of the metal grid in cement is very difficult if only chisel is at hand. Thus, it is best to use a diamond circle that can easily cut a metal string layer.
After crushing the screed, it can easily be removed from the surface. For this process, you can use a shovel, getting rid of unnecessary cement. The balances of the screed should be folded in a separate bag, which later refers to the garbage bake.
In front of any work related to the creation of a new cement screed, it is necessary to take into account that the surface should be clean and as smooth as possible.
When it comes to a concrete screed, it should be borne in mind that such a layer is incredibly durable, and remove it with a chisel or a hammer will not work. In such cases, experts in the construction industry recommend using a jackhammer. However, you need to be prepared that the dismantling process of the screed will be very noisy and dusty. Thus, this work follows in the daytime, coordinating all the details with neighbors. In addition, it is necessary to wear a gas mask or any other means so that small particles of building material do not fall into the respiratory system.