How to strifting with a car Baths, saunas and pools

The bath is a very popular way of pleasant rest in a circle of friends and natural recovery. Many owners of their own land plots are already in the process or upon completion of the construction and design of the main residential building are asked as to build a bath, if it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. Wooden lining is used as a finishing material for this purpose, and this is a really rational solution. How to shelter with a car with a lining so that it stands for a long time and it was safe in it, as well as about other nuances of such construction, you will learn from this article.
What is comfortable lining for the bathing bath?
Before sheeing with a bath with her own hands, it is necessary to understand what the essential advantages of this material. In this case, you will not have further questions about whether you did or need to search for another finish option.
Important! The bathing of the bath is needed if you used logs or a timber with a thickness of less than 100 mm during its construction.
The advantages of wooden lining are as follows:
- Environmental purity and healing properties of wood.
- A wide range of shades, textures, textures, breeds.
- An attractive appearance of the finished coating, which even in the presence of seams, looks solid.
- Very long service life, up to a pair of hundreds of years.
- Resistance to rotting.
- High thermal insulation properties.
- Protects from the spread of noise from the inside of the building and penetrating them inside from the street.
- Simplicity and ease of processing.
- Convenience and high speed mounting.
- Ability to hide under the coating of all communication wires.
Important! It is impossible not to mention the fact that if you are trimming with a car with a lining, and with your own hands, it will cost you much cheaper than the acquisition and installation of many other modern materials, even with less attractive technical specifications.
How to choose lining for a bath?
After you were convinced that the lining is the optimal version of the bath finishes, it's time to proceed to her choice. Here to decide on two characteristics:
- The class of material that affects the quality used for the manufacture of wood raw materials.
- Board size.
- Profile type.
- Wood breed.
Classes of classes
The class and type of lining is determined by several characteristics:
- wood density;
- the presence or absence of visible defects - chips, cracks, bitch;
- dry quality.
On the market you can see a fairly large assortment of lining and a wide range. In order not to be confused and correctly define the appropriate bath with your own hands, it is not necessary to know all the subtleties. It is enough to own such information:
- Premium is a very expensive type of material. It is distinguished by the lack of core, bitch and any other defects, homogeneity of tone and texture.
- The class "A" - also does not have the core, but it is quite acceptable for the presence of one bitch at a distance of 1.5 meters. In such wood, you can also notice resin pockets or minor cracks, but it in no way affects the homogeneity of the texture and the flavor.
- The class "B" - more bitch detects here, but is limited to the amount of 4 pieces by 1.5 meters. On the canvas can be present contrasting spots, as well as mechanical damage.
- Class "C". This is the lowest quality wood, which has many defects, does not differ in homogeneity. For a beautiful and high-quality bathing of the bath, it is categorically not suitable for the reason that there will be characteristic differences in moisture and temperature in the bath, which will still destroy the material.
Important! Determining how to choose the lining for the bath, consider which surface and what area you are going to sneak. For a large room, the class "A" - the quality is acceptable, and the price is not translated. For a small room or when combining several types of boards to obtain an original interior, you can use both the classes of class "B" - all flaws you can eliminate yourself, spending a little longer, and for the price such a solution will be very profitable. "Premium" - she is also called "Extra", it is impractical to take for the bath - it will entail and overshadow the material that you can do anything at all.
Suitable lining size
When choosing sizes, consider a simple pattern: the longer and wider the board - it is more expensive. The parameters depend on the specific manufacturer, the GOST standards limit only the upper indicator is:
- 6 meters - for length;
- 1.5 meters - for width.
Thickness can vary in the range of 12-25 mm, but the very thick board is not necessary, and it will not be very convenient for installation. Therefore, before you give preference to a specific type of product, do an independent miscalculation, how much and which lining can be useful to you. Perhaps you will be quite suitable boards with a length of 1.5 meters, which are not inferior in the quality of the wood, but will be much cheaper.
Important! Some professional builders and homemade masters even recommend to reduce costs to take the lining of smaller size and collect 2 vertical rows with a horizontal jumper from it. If the wood of different breeds and the shade is also used, it is possible to achieve an interesting aesthetic effect.
Types of profile lining
The profile type is, in fact, the design features of the lining, which indicate the presence or absence of simplifying installation elements. The most popular is a spike groove. Today, there are other options for the board. Here are just some of the most sought-after:
- Soft-line.
- Fast chamfer + spike-groove.
- Calm.
- Euro.
- Schip-groove along the entire length.
Important! Most often, the choice of consumers becomes an euro-lining, which has not only the presence of a spike groove, but also made in another dimensional grid, with some other constructive features, for example, grooves for water removal. These are very important nuances in the construction of a bath. The complex of differences allows it to be convenient to use it with a minimum amount of waste, and the price is not very different from other varieties.
Best Wood Wood Wood Tag for Bath
Competent selection of wood breed for bathing is one of the most responsible stages. All species differ not only as texture and tint, but also by technical specifications, the degree of natural resistance to one or another adverse factors that must be taken into account when determining the appropriate material for the construction of the bath.
Check out the list and description of the most sought-after wood breeds, of which you will be easier to choose the option of finishes that you are more impressed by price and quality:
- Linden. This is the most often preferred. Its advantages are that it retains its shade in any operating conditions, even with a steadily high humidity. Most often, such wood is used to cover the walls and the ceiling in the bath, to build shops, even directly in the steam room.
- Aspen - such a tree is distinguished by special softness and fuel. It is unpretentious to humidity. With proper drying, it acquires very interesting qualities: heat resistance, high density. Aspen may well become an excellent alternative to lipa. If you decide to cover the bath to choose this particular material, keep in mind that inside there may be hidden rot, which will over time will result in complete destruction of the coating.
- Larch. This valuable breed refers to the category of expensive wood. But if you delve into all its features, it becomes clear that the best option for the trim is difficult to find. Larch lines not only very calmly and beautifully looks outwardly, its original properties is a heat resistance, absolute resistance to moisture, temperature drops, a moderate density that does not complicate the installation process at all, but it ensures the durability of the coating. Add antiseptic and healing properties to this - we get the perfect material for the bath.
- Cedar. Hourly wood, but its price fully corresponds to quality. In addition to technical properties, the healing effect on the human body is also noted by the separation of resins. But this mass does not protrude on the surface, which means that the tree is completely safe and will not contribute to the appearance of burns on the skin. As a result, in the bath you will also pass so useful aromotherapy.
- Pine. Cheap and resin stuff, which, nevertheless, finds his adherents. To resolve the issue, how to cross the battle by the battle, is suitable for those rooms where there is no high temperature increase. That is, for the pine womb herself as finishing is not suitable, and for a rest room it is quite suitable.
- Oak. Durable and flexible, resistant to rotting, with natural antiseptic properties, oak is an excellent solution for the design of the bath. The air in such a room will always be clean and you can not worry about the possible appearance of mold or other fungi and insects. The only nuance is again, a high price. Choosing an oak, keep in mind that the processing of such an excess material will have to be performed for a long time and only very solid tools.
- Alder. Cheaper alternative to oak. Such wood also has tanning substances, opposes the appearance of pathogenic organisms. Additional advantages - when heated, substances are allocated that have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.
Important! It is not necessary to give preference only to one version of the wood. You can combine some types of lining to cover various surfaces. By this, you will not only provide yourself with the right medical effect, but also make an original and beautiful interior.
How to prepare a bath to finish with lining?
Before you go directly with the lining bath, prepare it correctly. When working, take into account the following recommendations:
- Immediately before we have a wagon bath, spend all the communication lines. For safe operation of the wires, place in corrugated tubes. Outside, lay the cables without cutout into the wall.
- Install cut boxes. Optimal place of their location Choose, based on the design features of the building, but preferably - away from raw premises and steam rooms.
- Install the lighting devices - only with incandescent lamps, and switches - select moisture-resistant models.
- Align and shap all the walls.
- Make technical pause until complete drying.
- Pick up the right materials to create the crate - ideal for 20 * 50 mm long and 1000 mm long.
- Treat all sawn timber antiseptic.
- Wait for the solution to dry.
- Collect the crate in a step of 40-60 cm, fixing it with screws and, if necessary (on brick and concrete walls) dowels.
- Bruks, preferably, secure the rotor, perpendicular to the estimated direction of the molding board of the wallboard.
- Check during the installation of the smoothness of the crate, using the construction level and plumb for this purpose.
- Install the insulation - basalt wool is suitable for this purpose. Such plates are convenient and just stand between the bars of the crate.
- Make laying vaporizolation so that the insulation does not absorb moisture. Use at this stage of Pergamine or a foil canvas from stitched polyethylene.
- Fasten the vapor barrier film with horizontal stripes with an overlap at 5-10 cm.
- All seams creep the assembly scotch.
How to cross the bath with lining?
To competently resolve the question, how to cross the bath with a lining, just perform all work in 3 stages:
- Pick up the appropriate boards laying technology.
- Decide with the fastening method.
- Encourage with a car with a lining.
Important! All these processes are very simple and will not require you to attract specialists.
Technology laying clapboard
There are several ways to go with a bathing with lining:
- horizontal mounting;
- vertical;
- diagonal;
- combined.
Important! Horizontal is most often used, as it eliminates the risk of watering the water under the board. When buying a small-length lining, the optimal solution will be the combined laying with alternating direction for different surfaces and rooms. It all depends on what quantity and what kind of lining you purchased. Additional advantage of a combined type - he makes the interior more interesting and unusual.
Fastening technology clapboard
Fastening technology suitable in your case, choose based on the availability of personal experience in the construction of construction, the durability requirements of the construction and the allocated budget for the decoration of the bath.
There are such options:
- on kleimers for lining;
- oblique rowing of nails;
- through fixture with self-draws.
Important! What preference to give preference is to solve you, but consider the following features of each method:
- mounting on the kleimers - very convenient and distinguished by simplicity, does not require special skills and knowledge, allows you to perform hidden installation;
- spit ripping of nails requires special care and experience, so if you are missing for you yet, give up this idea. In addition, fasteners will be much more large - at least 6 pieces for each board;
- self-tapping screws are most used to assemble shelves and shops. To cover the walls and the ceiling with clapboard, such a technology is unsuitable, as it significantly reduces the aesthetics of the appearance of the finished coating.
We are wrapped with a bathing
The technology of direct fastening of the lining does not differ in difficulty:
- Start finish from the corner.
- Install the first board.
- Attach second in the spike groove.
- Secure kleimers galvanized scaling.
- Continue to the end of the row.
- The latter should be poning not only in length, but also in width.
- All corners and joints re-adjust wooden plinths, using thin galvanized nails for fastening.
How to shelter a bath with lining - video
To more clearly understand how the trigger trim process is going on, look at the video below.
Now you know all the features of the bathing of the bath wall. If you carefully read all the recommendations, you hardly have problems in the process of choosing a suitable material and its laying. Do not hurry, do everything carefully, and you will not only nice to spend your holiday time in your bath, but also be proud of the result of your work!