How to choose vibrotrambovka Instruments

Vibrotrambovka is needed in order to compact the soil or bulk material in narrow places, for example, in a ditch or on a small platform. It is used there, where other technique, such as a vibratory roller, will simply fail.
Types of vibrotrambovok
Vibrotrambovka can be divided into four types, depending on the engine, which is set to it:
- manual vibrator - the easiest type of equipment, they are sealing ground. Workers use these equipment or in very cramped conditions or vice versa, if you need to handle a large plot;
- vibrotrambovka gasoline - have good mobility and power. She is autonomous due to the fact that it is worth a gasoline drive. Such technique is very often used in places where there is no connection to electricity, for example, at a construction site;
- vibrotrambovka diesel - with good power, can perform a large amount of work. It serves a long time and attracts with its economy. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish that at low temperatures, interruptions are possible in operation and the fact that the fuel is desirable to pour only high-quality;
- electric vibration - used rarely during construction work, because it feeds from the network and is not enough mobile.
Choosing vibrotrambovki
To choose a good vibration flash, you need to know several rules:
- Before you choose vibrotambovka, carefully read its technical capabilities in the instructions. Do they meet the work that you need to perform.
- After you have chosen the model you need, make sure that it is fully equipped with it together there is additional equipment, such as tamping shoes, nozzles, etc.
- In addition to the fact that the vibration is quite compact and this is its main advantage of working on narrow sites, and technical characteristics play a major role in choosing. One of the main indicators is the size of the shoe, it determines the mobility of the technique. Than a shoe or the base of the tamper is less, the more convenient to them to work on narrow sites.
- It depends on the number of trimming strikes per minute its performance depends. The more blows, the sooner the technique can cope with the seal of the material. The largest productivity has a gasoline traam, to its advantage you can attribute that it is possible to use it at any time of the year.
- Weight and dimensions of technology depend on where you will apply it if you have a lightweight maneuverable car for tamping, it is better to choose a slight maneuverable machine, and only heavy powerful techniques will suit trenches and drainage.
Vibrotrambovka, which depends on which drive is in the equipment, has a fairly simple design. It consists of a metal frame on which the engine is attached, there is also a vibrating mechanism, control knob and working sole or shoe. The maintenance of this technique of special trouble does not bring, just need to clean the air filter, change the oil in the gearbox and engine and carry out a planned technical inspection. The execution of all these simple manipulations will allow the technique to serve for a long time.
Using Vibrotrambovka
The scope of application of vibrotrambovka is satisfied extensive:
- They are used for the end of the foundation during construction, for concrete floor, during concreting supports.
- Due to the fact that this technique is light and multifunctional, it can pass even in hard-to-reach places, it is often used to seal the ground near the wall.
- Vibrotrambobovka are often used by road services, they are used to lay pipes, embankments.
- Increased attention requires the soil near drainage wells, because it is very often settled. With the help of the tamper, the angles and bends in these dangerous sites are compacted.
- With the construction of highways today, the construction of bicycle paths and sidewalks is the construction of cycling paths and sidewalks. With vibration processing, sediment is prevented in these places.
- Pipelines often pass under the sidewalks, and during the impulses they have to re-open the soil to carry out repair work. After all the works, the trench is buried and compacted with vibrotambovka covered soil.
- Use this technique when it is necessary to seal the bitumen, which flooded in the root coating cracks during the repair.
- Sometimes the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the highway takes only a few square meters and it is not advisable to attract a skating rink. Therefore, you use vibrotambs. Apply them and where the tram path passes.
- The short-spectal traamies are used to catch the coverage blocks with lock protrusions, as well as when laying a pavement.
- There are vibrotrimbs that are regulated by the progress of the shoe, with such a technique you can carry out a variety of work. It is universal, it can, how to compact the coherent soil, and align the asphalt.
Work with vibrotrambovka
Vibrotrambovka - Technique is not difficult, but still there are some nuances and when working with it:
- Before starting operation, you need to carefully read about safety techniques when working with vibrotambovka. Check whether all the details are safe.
- The state of lubrication of the Tarambovka mechanism must be checked every time you are going to work. To determine the oil level, you need to push the technique back a little, if you see the oil through the sighting hole, it means it is enough to work. If the oil is not visible or it is on the bottom, then it must be added. The machine in which hard lubricant is used, it is also necessary to lubricate periodically.
- In environmentally friendly gasoline traaming, lead-free fuel is used, which is mixed with oil in a 50: 1 ratio. In ordinary technique, gasoline is used with the addition of oil in a 25: 1 ratio.
- Before starting work, you need to add gasoline, while working it is not recommended that the fuel does not fall on the hot parts. Also during this period you do not need to smoke.
- Every day you need to check whether the air filter is dust. It is the first cause of all breakdowns of technology. If you are working on a construction site or in the area where dust is very much, then the air filter needs to be cleaned several times a day. And disconnect the filter and work without it is prohibited.
- It is also necessary to check whether the oil from the bellows is missing, if so, then it is necessary to tighten the clamps, and if it does not help, it means that the bellows are damaged and it should be changed.
- Electrical traaming needs to check the cable status if there are problems, they need to be eliminated or replaced by cable.
Useful Tips for Tamping
- When working with vibrotambovka, it is recommended to wear protective clothing and shoes with steel socks, and since this technique is very noise, then the stubs for the ears do not interfere.
- Some manufacturers offer vibration flashing to buy with replaceable plates. It is advisable to use it when you treat the bottom of the deep and narrow trench.
- After you brew the engine, you need to open the throttle and immediately raise the rambling, slightly bowing it back. In this position and you need to work with the technique until you reach a uniform movement.
- On modern technique there are special anti-vibration handles that protect the hands of the one who works on it. The machine itself performs all the work, you do not need to press the handle if you apply excessive effort, the locking mechanism may be engaged. Move forward with effort the technique is also not worth it, it should go easily and smoothly itself.
- The quality of the seal will not increase from how much you are pressing on the machine, so you can enhance the vibration that is absolutely not needed. It will only adversely affect the operator's hands.
- Make sure that the shoe smoothly lay down to the surface of the soil, if you hear the clapping sound, it means that the technique is uneven and does not effectively compact the soil.
- In places where there is a probability of an explosion or where fuel and other flammable materials are stored, it is impossible to work with equipment due to the fact that sparks may occur.
- When working with electrical equipment, it must be disconnected from the network every time the vibrotability does not work.
- When transporting gasoline and diesel tamping, it must be put on the side, while the fuel hole must be at the top.