Final finishing: Consumption, characteristic, applying Building materials

If you started doing home repairs, I was convinced that the case is not easy and fulfilling all the work should be stages. Only so you can get a really high-quality result. One of the key moments in repair work is to putty the walls. It allows you to achieve smoothness, hides the imperfection of the material being processed and restores minor destruction of the previous finish. First, the starting mixture is applied on the surface, and then the finishing putty is already. It is the second that has all the necessary characteristics in order to prepare the surfaces for any finishing work. How to handle the finishing putty, what kind of types there are and on what brands putty pay attention, you will learn in this article.
Why put the walls?
The main purpose of the finish putty is the final decoration of the walls before decorative design: wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster, etc.
In addition to the main function - alignment of the surface, this type of work additionally gives the processed places near the positive properties:
- Strengthens the surface.
- Increases adhesion.
- Cleans any treated surface before subsequent trim.
Important! Be sure to carry out the finishing putty, since the quality, appearance and durability of decorative finish directly depends on its presence.
Putty finish: characteristics
This type of work not only affects the quality of repair, but also increases the technical characteristics of the base.
Here are some of the additional advantages of using finishing putty:
- perfectly suitable for walls under painting;
- high quality neutralizes any, even the smallest, irregularities and wall defects;
- only the finish putty has a small size of the fractions, which allows to achieve an ideally smooth smooth surface;
- white color - a neutral tint makes it possible to use any decorative decoration.
Important! Be sure to carry out the processing of foam concrete and plasterboard surfaces - they have a porous structure, so they actively absorb moisture. The finishing putty strengthens and protects the subsequent decorative finish from possible damage and corrosion.
Types of finish shtatlevka
To correctly pick up a suitable putty, you need to know that it happens a few species and each of them has its own properties and characteristics.
Important!Any finish putty can be considered only if The size of the filler fraction is not bole.e 0.5 mm.
Depending on which material was taken as the basis of the mixture, there are four types of finish putty:
- polymer;
- cement;
- acrylic;
- gypsum.
Important! To properly select the mixture, read the brief characteristics of each type.
Polymer finishing putty
- durability of the result;
- the elasticity of the material, which makes it possible to qualitatively apply the solution and effectively hide the shortcomings of the walls;
- dries quickly;
- allows you to apply layers up to 0.2 mm.
- expensive;
- because of the great popularity of the mixture, the cases of fakes were frequent, so before buying carefully examine the manufacturer's certificates.
Important! Despite the cost of such a type of putty, it is still finding well. You may spend a slightly large amount of money, but it will pay off the ease of application, the quality of execution and the protection of your comfort and comfort.
Cement finish shtatlevka
- low price;
- provides decent waterproofability.
- the appearance of cracks, after a short period of time after applying;
- bad shrinkage mixture.
Important! Perfect for rooms with high humidity: bathroom, bathroom, external parts of the building and kitchen.
Acrylic putty
- has good wear resistance;
- perfectly falls on any surface;
- leaves behind a smooth and even base for further decoration;
- durable;
- the mixture does not smell and toxic impurities;
- perfectly works with a tree.
- price.
Putclone gypsum finish
- easily applied and dries quickly;
- it is allowed to apply a thick layer;
- perfectly levels the surface before smoothness, without shrinkage.
- the need for rapid application to the surface - the finished mixture will dry quickly;
- does not have waterproofing properties.
Important! Use such putty in the rooms mainly with low humidity: bedrooms, corridors, storage rooms, etc.
Popular brands and manufacturers of finishing putty
Now the construction stores are filled with this type of product of different manufacturers, the quality and price of which can vary significantly. We offer you a brief description of some of them.
- Finish putty "Knauf". It is used to prepare walls and ceilings under painting and wallpaper. Sold putty in packs of 30 kg. Dry mixture has a finely dispersed structure. The solution easily and smoothly falls, is well seized. Without a pronounced smell. The consumer marks an acceptable price-quality ratio. Disadvantage - Find large insoluble fragments.
- Ceresit CT 225. Applied to the starting layer and carries the function of the final finish. Available in bags of 25 kg. Leaves after itself the perfect white, smooth and durable surface under wallpaper, painting and painting. Very quickly freezes, so the finished solution must be used for an hour.
- Kreisel. The most popular product - Kreisel 662. Sold in the packaging of 25 kg, in which one bag is enough to cover 7 m2 of the surface of the 5 mm layer of putty. Universal mixture of fine-grained type, which is suitable for coating concrete and brick surfaces. It has specific adhesion, which makes it possible to apply this putty as on bearing surfaces and at the untreated plaster. Resistance to dampness and high humidity allows for use for both internal and external work. It is one of the most popular and demanded brands, thanks to its universal qualities. The price of this putty finishing is much lower than its quality.
- Scanmix LH Standart. Polymer putty. With it, you can handle any surfaces, with any humidity. It has excellent adhesion and does not give a shrinkage. It has an ideal white color that can not cover the paint. The only nuance is a fairly high price that does not always justify the use of such an finish putty in everyday life.
- Washing finish "Vetonit". Suitable for work on various surfaces: streams, walls, seams, for alignment of floors and with tile cladding. It does not apply in rooms with high humidity and low temperatures.
- "Sheetrock". Finish putty, which is one of the best. It has all the necessary qualities that such a building mixture should have. After its use, walls and ceilings can be decorated in any way. Long retains its protective and leveling properties.
Finishing Puttle: Consumption
Initially, the flow rate of the finishing putty on 1 m2 is calculated for less costs, compared with the starting: the finish is applied a thinner layer. But it is not always that way, and, depending on the type of solution of the solution and your professional skills, the flow rate of finish mixtures may vary.
Also consumption depends on the following factors:
- Applied material. This is the structure, quality and properties of spacion mixtures and solutions.
- Expected end result. The smaller and better you need the surface, the greater the cost of the material.
Important! For perfection, the results are applied to the finishing putty in several layers, 2-3 times.
Standard consumption of certain types of putty:
- Putty for interior wall decoration under painting or wallpaper - 1.1 kg / 1 m2.
- Adhesive putty on the wooden surface - 0.5 kg / 1 m2.
- Gypsum for ceilings, walls and plasterboard seams - 0.9 kg / 1 m2.
- For perfectly smooth ceilings and walls - 1.2 kg / 1 m2.
- Facade finish putty - from 1.2 to 1.7 kg per 1 m2. Depends on the desired thickness of the protective layer.
Important! Regarding the most popular brands there are such indicators of the consumption of a building solution:
- Putty "Vetonit" - 1.2 kg / 1 m2.
- Finish putty "Sheetrock" - 1 kg / 1 m2.
- KNAUF HP - 900g / 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm.
Applying finishing putty
Finishing putty comes on sale in such forms:
- Dry mix. Putty need to knead yourself.
- Ready solution. Ready to work putty is more expensive, but it saves time and strength.
Materials and tools
Choose the appropriate option and prepare the necessary tools. You will need:
- spatula narrow 10-20 cm;
- respirator;
- wide spatula 40-60 cm;
- plastic container for putty solution;
- the solution itself;
- big brush;
- soft sponge or rag;
- spray;
- large lantern;
- sandpaper or pumice;
- construction mixer or a special nozzle on a screwdriver or a drill for the preparation of a solution from a dry mixture;
- angular spatula;
- rule.
Important! For amenities, collect all inventory into one box and place on the stepladder next to you. It will save the strength and time that you will spend on the descent and lifts for the necessary tool.
Preparation of solution
If you choose on a dry mix, prepare a solution correctly before using it, adhering to such instructions:
- In the prepared container, pour cold water.
- Observing the proportion, add a dry mix into water.
- Mix the mixer thoroughly before receiving a homogeneous, similar to sour cream, mass.
- Leave for 10 minutes and mix again.
Important! The desired saturation and density of the solution are determined based on the alleged layer thickness. If it is a thin layer, then make it more liquid if fat - add more dry mixture.
Finish putty application technology
At the beginning of work, for 100% smoothness, install your lamp or other suitable light source so that all surface irregularities are visible. Otherwise, efficiency and quality of work will significantly reduce .
Step-by-step instructions for applying finishing putty:
- With the help of the sprayer, spray the surface with water and thoroughly wipe with a cloth or sponge. Thus, you clean the surface from household and building pollution and increase the adhesion.
Important! Do not miss such a procedure, especially if you are going to apply a very thin layer of solution. On the dry surface, the solution is quickly grasped, and the dust particles remaining on it make layers less smooth and smooth.
- Prepare a plow glue solution with water and carry out primer work.
Important! Some experts recommend priming with professional building solutions that can be purchased in stores. Both options are well suited.
- Take advantage of a narrow spatula and type it finished putty.
- Apply a mixture on the wall, working in the vertical direction of the cross.
- Treat the surface zone you selected.
- Take a wide spatula and stretch the putty, periodically wiping it with a damp cloth.
Important! It is necessary to act at a minimum angle, tightly by pressing the tool to the surface. At the same time, make sure that the thickness of the applied layer does not exceed 1.5 mm.
- Cover the entire surface with the solution.
Important! In places where the angles of spatulas passed, traces of strips will remain. You do not need to try to align them - at the following stages you simply read them.
- Give the putty to dry and fuck well.
- With the help of fine-grained emery paper or other suitable tools, get rid of irregularities.
- Go to the following surfaces.
To more clearly understand how to put the walls, look at the following video instructions.
Efficiency and quality of work directly depends on the quality of the mixture used, so before buying the finish putty carefully examine its properties and characteristics. And knowledge of material consumption and compliance with the rules of application technology will help you avoid additional spending and save time.