Self-leveling floor fill technology Floors

Bulk self-leveling floors are a truly wonderful invention, which gives a lot of opportunities in the work of modern builders. First of all, with the help of this technology, you can align any gender by making a reliable basis for laying laminate, parquet, carpet, ceramic tiles, corks and other outdoor coating. At the same time, the fill process is so simple that it is quite possible to trust the newcomer. Let's talk further about the technique of filling the self-leveling gender.
What is self-leveling floors?
Before studying the technology of filling the bulk self-leveling gender, it is necessary to understand that it is under this concept that it is understood.
- Self-leveling floors are the floor covering using a special mixture based on plaster or cement, which spreads well and, when frozen, gives a perfectly smooth and smooth surface.
- The main difference of plaster mixtures from cement is, primarily in the fact that the first can correct the rather impressive height differences and quickly dry. In addition, their cost is much more accessible cement.
- However, gypsum mixes can be used only in dry rooms.
- In addition to plaster or cement, the self-leveling mixture, as a rule, includes quartz sand, glue, special additives, so-called plasticizers, coloring pigments and other components. Such a composition guarantees good plasticity of the solution, high adhesion and speed of frost. Today manufacturers offer a large range of self-leveling mixtures, among which, for example, Cerezite, Knauf, Glims and others.
Self-leveling floors
Preparatory stage
At this stage, it is prepared for the basis for filling the self-leveling mixture.
- For this, the surface for the presence of defects in the form of various holes, chips, cracks, etc. is carefully studied, which are consequeled using cement-sandy solution.
- A particularly important moment for which it is necessary to pay attention is the magnitude of height drops throughout the base area. The difference between the maximum and minimum indicator should not be more than 30 mm.
- Next, the floor purification from garbage and dust, paint residues and an old flooring, as well as all that can reduce the adhesive properties of the base surface. To do this, you can use a conventional metal brush or vacuum cleaner.
- Then the floor must be thoroughly braced with a brush or roller, after which it is possible to dry it.
- Before starting work on the pouring, the so-called damnant tape or an unbroken strip of waterproofing material (polyethylene, only, etc.) is attached to protect the walls.
- In addition, the solution can flow beyond the room to prevent this, experts build a side of the boards from the boards, which is necessary to provide waterproofing.
Pouring self-leveling mixture
Before the beginning of the fill, it is necessary to prepare a solution.
- To do this, water and dry mixture are mixed in a clean container, strictly following the instructions specified on the manufacturer's packaging.
- Mix can be manually either using an electric door with a special nozzle.
- It is necessary to interfere until the mixture becomes homogeneous without any lumps and air bubbles.
- The time during which you need to use the finished solution after it is kneading is about 40 minutes, so all the work must pass as quickly as possible.
- It is necessary to start the pouring from a long corner of the room, gradually moving closer to the exit.
- The solution is not entirely poured immediately, and separate portions from the wall to the wall with a wide range of about 30-50 cm. Each portion with a wide spatula is uniformly distributed across the floor. Special attention should be paid to the corners and hard-to-reach places.
- When the entire base area is covered with a self-leveling mixture, it takes several times with a special needle roller. This operation is produced in order to get rid of air bubbles and further adhesion.
Some secrets of successful fill of self-leveling floors
In order for all the work on the fill of self-leveling floors, it is highly important, it is important to know some secrets of this technology.
- First, all operations are best done together with an assistant. This will significantly speed up the process and ensure reliable results.
- Secondly, special shoes can become simply an indispensable detail in such a job - the needle-suicuated sole. Thanks to such shoes, you can safely spend all operations on the pouring, without fearing to damage the surface.
- Thirdly, for its own security, it is necessary to have personal protective equipment, in particular, rubber gloves.
- Of particular importance for the initial result are natural conditions in which work is carried out. Thus, the air temperature in the room should vary in the range from + 10 ° C to + 30 ° C, and the humidity should not be more than 60%.
- After completing the fill, you need to cover the floor with a conventional polyethylene film or foil. This will protect the base from possible defects and loss of its strength.
To learn in detail about the fill technology of the self-leveling floor can be on the video: