Lights for the pool: features everything Baths, saunas and pools

Pool no longer a luxury to own land, and a popular way to decorate the landscape and to diversify quiet leisure. Lights for the pool - this is the best option to highlight the originality of the design and to create conditions so that in the evening house territory look attractive and interesting. Before you make the backlight pool with his hands, be defined with a choice of lamps, the method of their installation and intended use. Based on these conditions will determine you to perform the installation of lighting in the pool on their own, or all the same trust this job profile experts.
appointment backlight
Before you make the backlight pool with his hands, clearly define for yourself what it is you need it?
Highlighting the pool serves as a rule, one of the two functions:
- decorative
- application.
Important! In the first case it is advisable to use colored light, through which it will be easy to achieve the play of light, colorful iridescence, and even the fantastic effect. Lamps for classical variant basin with warm or cold glow would be appropriate for illumination from a practical standpoint.
installation Methods
Lamps placed in the basins can be in 3 ways:
- underwater lighting;
- above-water lighting;
- floating light for swimming pools.
Underwater lighting
Underwater illumination will highly highlighte all elements of water decor, if your pool or pond is designed not only for swimming, but, more, to decorate the site. In this case, only those luminaires are used, which are made specifically for installation in a liquid medium. Their distinctive features are absolute tightness, water resistance of the case.
Important! Such illumination is suitable for a frame pool and stationary. Separate devices are mounted directly to the bottom, walls, or onboard structures. An interesting option will be the installation of a rotating multi-pool lamp, made in several shades.
Superwater lighting
The design features of this lighting allow you to perform it with your own hands. These systems are not associated with water and, while compliance with the installation of lamps for the pool, relatively safe. Devices are localized in this case exclusively on the coastal zone.
Important! More extent is the option for focusing on other landscaped forms of this zone or for use in order to ensure that it is convenient access to the reservoir in the evening. The decorative effect of "magic water" in this case is absent.
Floating backlight for the pool
Floating backlight is the easiest version of the option. At the same time, in the case of the right choice of instruments and their placement, you will result in an extraordinarily beautiful and mysterious reservoir.
Structurally floating illumination consists of special lamps equipped with floats. They are not fixed to a certain point, and drifting on the surface of the water.
Important! An excellent option for arranging such a backlight is the use of solar-powered devices. This equipment does not require connection to the power grid, it is enough to simply immerse it in the right order into the pool. The lineup of the lamps is very wide and includes unusual designs - both in shape, size, color decision, and by functionality. The idea from which your households and guests will come to delight will be delighted with the effect of smoke-fog effects on the surface. It is achieved through the built-in lamp body for the pool to the generator.
Types of lamps for water bodies
In relation to directly lamps for the pool - here the space for your fantasy is unlimited. Modern manufacturers deliver a huge range of devices of several species.
Incandescent lamps
This option is suitable only for mounting the backlight in the above-ground basin. They still remain relevant, rather by consumer habit, as well as due to cheap cost, although there are a number of alternative solutions - more efficient and in terms of energy saving, and decoration, and duration of operation at the minimum service time.
Halogen lamps
Lighting devices with such lamps are available and as fully sealed structures suitable for installation directly in the water temperature, and a standard device for overhead lighting.
Pros of this decision:
- attractiveness of the illumination system;
- intensive light streams that can be directed to different zones;
- the shade of the glow is changing with special insert filters.
The disadvantage is the high cost of energy and maintenance tools.
LED backlight pool
LED ribbons for pools and individual lamps today are the most rational solution. With the beauty of the resulting effect, someone is unlikely to argue. It is interesting to observe how light bulbs quickly and brightly flashes, and then slowly faded. All this gives ample opportunities for design, including when arranging a basin of a complex or improper geometric configuration.
The advantages of LEDs consist also in the fact that they are:
- easy to install;
- do not change their characteristics when founding in water;
- reliable and durable - more than 10 years of service;
- very economical in service;
- do not heated even with long burning;
- safe;
- easily controlled by special automatic devices;
- have a wide range of tones, but each light bulb can only be performed in one color.
Important! The easiest version of the reservoir lamps of this type is setting the backlight for Intex basins. The fastening of the lamps is performed as quickly as possible - on special magnets. The ability of the glow up to 50 W issues the desired quality, while the voltage is submitted to the system not by means of wires, but by electromagnetic pulses. This is exactly the option to choose when you decide to make the backlight of the pool with your own hands, not attracting specialists.
You can learn more about the varieties of lamps for the basins of this brand.
Spotlights for pools
Spotlights are most often fiber-optic devices consisting of dozens of lives, according to which light is carried out. Distinctive characteristics of this group:
- do not emit UV glow;
- color is controlled by insert filters;
- control by programming equipment equipment;
- possess dielectric properties;
- suitable for operation in a liquid or humid environment without risk of closure;
- safe;
- wide spectrum of operating temperatures - -60 / + 60c.
Gas discharge lamps
Slow pipes are also often used to address the design of the pool backlight. Structurally is a glass tube, the electrodes are soldered to the ends. The interior is filled with inert gas, the type of which determines the shade of light:
- neon - gives red;
- argon - Blue;
- helium - yellow.
Primary requirements
Water and electricity are two types of energy that cannot be applied together without complying with certain rules and restrictions. To secure comfort and safety during swimming, keep in mind the following recommendations of specialists:
- Select the stress lamps in the range of safe faces - up to 12 V, but not 220.
- Pay attention to the protective characteristics from the penetration of moisture in each instrument - they must comply with the IP 68 standard.
- Ice and seal all the wiring, especially the locations of the nodes, the injection wires to the device itself.
- Think out the location of the lamps so that in any situation you had quick access to them.
- Place the direction of light flows so as not to form glare on the surface of the water stroke and the rays did not blind eyes when you are on the shore.
- Light streams should cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pool and dissipate on the bottom.
Now you know all the features of how to choose the right backlight for the pool and make it not just beautiful, but fabulous, but at the same time safe, reliable and durable. If you have any questions left, do not hurry to start the installation of lamps in the pool with your own hands - consult our profile experts, how best to do it in your situation.