How to choose a garage doors? Useful tips, photos Construction,Plot.

Not so long ago, if you had to talk about the garage doors, then we all represented traditional swing gates made of metal. Only such a massive and reliable design guaranteed the maintenance of the car inside the garage. Nobody paid special attention to the design and design of the gate, as the choice was particularly small.
However, today the market offers a wide variety of garage gates, which differ between themselves in the way of installation, design, material manufacturing material and other nuances. How to choose a garage gate so as not to be confused in the manifold and provide comfort and safety? We will try to figure it out below.
Types of garage doors
Before answering the question of which garage doors choose, consider their main types depending on the design and method of installation.
Swing doors
This type of garage gate, as a rule, is a design consisting of two sash, which is kept on the hinges.
- Such gates are highlighted in an affordable price and good burglary. This is especially true of models made of thick steel equipped with anti-blank pins, reliable beegles, as well as safe type locks.
- Among the disadvantages can be called the need for free space before the gate for opening them.
- Big problems experience the owners of garages with a swollen gate in the winter when you have to clear the snow to get involved.
Sliding gates
- This is a simple and easy-to-use design, which by type of opening is similar to the doors of the wardrobe. Retractable gates consist of the upper guide for which the goal's sash drives to the side when opening.
- Thus, in contrast to the previous type of gate, the sliding gate save free space before the garage.
- Quite often, such gates are automated, which is very convenient. They can be found not only in private garages, but also in enterprises.
- If you need to block a fairly wide opening, then it is better to drop a gate for this not to find.
Retractable gates can consist of two sash:
or one sash:
Rotary garage gate
This type represents the gate, when they open them, the cloth rises up and deviates to the side, placed in parallel the ceiling in the garage.
- Thanks to such a design, you can maximize the width of the garage opening.
- Rotary gates, as well as rollback, are automatic, as well as often be equipped with a wicket.
- A single disadvantage of this design lies in the fact that with an inaccient with them, the turning out of the opening flap of the gate can damage the car or any other item to be in close proximity. Therefore, it is always necessary to observe a safe distance.
- In addition, in the open position, such a gate reduce the height of the garage, so it is important to consider the dimensions of traveling cars.
- Choosing a lifting-turning gate, it is worth being prepared for the fact that their cost is large enough.
Sectional doors
This type of gate consists of individual sections that move on the guides and hide under the ceiling.
- Like a lifting-swivel gate, they save free space.
- The sections of such a gate represent the usual sandwich panels, which have low thermal conductivity, and therefore, they are recommended to be installed in unheated garages.
- If during the operation, individual sections of such a design were randomly damaged, then they are easily repaired, replacing new ones.
- Sectional doors often mount an additional wicket.
- The only drawback is that they are somewhat limited the garage in height.
Roller doors
The principle of action of such a gate resembles ordinary roller shutters or rollers. Their canvas from individual aluminum plates with foam filling. When opening, they twist into a roll, which is attached to the ceiling or in a special box.
- Unlike sectional and rotary gates, rolling gates do not reduce the height of the garage, and also do not require free space in front of it, as in the swing gate.
- Among the disadvantages can be noted - the inability to establish a gate in them, as well as a high degree of thermal conductivity.
Thus, considering the types of garage gates can be made such conclusions:
- if you need cheap garage doors, then your choice is to stop on swing or rolling gates;
- if you need reliable thermal insulation of the garage, then the best garage doors in this case are sectional;
- if you have a minimum of free space before the garage, then the swollen gates are not your option.
How to choose garage automatic gate
Today, the gates with automatic drive are in great demand. However, not everyone knows how to choose a garage automatic gate so that they can satisfy all one hundred. First of all, it is worth saying that the automatic drive is installed in all types of gates.
- Rolled gates are equipped with default, for the rest it must be purchased additionally.
- The electric drive works almost silently, it is equipped with batteries, therefore it does not depend on the power supply.
- Together with the drive, it is necessary to purchase a remote gate management system, with which you can open the gate, without leaving the car, which is very convenient for non-weather, as well as for security purposes.
More information about the choice of automatic garage gates can be found in the video: