How to remove mold from the walls Useful advice,Plumbing

Mold on bread testifies to its unsuitability. It is impossible to say about the cheese with mold, if it is a special product grade. This kind of fungus is little bothering us - we know how to deal with him. When this attack begins to slowly master your home, located on the walls and spoil the whole view of the recent renovation, here anyone will not stand it.
Hello, I have your mold on the walls!
Here is an unexpected and unpleasant guest can be a gray-green spot on the side of the window. Black microorganisms are the most dangerous of mold fungi. React to new living creatures in the house must be immediately. Otherwise, after a couple of days, the gost appeared in the amount of what will not please anyone.
Types of mold
1. Mold mushrooms. These comrades are preferably located on concrete structures, paint or stones. Consequently, construction and finishing materials suffer from the first.
2. Mushrooms blue. A special subspecies capable of making an exquisite wooden table is a completely inconspicuous piece of furniture of gray-blue. In addition to aesthetic species, the strength of the material is lost due to the taching of the tubules in the coating.
3. Mushrooms rot. The victim of such mold is also wood. Moreover, in this case, the results are still paying. Strong oak floor can completely disappear for some month. Previously, it was not fought with such a mold - immediately burned, fearing that the neighboring buildings would be injected with fungus.
Be healthy!
The fungus negatively affects human health, so it is so important to get rid of mold on the walls. Hepatitis, stakhibotritxicosis, ureter tumor, anorexia, and even cancer - diseases caused by micotoxins of mushrooms. Now the question of what is dangerous mold on the walls, has already ceased to be relevant. Take care of your health, do not delay the solution to the problem in a long box. Ask how such serious diagnoses are interrelated with conventional mold? Very simple: Spores of mushrooms - our big invisible enemies. And if we are not at all right with the size, then by imperceptibility it's time to issue a medal.
It turns out, we are dealing with a hidden threat that easily moves along the housing, settles, anywhere, and breeds. Being in water, air, on any surfaces, it also highlights an unpleasant smell. Therefore, there is no one magical admission, which will indicate what to process walls from mold and make rid of this problem forever.
Annoying mold on the walls: how to deal
Come comprehensively, do not wait until an unexpected guest leaves your cozy home. Do not give in panic: Deciding that the disputes of the fungus are already everywhere, and you can not be saved, you do not need to wash your hands every five minutes and ventilated the room.
Get acquainted with mold closer. Descend about it enough. As you know, friends hold close, and enemies are even closer. Rate its weak points. Mold loves moisture, cracks in the walls of houses, stagnant air. Straight sun rays or strong cold, on the contrary, do not like mold.
Action Plan in the fight against the enemy
1. Determine the type of mold, it will allow you to quickly deal with it.
2. Try to find the source of the problem - the reason for the appearance of an unexpected guest. Detect the source of the mold appearance simply: Check if there are cracks in the walls, it may have happened to depressurize the newly installed window. Sometimes the fungus appears during the long lack of owners, this contributes to the absence of air humidity, high humidity (which is why the most common places affected by fungi is a toilet and a bathroom).
3. Elimination - mechanical stripping, chemical and antiseptic processing. The phased struggle is the most effective, but it will take at least two days. First, the surface is antiseptic so that the disputes do not continue to travel at home. Further remove all the affected places, be it plaster, putty, paint or wallpaper.
After stripping, the surface is subjected to chemical processing. Do it alone in mask, glasses and in a special suit. After such a better one for a day, disappear from the room. If it is impossible, then there is no time not at least 4 hours. Then how to remove the mold on the walls, you will not interest you anymore.
4. Get rid of cracks, if any. To carry out preventive measures.
Get rid of mold dispute
If you started fighting the fungus immediately, most likely, nothing threatens you. If the problem has been delayed, it is important to get rid of the dispute. Therefore, before destroying the mold on the walls, take care in advance and about the hidden threat.
Frequent ventilation is not enough. To drive out disputes from the apartment, arrange them a real tornado (simply speaking, draft). A small slot in the window is not at all option. Another way to get rid of mold dispute is to use special equipment.
From time to time, pay attention to the condition of the floors, walls, ceiling, roof. If in the house with plumbing and sewer pipes for more than you, think about their replacement. Operating repair, all tree process the antiseptic. And the material will last longer and do not have to think about how to remove the mold on the walls in the future.
Put in the closet only well-dried clothing. Do not store in the room dried flowers, revise the number of indoor plants. Bathroom doors immediately after the shower, leave a bit a bit, quite a small slit. Believe me, it is better to think about the methods of prevention than how to remove mold from the walls. Here, as in medicine, it is much more painless to warn to attack than to fight it. Moreover, in one day, the mold will not grow up to gigantic sizes and will not capture your apartment.
How to remove on the wall mold by folk remedies?
1. Use the usual stationery glue dissolved in water. It is impossible to consider an effective 100% effective, but it has the right to life.
2. Anthracene oil destroys the fungus on all wooden surfaces. However, it will be possible to paint the material after such a processing only after a couple of years.
3. To the question of how to remove mold from the walls, some advise the use of Sofit (yes, this is the largest and most powerful light bulb, in the light of which are swimming well-known actresses). Nevertheless, this method has no confirmation.
4. Chlorine-containing household chemical solutions also refer to folk remedies that fight fungus. However, at the same time, the mold will be removed from the walls, the structure of the wood collapses under the influence of chlorine.