What is slagoblock? Product specifications Building materials

The slag block is a building material that is created in special forms with vibropressing. You can build a house from the slagoblock by using the material for the construction of bearing walls. Weigh all the "strong" and "weak" sides of this wall block will help you an article.
What makes slagoblock
Gray bulky blocks are produced from a mixture of ash, blast and boiler slag, brick, concrete and cement crumb, rubble dropout (river and granite), grains of volcanic pearlitis, sand, crumples and a number of other fillers. The binder for these components is cement, the raw material mixture is kneaded on the water. The use of sawdust and challenges in the creation of a slag block allows you to talk about environmental friendliness and ease of material.
If you have never seen how the slagoblock is produced, the video will satisfy your interest.
The effect of the features of the composition of the slag block on its quality
Indicators of strength, thermal conductivity, high slag block resistance relative to external exposure factors depend on its main composition, that is, the technological process determines the specific features of the material.
For example, if the formative composition includes crushed stone, pebbles and sand, the slagoblock is obtained by heavy and durable stone, which will be under shock loads and bad weather. Beveling walls are erected from such a durable material, but it is taken into account that he has a high conductivity of heat and it needs additional insulation.
Slag of different fractions also affects the specifics of the slag block. A lightweight material that practically does not miss heat is born of a large-sized cream-shaped particles. But the pebbles selected by the method of sifting the small slag will increase the weight of the slag block and increase its ability to remove heat out of the room outward.
If the erected walls will serve as a support not an economic, but a residential house, the choice is better to stop on the slag block, as part of which there are ordinary saws - the material will provide dwelling the absence of drafts, ecological and fire safety. However, there is one nuance: such walls need to be protected from precipitation and moisture.
Properties of material
- The strength of the slag block is 35 - 125 kg / cm². From the M125 and M100 blocks, the foundations are laid and the base walls are erected, the M75 and M50 grades are used in the construction of walls and partitions, the M35 brand stone is insulated by the other, which makes up the load, building material.
- Without loss of initial qualities, the material from 15 to 50 times can "survive" seasonal cycles of freezing and thawing. This speaks about decent frost resistance. In order for the outer walls to serve for a long time, they are erected from a slag block with frost resistance in 35 cycles, buildings in more severe climatic conditions are built of stone with frost resistance in 50 cycles.
- The ability of the slag block to skip heat is expressed in the following indicators: from 0.35 to 0.48 W / m * ºС.
Slagoblock varieties
Depending on the volatility, there are:
- Full-time wall blocks are very durable. Of these, the foundation, the basement, columns and the supporting structures of the building are built.
2. Hollow - they are used in the construction of walls and partitions indoors.
The view of the inner cavities and the area they occupy in the slag blade, to some extent determines the properties of the material. Thus, the voidness of the wall block is not lower than 40%, it allows you to talk about its high thermal conductivity and an extremely unsatisfactory characteristic by strength. Apply such a slag block in the construction of buildings, where the main load will take on a metal framework, and also used as insulation simultaneously with other, more durable, building materials.
Nullness of at least 30% gives wall blocks with respect to low thermal conductivity and durability. From such a slagoblock, the walls are most often erected. Blocked manufacturers always leave a mark on the percentage of void in their products.
Cameras inside the slag block may have a round, oval and rectangular shape. Subsecurated and round holes give the wall blocks a special strength, a slag block with a rectangular "window" is conveniently mounted - if necessary, it can be smoothly broken without the use of a special tool.
Depending on the purpose allocate:
- A complete block, which can be both full and hollow. The size of the slag block, namely its length, height and depth have standard indicators - 390 * 188 * 190 mm.
- Half-terminal - this hollow version of the wall material is two sizes: 390 * 188 * 120 mm and 390 * 188 * 90 mm.
Both types of slag block may have a decorative surface, imitating the appearance of the wild stone. This effect is achieved with the help of special polyurethane forms. Multicolored wall blocks were very popular - they not only build houses, but also arranging fences for country sites. Looks such fences very noble.
The enclosing house of the wall of the slag block in the photo is the best proof of that.
The weight of the slag block determines its size and percentage of emptiness. Full-scale blocks are the hardest: from 25 to 28 kg. The hollow is a little easier, their weight is 18 - 23 kg, and the maximum weight of the semi-block is 13 kg.
Dignity and disadvantages of material
Before you buy a slag block, you must at least familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.
The indisputable "pluses" of the wall stone are the following characteristics:
- Acceptable price product.
- Due to the large size of the slag block, the construction will not take much time, and the cost of the work will decrease.
- There is nothing easier than to make a laying of the slag block with your own hands.
- The wall of the slagoblock perfectly absorbs "unnecessary" sounds from the street.
- To create this building material, use the most diverse raw materials - you can choose what is suitable for you.
- The decorative slagoblock is quite replaced by the cheap facing material.
The following factors say "against":
- Some species of this wall material are very heavy.
- If there is no opportunity to buy a decorative slag block, give a noble view of the wall using ordinary blocks is unlikely to succeed - they look quite sad and unsightly.
- The slagoblock must be protected from dampness - the material quickly absorbs moisture and begins to collapse.
- Depending on the composition of the slagoblock, it may not be quite safe from the point of view of ecology, since a certain percentage of harmful substances still have a certain percentage of harmful substances. In this regard, there is an opinion that the stone should be under the open sky before direct operation.
Shlakoblock house: what you need to consider
- If a slagoblock is involved in the construction of the house, do not do without a high and strong foundation of the belt type.
- The base is also needed to do high: in the future it will protect the lower part of the house from wetting.
- The slag block wall is very dense - this means that unexpected difficulties may arise during installation of pipes and wiring. Often builders use special techniques for pipe gasket. In any case, this question is considered in advance, even before the construction of the house.
The most often slagoblock is used in the construction of cottages and utility buildings. With the help of this wall stone, large channels and air ventilation cameras in homes are erected. Also slagoblock can be seen as paving slabs and curb stones.