Wall pastry paper wallpaper Wallpaper,Walls

Paper from which paper wallpapers are manufactured does not contain harmful impurities. Wallpapers out of paper are faster, pollution from them is difficult to remove, but they do not emit harmful substances, allow the walls to "breathe". For this reason, when choosing wallpaper for repair, preference is often given to paper wallpaper.
Types of paper wallpaper
It should be distinguished on a paper-based wallpaper and ordinary paper wallpapers. The upper layer of wallpaper on a paper basis is performed from various materials - vinyl, fabric, velor, etc. Coating from vinyl prevents air exchange indoor.
Paper wallpapers are completely made of paper. There are no films and other coatings on them. Chemicals are only in the paint, which is applied to the wallpaper.
Single-layer wallpaper - Simplex have the lowest cost compared to all types of wallpaper. Wallpapers are very thin, they produce such wallpapers only in Russia. Single-layer wallpapers quickly turn around when working with them, clearly repeat the relief of the wall - each grain will be noticeable.
The advantage of the simplicity is that with the help of such wallpapers, you can cheap and quickly update the interior of the room. For rental apartments - this is the most suitable option. Simplex can be glued and the seams are not very noticeable. With this embodiment, the wallpapers are glued from the window.
Of the two layers of paper produce a duplex wallpaper. Duplex is more dense wallpaper than simplex. Thanks to two layers of paper, the wallpaper has a relief surface, or a smooth, resistant wet ruffle. The embossed surface hides the roughness of the walls.
In stores you will find a wide selection of color wallpaper coloring.
The Mogilev Factory produces two-layer embossed wallpapers for painting. The roll of wallpaper has a length of 15 m, which reduces the amount of waste.
When finishing children's rooms a good option - paper wallpapers for walls. The price of wallpaper allows them to translate them in two or three years.
Light tones, fun drawings will help make a children's room cozy.
Interesting paper wallpapers for children's rooms produces a British studio Harlequin.
Baby paper wallpaper for walls. Photo.
The disadvantage of paper wallpapers is instability towards pollution, wallpaper will be blown away and lose the brightness of the pattern.
When placing the room with paper wallpaper, a good addition to the decor are paper flowers on the wall made of fine paper, or cut from wallpaper of another color.
How to calculate how much wallpaper
When drawing wallpaper, the height of the room and the wallpaper pattern is taken. Paper wallpapers are produced with a width of 53 cm at a roll length of 10m.
If the wallpaper does not need to customize the drawing, and the height of the room is no more than 250 cm - from one roll will be 4 bands. When fitting the pattern, and the height of the room is more than 250 cm from the roll, three wallpapers are cut. The remains will go to the wintication of the walls above the door and near the window. The perimeter of the walls without window and doorways is divided into 53 - you will receive the desired number of wallpapers. Based on this, calculate how many rolls you need.
Add another roll on trimming and on the walls of the walls above the door, if you have only 4 bands from the roll.
How to glue paper wallpaper
If you want to cross the wallpaper in one day - thin paper wallpaper can be punched on top of the old, if the old people do not lag behind the wall. Everything that is done quickly is most often done wrong.
Preparation of walls to shook wallpaper
For the salary of the walls with paper wallpaper requires their high-quality preparation. This is performed in several stages.
• Removal of old coatings - wallpapers, whitewings or exfoliating paint.
Old wallpapers need to be removed completely, no matter how hard it is for you. Pains to leave on the walls - unacceptable! Paint also delete as much as possible.
• Primer.
The walls or ceiling are ground several times - before the start of plaster works, before the shta and and at the final preparation of the surface to the shook wallpaper.
• Stucco walls.
Curved corners and bugans on the walls will not be able to hide any wallpaper, especially paper. If there is no possibility and means for the ideal leveling of the wall in the same plane - pay attention to the corners and close all cracks on the walls. Cracks need to be divided - make them as wide as possible, and fill the plastering mixture. Ideally - plastering walls in lighthouses. But even the plaster of walls without lighthouses and the rule - just a wide spatula - will help to hide the irregularities of the walls.
• Splashka
Splashing wall will allow you to get a smooth surface.
If the walls do not need to align - they still need to be scaled.
This is done in order to prevent the appearance of spots on the wallpaper. Paper thin wallpaper well absorb moisture. Pollution on the walls are dissolved from moisture and appear spots on the faded wallpaper. In the evening you will finish work and stay to sleep, pleased with yourself, and in the morning you will find yellow spots on the wallpaper. Do not forget that work is not so important as preparation for it.
• Primer again
After putty, the walls are grouped and processed by primer. The primer reduces the surface absorption, removes dust.
The shplanke is very well absorbed by moisture. Moisture, which is needed to set glue absorbed into the wall and glue will lose its qualities, wallpaper will move away over time.
What glue glue paper wallpaper
For paper wallpapers, special glue is produced. Good qualities have Celid glue.
The glue does not leave the stains on the wallpaper and does not give them a lot to smack when working.
Do not buy too cheap wallpaper glue. The price of the bundle of glue begins from 100 rubles .. From a cheap poor-quality glue on wallpaper, spots can be cut. Also, the wallpaper can quickly splash, after drying the seams between the wallpaper will disperse.
Tools and materials
- wallpaper
- paper Wallpaper Glue
- pVA glue
- brush
- glue Dilution Capacity
- level or plumb
- pencil
- scissors
- roulette
- soft cloth
- narrow (3-5 cm) and wide (10 cm) brushes
- plastic Spatula or Wallpaper Brush
- clamping roller for seams
Operating procedure
To work well, you need to know how to glue paper wallpaper.
Wallpapers begin to glue from the corner of the room. At a distance of 51 cm from the corner, take away the vertical line using a level or plumb. Special attention should be paid to striped wallpaper - on such wallpaper immediately visible through the corners and at the door boxes, it is necessary to glue them strictly vertically.
• Cut the wallpaper in length.
When cutting wallpapers, requiring the combination of the picture, roll the roll face up. Mark the desired strip length and cut down the length. Roll down the roll next to the cutting strip, combining the drawing, cut the next strip.
• In water room temperature, divert glue. Create a brush with a long handle Create a whirlpool in the tank and in the formed funnel, fall asleep glue, mixing quickly.
In the dilution of glue in very cold water, lumps are formed. If you breed the glue in warm water - it can lose its qualities, and the glue will cool for a long time. The application of warm glue on the wallpaper will lead to the fact that they quickly splash, and when drying, it will be disappeared on the seams.
• Brush apply glue to wallpaper. Pay attention to the edges of the wallpaper - so that they are completely missed. Roll wallpapers, for 3-5 minutes, give glue to absorb. Make sure that the edges of the wallpapers are combined. If this is not done - the edge of the wallpaper will quickly dry and the glue will not have time to absorb.
Sometimes they advise to apply glue on the wallpaper roller. It is not entirely convenient - the edge of the wallpaper is wrapped behind the roller, the wallpaper is unevenly disliked.
Paper wallpapers are very quickly absorbed moisture and twice. Do not apply glue more than two bands. Cutting wallpapers can be glued and when trying to deploy, you can damage the wallpaper.
On the wall glue is not applied.
• In the corners and around the outlook, mark the diluted PVA glue using a narrow brush. You can also apply this glue on the seams of wallpaper. PVA glue will dry quickly and reliably fixes the wallpaper, without giving the seams to disperse.
• Attach the edge of the wallpaper for the mark. Wallpapers with a fitting pattern Write on the ceiling, soldering the wallpaper on the corner, cut down the extensive scissors. Knife cut the spacious paper wallpaper is inconvenient - they do not bother and can break.
The ceilings in the apartments are not always smooth. From one wall to another height of the ceiling can "run away" by 3-5 cm. Singing drawing on the wallpaper, you will be unpleasantly surprised when it turns out that the last bands can not be punished under the very ceiling.
• Scroll with a spatula, a brushing or soft cloth from the middle to the edges. In the corners, get the wallpaper on the wall, push the wallpaper to the corner. 1-2 cm should be found on another wall. Make cuts with scissors at the woven edge every 10-15 cm. It will protect the wallpaper from the distortion and wrinkling around the corner after grazing.
Do not use a wide clamping roller for smoothing wallpaper - folds may form from which it will be difficult to get rid of.
• Slit spaces pass a narrow rubber clamping roller.
• Next Wallpaper Sheet Apply to the previous, combining drawing. Apply a sheet from the ceiling, start smoothing from the middle - first up, then down.
When sticking the last sheet on the wall, measure the remaining width. Cut the wallpaper sheet before applying glue.
The glue that fell on the surface of the wallpaper immediately remove the white foam sponge, without making great efforts.
Do not open windows and doors so that there are no drafts.
How to remove old paper wallpaper
Old wallpaper with plaster remove difficult.
Start easy tools - brush and spatula, and patience.
The top layer of wallpaper duplex is removed easily. Remove everything that moves into the dry, the remaining wallpaper moisten with water and remove with a spatula.
Before starting work, turn off the electricity - water enters sockets and switches, moreover, damaged wires may be in the wall - it is dangerous.
Wallpaper moisten with warm water with a scrambled brush with natural bristle fibers.
This method of wetting the wallpaper is much more effective than spraying from a spray or with a roller. The brush slightly damages the surface of the wallpaper, and water is better absorbed. When spraying from the sprayer, the water rolls along the wallpaper, the water is poured a lot of water, and it is not enough to sense from this.
Do not waste money for special gels and fluids to remove wallpaper. Their only sellers and marketers praise. Who checked such substances in practice, remained dissatisfied. No liquids and gels are able to soften the wallpaper - the effect is the same as when wetting wallpapers for warm water.
Try the needle roller. The roller rolled the wallpaper, then wetted with water and paint the wallpaper with a spatula. The needles rollers leave holes in the wallpaper, water falls into these holes, the wallpaper is better softened. But slightly - help from this roller is minimal. It is more effective to make cuts on wallpaper sharp objects - a knife, or a spatula angle.
Split wallpaper. Delete the spatula. And so - layer behind the layer. Sometimes under the top layer is found second, then the third, also old newspapers. You need to delete everything. Those wallpaper pieces that are difficult to remove with ease will depart from the wall during sticking or shplotovka, and bubbles will appear on new wallpaper or on the put shlatovka.
Collect the remote wallpaper from the floor immediately, not letting them dry - the soaked pieces of wallpapers are easier to roll and fold into the package for garbage.
Before the sticker of new wallpapers, prepare the wall - prcribsente it - that you get rid of yourself from the next painful removal of old wallpapers upon subsequent repairs.
How to glue paper wallpaper. Video.