How to plant lawn grass Useful advice,Plot.

Beautiful, green and well-groomed grass at your home is not only the beauty of nature. A beautiful lawn is designed to be a decoration of the site, perform an architectural solution, emphasize the buildings, highlight the alpine slides, flower beds, Rabata. In order for your summer cottage to be such a beauty, it will take quite a bit effort and time. The main thing is to fulfill everything.
As we know, the basis of the majority of lawns - grass. The lawn grass exists a lot of species, they differ in their characteristics, color, as well as growing on a particular area. As if not all kinds of lawns are suitable for Russia, so it is important when buying a grass to take into account this criterion, so that the work has not passed the goal.
With a ray, you need to be especially attentive. The grass quickly gives germs, while creating a feeling of a thick carpet. However, it is very susceptible to temperature drops, and frosts are destructive on it. In Russia, this grass does not take root, freezes.
If you decide to buy lawn grass in the form of a mixture, then look at the composition, whether there is no grass in it, which does not suit you in the area.
When to plant lawn grass
Time for planting lawn grass is chosen from May 1 to August 15. Note that if you plant in the spring, then the consumption of lawn grass can be increased. By about 15%. Thus, you can get a beautiful green cleaner with a strong lawn, which will survive the winter. In addition, if you take a mixture of lawn grass, then in any case, the varieties will compete with each other, pusing each other, and therefore, not all the varieties will live to autumn, and the lawn is a little powers.
If you have decided to plant in summer, you can adhere to expenses. Because The lawn is given less time for shoots and ripening, the weak graffs of the grass will not be ousted. But the struggle between the varieties will still be, therefore, ensure proper care of the lawn grass so that it is not weakened and the digestion.
Best grade grays
Ovsynah and Mattik give the most beautiful color of all the grade of lawn. The grass is very thick and lined up as a carpet on the plot. Trestors are very gentle, with an emerald tint. If you create a parter lawn, then the variety data is the perfect option. But if you create a lawn, on which they will walk, then these varieties will not fit, they will quickly hurt and get off. For the "running" lawn, it is best to plant a field of any varieties. It copes perfectly with the loads.
As mentioned above, the types of lawn grass are very many, but the most chassis are:
- Mint meadow.
- Wenthole Single.
- Ovsynah red.
- Polevitsa thin.
- Riped people.
Ovsyannica is remarkably suitable for shadow areas. But even for her you need a little sun. In general, not a single grade of lawn takes constant shadow. After all, as you know, sunlight gives photosynthesis for plants, without which they simply cannot exist.
Types of lawn grass
In our consciousness lawn, first of all, is associated with grass that covers the soil. On the lawn you can equip the ramks, flowerbeds and other decorative elements of the garden. However, this is an erroneous opinion. There are also the so-called blooming lawns. Of course, they carry only a decorative function in themselves, from a practical point of view, they are unlikely to be applied, because According to them, it is impossible to walk, they can not be put on them. Let's analyze the main types of lawns and their key characteristics.
Blooming lawn
The basis of flowering lawns are cereals, which are more diluted with various flowering plants, annual or perennial. These plants are selected in such a way that their bloom will be held all the time of vegetation, i.e. From spring to autumn. The composition determines the types of blooming lawns.
- Meadow lawn. This mixture includes plants that grow in the meadows. Of course, not in full, and in certain proportions. Very often, chamomile, clover, velbeyn, daisy, yarrow are added to the composition. Despite the fact that there are many colors in such a lawn, still the main portion occupy herbs.
Meadow lawn carries a decorative function. Its main feature is that different plants begin to bloom at different times, and their appearance and colors are changed in the flowering process. It `s very unusual.
Such a type of lawn is a couple of times for the season you need to cut off, but do not mow. Because Usually, perennial plants are added to the compositions, they grow very quickly, so after cut, the restoration of the lawn does not take much time. Such a lawn is not quite suitable as the main one, i.e. All territory will not quite appropriate to settle them. But zoning the plot is very convenient for them.
- Moorish lawn. In this form, only annual plants are always used. Such a lawn is never subject to haircut. Cultures are selected shorter, and their content is usually smaller than colors. Flowers - dominants in this form of lawn grass.
Since the plants are all annuals, they are picking them in such a way that they please the eye on the garden plot the maximum time. Often in the composition you can see cornflowers, Maks, Len, Matioch, calendula.
- Range lawn. Unusual appearance, because As part of him, soil plants. And in the open ground they do not plant them. Nuthanging lawn need to grown for several years, plants are planting in small quantities, and wait until they grow out. This is the most complex lawn, and to grow it with their own hands - a time-consuming and mutual matter.
- Herbal lawn. If you look at an ordinary person, all kinds of grass lawn are practically indistinguishable. They only have a little color color. However, besides the shade, the grass has different characteristics. Some are intended to go on them, others are categorically not. Methods and sowing proportions are also distinguished, care methods are different.
- the lawn is ordinary. Very persistent look, you can walk on it, and run. Very long is not pulled out. Plants for this lawns are chosen hard, rough on appearance. The easiest in courtship variety, it is not necessary to pour it often, but errors that are often allowed when they are disembarking are not visible to the eye. For giving - this is perhaps the best and unpretentious option;
- parter lawn. It is a parade lawn and carries a decorative function. As part of only gentle and beautiful plants and flowers. Low growing and very thick, if it is necessary to care for him, the view has a chic. Very often, the lawn is sown on small, prominent sites, where no one will walk. The cereals in the composition are very soft, with any impact they will damage immediately. Porter lawn is well disembarking between the tracks;
- special lawn. This kind is planted in places where there are slopes and irregularities. The composition includes plants that have an extensive root system, it is she who contributes to the holding of soil from leaching. It is impossible to say that this is a decorative lawn, but not ordinary. Wonderful such lawn looks at a plot with a reservoir, where there is a small slope;
- sport lawn. A specially selected complicated mixture of herbs that are very resistant to pulling and abrasion are used. Decorativeness is not its purpose, the lawn carries a practical function. That is why, even if it is very good for him to take care, it will still look worse than usual. But, his resistance is very high. Lawn can be kept in barbecue areas, in playgrounds or places allocated to sports. Such a lawn does not apply to the category of cheap, because the composition uses special herbs, in general, it is complicated in care;
- natural lawn. As you can guess from the name, this lawn does not buy and do not plant specifically. This lawn created nature, but also care for it. Namely haircut at equal intervals. The advantages of such a lawn is that it does not allow to disperse the soil. He has decorativeness, of course, not high. If such a lawn has plants that seem unnecessary to you, and do not fit into the overall picture, they are pulling them out.
How to make a lawn with your own hands
The growing of lawn can be divided into steps:
- We prepare the soil. We remove weeds if necessary - you can adjust the acidity of the soil for good fertility.
- Sweep herbs, regularly pour them.
- Grooming lawn. It is done in the case when Grass grabbed to a certain meaning.
- Continuous care and maintenance of the height of the lawn.
The care process involves keeping the soil moisture. You also need to remove weeds when they first appear, sometimes make feeding. If you started to appear are properly, they need to be hurried. Compacts often appear against the background of a very hot summer, from which the grass dries, or after a frosty winter, when the grass in places freezes.
We prepare the soil under the landing of the lawn
- First you need to evaluate the quality of the soil and its fertility. If you have loam or clay, you can forget about normal grass growth. It will be necessary first to prepare the soil first. This can be done in two ways: on top of your soil you can pour fertile or pull out a small pit and fall asleep of his fertile land.
Of course, it is easier to first option, but this method is not suitable for each site, because The layer of bulk ground should be about 20 cm. If you lift the layer of the Earth into such a significant height, it can look ridiculous. And besides, you will definitely have to make borders to hide the irregularities of the soil layers.
It is more reasonable to remove a layer of native soil by 20 cm, and in the deepening to fall asleep normal land. In this case, after you pulled the pit, shook it with geotextiles, and then fall asleep the earth. Geotextiles will help get rid of weeds, without giving them to the surface.
If your soil is suitable for landing and germinating lawn, then further preparation does not require special efforts. We pull out all the weed plants first. You can use the usual gardening and manually remove them or herbicides. Dilute them according to instructions and water the places where you will plant a lawn. After a couple of days, all weeds dry out and they can safely be thrown by robbles.
- Check the acidity of the Earth. Usually compositions for lawns contain herbs for neutral soils. Beautiful lawn requires victims, so regulate acidity if necessary. In specialized stores for gardeners, sets for sale that will help determine the acidity of the Earth. The set includes a lactium paper, put it on the soil, waiting for the specified time, just during this period it is painted in color corresponding to acidity. What color is what acidity is indicated on the package. So, you learned what is the soil, if acidic, then add lime to the ground, mix. If the soil is alkaline - add peat. After - leaving, loyalty, deleting too much - roots, stones, weeds.
- When all the procedures are made, we introduce a fertile layer. It is necessary to get into the area loose and fertile soil and distribute exactly 5-10 cm in thickness in the thickness. Run down the layer for the start of the shovel, after we pass rake. It is very desirable when aligning a little shy land aside, where the fence is worth. So you will avoid overvoltage problems when strong rains are standing. All excess water stalks from the ground to the fence. The slope is needed quite small - about a centimeter-two. This will be enough for drain, and this skew will not be visible to the eye.
Important Council: Note that the fertile land that you will deliver for the site will most likely maintain stones, branches, roots, etc. We do not need this garbage, so the land would not hurt to sift through a special construction grid. With the help of it, the sand in the construction sphere is still sifted. But clean land can already be distributed over the site.
- We carry out the trimmer. This procedure is also called the tool, and it allows you to compact the land. Those, so that we calmly come on the lawn, and he did not "go" under us and was not remembered, and those unevenness that were formed during the formation are cleaned. If you do not have a special skating rink for the trimmer in the arsenal, you can make it yourself from the iron or asbestos pipe, inside which we do the rod, and it makes the handles to it, you can even use a thick rope or rope as a handle. So you made a rink, now it needs to be dragged throughout the site. We point until the soil becomes dense and will no longer fall.
While you will specify the soil, it is necessarily somewhere it will be raised unevenly, you will see these hilly. In the future, they are neatly removing the shovel, the hole formed to fall asleep the earth and tamper the rink. Sometimes it takes a long board to create a smooth area, which is pulled out by stretching it.
We introduce fertilizers for lawn
You can enter fertilizers at one of the steps. On the other hand, if the ground you had normal, and you still decided to put it bridally, then you can not use fertilizers. If you want the most rapid growth, you can add.
- Fertilizers add when the imported land has already spread over the site, but have not yet been lined with robbles and shovels.
- Fertilizers are best used dry, you can even mix them with lawn seeds.
- Also, fertilizers can be diluted, and with this composition is irrigated.
Nevertheless, the most optimal method of fertilizer is watering. This method allows you to evenly distribute fertilizers. But it is for many burdensome, however, if you have an automatic watering system, then everything is much easier.
The most convenient way is the distribution of fertilizers together with seeds, it happens faster in time.
Sale lawn
After you have tamped the soil, take a rake and slightly loose. Now sow lawn.
You can buy a special device - a seeder, but it is quite expensive, and once or two to buy it unreasonable. It is better to pour grass seeds into a bucket and manually scatter them evenly on the surface of the soil, scattering through the fingers.
If you want to somehow simplify this process, you can, over, make a seeder yourself. Simply take a can and make a lot of small holes in it. You can use a plastic bottle.
It is important that there is no such situation that in one part is thick with seeds, and in the other, on the contrary, sowing turned out to be rare. To do this, simply divide the area into several parts, seeds, respectively, also divide into as many parts as the site. Just take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe seed so that the seeds are purchased in the correct proportions, they are indicated on the package.
So, you first sow one part, then the second, third, etc.
After sowed seeds, we close their soil. Consider 2 ways for this:
- Pritrusit seeds can be ground using rakes, just walk around the area with them. But the way is not enough effective, since some seeds remain on the surface, but some prisyplyutsya.
- Manually, you can sprinkle brought land that remained. Create an about 5-mm layer. So you'll cover all the seeds.
All lawn with his own hands you planted, only now provide regular watering and wait for the first seedling.
The question of how to water the lawn would pop up after landing. In this case, it is important that the ground did not dry up. But at the same time, and excessive humidity in it should not be. Do not water the lawn high jet streams and puddles to form should not. Remarkably buy a special nozzle on the hose - sprinkler. It creates a lot of small streams that uniformly in moderation will pour your site.
You can, of course, and posamodelnichat, do it yourself sprinkler. In a plastic bottle make small holes, connect it to a hose. And then - you can hand watering or put a hose or fix it in the vertical position, tied to a small column.
So why do you need to be watered by spraying water? Because the root system of plants in any case should not be wet and damp. Moisture should extend to a depth of 10 cm. When the water fill from the top, then it will displace oxygen from the roots of plants, and they die.
About a week later - a maximum of 10 days, you can see the shoots. They are rare, but that should not discourage you, it means that the seeds of certain varieties ripened early, and others podospeyut. If you properly care for your lawn grass for a month will increase by 15 cm. Then you need to mow the lawn for the first time, while leaving 5 cm of grass. This is the most favorable height at which grass grows well and correctly. 12-15 days the grass again reach 15 cm, while it is already possible to carry out the second mowing and cut grass up to 3-4 cm.
How to care for your lawn
The most important principle of care - a timely and proper watering. And get rid of weeds and periodic mowing. When watering irrigation, lawn will grow much better, because the soil retain oxygen, that contribute to the proper development of plants.
The lack of oxygen may threaten the grass only after long rains and showers, in this case, puddles will be formed. In this case, you need to conduct aeration. We take a skating rink special, it looks like the one who rigged the land, but with the rally. Making such punctures in the ground, you miss oxygen through them, in which the plants need so much.