Kleimers for lining: choice and installation Building materials

To arrange a beautiful, stylish and reliable interior, many as a finishing material are chosen by lining. Often use it for the facade decor, as well as for finishing a bath and other utility rooms. In this case, it is impossible to do without correct fasteners. It is best for this purpose klyamimers for lining, which is not difficult to find - you can find them in any construction store. What it is, how to choose klyamimers for lining and competently make them installation, you will learn from this article.
What is kleimers?
Kleimer is a fastening for lining in the form of a bracket. It is made of iron with a galvanized surface or from spring steel. Install such hardware onto the walls or the crate using nails and self-tapping screws.
Important! The fastening technology is applied to kleimers not only when mounting the clap, but also to fix the MDF type panels and for plastic plates.
Advantages of using kleimers
Further distinguishes kleimers for the lining not only the optimal price, which is slightly higher than on the self-tapping screw and nails, but is fully justified. There are a number of other advantages. Such fasteners allow:
- significantly reduce the construction process;
- eliminate the formation of visible damage of the lining - cracks, chips;
- not puzzled by the parameters of humidity in the room - it does not affect the possibility of using a klyaimer attachment for the lining;
- fulfill all installation work independently - the technology is very simple and is also available to those who do not have a rich experience in construction;
- finding perfectly suitable fasteners to arrange a solid and attractive coating in a hidden way, practically without seams - commercials are usually represented for lining with various sizes;
- reliably fix all the elements and do not worry about the fact that the coverage shifts will appear in the future;
- decor for a long time - Kleimers for the lining are very durable, reliable and cannot be corrosive.
How to choose kleimers?
The main requirement when choosing kleimers for lining - sizes. It is from the parameters of your panels and the type of material, determine the appropriate fastener option so that they provide the expected reliability of the coating, but were invisible upon completion of all finishing works.
Deciding where to buy kleimers for lining, taking into account the following guidelines for the purpose:
- staples up to 2 mm - optimal solution for assembling structures from plastic panels and MDF type slabs;
- 3 and 4 mm fasteners are acquired when klyamimers are needed for Eurovantia or chipboard;
- fasteners in 5 mm - to solve the issue, how to mount the lining of wood, especially such breeds like aspen, linden;
- 6 mm are used for blockhause.
Important! In addition to sizes, pay on features such as:
steel strength;
the integrity of the galvanized;
the resistant of the size parameters of the entire party.
Calculation of kleimers for mounting lining
Calculation of kleimers for mounting the lining is easy. You can do this with 2 ways:
- Take the basis of this method of counting - by 20 klimers per 1 m2. Follow the calculation on the surface area that you will decorate.
- This method is used most often when finishing the roof. In this case, the fastening step is taken into account and installation location:
- smooth surface areas at step in 400-500 mm - 4 kaymer;
- the edges of the roof at a step of 350 mm - 5 parts;
- registration of roof angles in step 250 mm - 6 pieces.
Important! In addition to the kleimers themselves, take into account the need to purchase the right quantity of fasteners to fix them. So that the work on the installation of the clap was made qualitatively, adhere to this calculation: 2-3 screws for 1 klyimer. In no case are not attempting to save, using one nail - it will provoke the deformation of the surface with time.
Installation of lining on kleimers
After you have chosen kleimers for the lining, time to start assembly.
Tools for mounting
Prepare all the necessary tools in advance so as not to be distracted by their search directly during the finishing process. Focus on the following list:
- screwdriver;
- building level;
- roulette;
- corolnic;
- hammer;
- screwdriver;
- marker or thread for marking.
Preparation of materials
Installation of lining on the kleimers requires competent preparation of both the base and the panels themselves. This stage is as follows:
- Thoroughly align the base surface to which the molding is expected. Be sure to use the construction level for this work, preferably a modern laser device - it gives perfect accuracy.
- If necessary, install a smooth crate, a metal or wooden frame with a suitable step - no more than 50 cm.
- Treat all sawn timber antiseptic.
- Hold the technical pause to completely absorb and dry out the solution.
- Perform the size for fastening kleimers:
- with a vertical finish - plan the installation at a distance in the width of the wall;
- with horizontal - determine the distance of 1-2 mm from the base of the floor, that is, so that it turns out to drive the nail or twist the self-tapping screw.
Mounting technology molding on kleimers
The process of montage of kleimers does not take a lot of time, but has some features. With horizontal attachment, they are as follows:
- Insert the starting panel in the bracket.
- Lock kleimer with self-draws.
- Insert the next panel connecting the groove with the comb.
- At the same time, secure the next kleimer.
- Repeat the last 2 steps until the entire surface finishes, withstanding fasteners. The optimal distance is 50 cm.
If you perform the molding on the walls on the walls on the walls, consider the following recommendations:
- Tightly press the end with the crest to the wall.
- Fix kleimer screws.
- Install the bracket in the groove from the opposite side.
- Continue such actions consistently until the surface is completed.
Additional recommendations for working with wooden clapboard
If you prefer to the wooden lining, take a note for some more advice of specialists, so as not to damage the material and get a really high-quality result:
- Control the temperature regime in the finishing room - the difference with the street should not be more than 10 degrees.
- Make sure that you purchased high-quality hardware for fastening that are not converted over time.
- Do not use liquid sealants for decoration of wood plates. The best version of the protection against the leakage of moisture in this case is the substrate from the polyethylene film directly under the facing layer.
- Cover the lining after the completion of all mounting works with varnish, butter or wax to protect it from moisture and sunlight.
Now you not only know what klyamimers are, but it is quite able to cope with the independent installation of the molding on such fasteners. Use this technology and you will be able to create an interesting, beautiful and solid finish of your home with minimal costs, and she will serve you for many years. It will be doubly pleasant that the year does not have to update the coating and spend your time for repairs. But do not forget that all this is possible only when using high-quality building materials.
High-quality building materials, such as asphalt can be viewed http://ltsr.ru/asphalt/