Buroubilant Fundament device Construction

As you know, there are many options for creating a foundation. Practice shows that in certain conditions, only limited types of foundations should be considered, which will be the best option directly for a particular site. It sometimes it turns out that, for example, a ribbon foundation that can be safely called the most common base that is unsuitable for use in concrete conditions. Obviously, in this case, some other options for creating a foundation should be considered, since the future structure, which will be created, will not differ reliability and durability. It becomes clear from this that the foundation itself puts at risk not only the structure, but also the lives of people who will be inside it.
As a reliable and truly durable basis, many experts consider the Burbino Basic Foundation. In addition, there is information that in certain cases, this type of foundation and there is no replacement. First of all, we are talking about weak soils, where the classic types of bases show themselves far from the best side.
At the beginning I would like to say that the boronobic type of foundation has a lot of advantages, but at the same time a lot of shortcomings, due to which many owners have contradictions associated with the feasibility of using this design. This suggests that before creating such a reason, it is necessary to carefully analyze all issues related to the features of the foundation.
In this material, we will look at the main features of the boronabivinal foundation, as well as analyze the numerous details related to the creation of this base. You can undertake such a foundation without any problems and a person without experience.
Features of Burbinal Fundament
Despite the excellent strength of this foundation, it is worth noting that this foundation is often used for small structures. Often we are talking about the various country houses, bath buildings and the like objects. Practice shows that this is the basis, despite its strength, it is better not to use for some major building structures. First of all, if we are talking about large-scale construction, it is advisable to use monolithic foundations that reveal themselves almost in any conditions.
At the same time, if we talk about small structures on problematic soils, a boronabic foundation is really indispensable. Even under the influences that often occur at the ground level, the construction, while supporting the boronabivinal foundation, will be in perfect order.
Experts indicate that the main task when creating a burbilling foundation is the ability to rely on the solidity layer of the soil. Accordingly, even if the top layer of the soil has significant problems, it will not affect the state of the foundation and the structure itself.
Practice shows that on the basis of such a foundation, it is possible to create a two-storey building without unnecessary problems. Ultimately, it will be a reliable basis that will not create any problems for people.
Many owners of sites that plan to conduct responsible work on the creation of the foundation are mistakenly believed that the boron-born foundation is an analogue of the pile base. In fact, the situation is somewhat different, since the piles are simply clogged into the depths of the soil, and in a burbilling foundation you need to create supports, with your own hands. In the second case, it is possible to create supports with defined dimensions, which will ensure high base strength.
Practice shows that there is the possibility of creating a cheap or expensive boronabivinal foundation. This question, first of all, depends on the materials used, as well as the specifics of the established base. Often, with such construction events, insulation is used, which allows you to extract the maximum benefit from the base.
The most interesting thing is that the burbilic base can be created together with the tape base. Such a building decision, as specialists noted, is reliable, and the burnabilic elements themselves are able to stop more than a hundred years. Again, the gene information is not always relevant, since often existing conditions are not best suited for a certain reason.
Next, we will look at the main advantages and disadvantages of a burbot foundation, which will make it faster to make the right choice of many owners who want to hold construction events.
Advantages and disadvantages of a boronabivinal foundation
- Reliability. Obviously, the technology associated with the creation of concrete supports is reliable for most existing conditions. Practice show that burbilling piles can have different dimensions, as well as many other parameters that can be perfect in certain areas. As we have already spoken, concrete elements should be based on the solidity of the soil, which allows the foundation to be highly resistant under any conditions. We also mentioned that a boronobile foundation is the best solution for problem soils, where ordinary foundations are practically useless.
- Saving time and building materials. When creating burbill piles, it is necessary to spend quite some building materials. This is an unequivocal plus, given the fact that today almost any products related to construction are expensive. Saving time is that to build such a reason it is not necessary to invent anything, everything is extremely simple, since the situation is in the arrangement of piles and the further fill of the foundation. If we talk about other options for creating a foundation, you will have to make a lot of effort to create a high-quality fortified base for a problem soil. In this case, if we create boronobyl piles, you can equip a small-breeding belt foundation, to create which requires extremely few building materials.
- Practicality. First of all, the practicality of the creation of a burbilic foundation is the lack of need for specialized transport. It is necessary to have several pipes that will make fill, and the concrete mix itself, which is the basis of building events.
- Perception of large loads. As is known, the closest competitor of the boron-borne foundation is the basis of the scoring piles. The situation is in such a way that with the help of large diameter pipes, we can create considerable concrete piles, which can perceive much loading load than clogging piles. Accordingly, some freedom of actions appear associated with permissible loads on the basis, which means that the dimensions of the established structure may be larger.
- Labor consumption. Despite a number of advantages that are indicated above, the high laboriousness of the work carried out for many may be a serious problem. It is safe to say that for work on the creation of a burbilling foundation there will be quite a few people. But at the same time, much depends on the specifics of the foundation, as well as on the scale of planned work. The unequivocal complexity of the work that needs to be carried out to create the basis of the house is also the need to drill a rather deep well. Often, special devices are used for this.
- The complexity of calculating the foundation. Practice shows that with uniform placement of burbilling piles, problems associated with a large variation of the bearing capacity may occur. This is due to the specificity of the soil, various characteristics of concrete supports, as well as from many other factors. Practice shows that the scatter of the bearing capacity can be up to 30%. This suggests that in some conditions it is advisable to consult specialists who will provide sufficiently qualitative calculations for a certain fee, allowing you to effectively use all resources.
- Large consumption of concrete. Considering the fact that it is impossible to compact the soil around the piles created, it turns out that the consumption of concrete increases significantly. This situation is not the most optimistic, but even with this scenario of concrete goes far less than when creating a bellulated base.
A large number of lack of foundation indicates that in many conditions this construction solution may not be the most suitable, so in each individual case it is necessary to analyze all items and make informed conclusions.
Creating a Burnaging Fundament
Calculation of a burbilling foundation
To begin with, it is worth understanding that the width of this base depends directly from the thickness of the structure of the structure. Thus, if we are talking about a frame structure, then there is no need for the basis of the zero level.
If the walls are thick and durable, then you need to think about a fairly reliable basis. It is necessary so that the entire load of the structure is distributed on the foundation evenly. There is a lot of reference literature in which you can find all the necessary information related to the sizes of piles, as well as general dimensions of the buildings. Based on this information, it will be possible to obtain a qualitative basis, which will certainly serve as faithfully.
Marking of the territory
In the case of marking, it is important to specify the places where concrete elements will be located. Again, this situation almost depends on how the construction will be. For example, piles can be equipped under the walls, or in some other areas where the greatest loads are expected on the base. It is worth saying that there should be marked already on the basis of available information, if it comes to the plan created in advance.
Most often occurs the location of the piles in a checker order, which makes it possible to extract the maximum benefit from the base with uniform loads.
The process of creating wells for pile
As we have said, to create wells under pile, you need to use a special drilling rig. We are talking about yamoburas from the eastern manufacturers. It is best to rent this equipment somewhere, as it is only necessary for a short period of time.
Practice shows that only a few hours of time leaves for the creation of one pile. If the future construction is small, then during a couple of days all the necessary events can be performed. But it should be borne in mind that the most important thing in this process is the quality of the final result, and the hurry here is often unnecessary.
Creating a formwork
Immediately it is worth saying that in the case of a boronabivinal foundation, the formwork is created only if the primer, on the basis of construction work, is not the most reliable. It can be a low soil density, due to which customs may occur.
Accordingly, if we create a formwork, you can be completely confident in the absence of problems when pouring the mixture. Experts advise to create at least a small formwork slightly above the surface of the site.
As a formwork, you can take a completely any material that does not lose your form with minimal deformations.
Choosing piles
As we have already spoken earlier, burbilling piles should be stronger and durable than ordinary clogging elements. Professionals engaged in creating similar designs for many years, advise paying attention to piles that have an extended base. This most expansion can be perfectly small, however, the meaning in it definitely has: the foundation will have greater reliability and durability, and this is especially true in those among the very territories where there are problem soils.
Sand pillow
It has long been known that a sand pillow is an extremely important element of many building structures. In this case, it is necessary to create a small sandy layer at the bottom of the space under the burbill piles. Most often, this layer is only a few centimeters, however, it is extremely important in all this is the need for a sand tree, so that the design has been successful in all the parameters after the concrete.
Without high-quality reinforcement, the boron-binding foundation does not make any sense. In the case of our reason, there will be quite a lot of reinforcement, which will be placed directly in the created spaces under the fill of concrete.
It is advisable to immediately acquire sufficient volumes of reinforcement, to immediately make her ligament, after which it would be possible to place it in the soil. For one recess, it is enough to use 3 reinforcements, which is conditionally located in a square. For binding, you can use a conventional wire, or welding equipment.
The diameter of reinforcement rods should be about 10 mm. This value will be perfect for a similar foundation.
It is once again to note that the reinforcing elements should be the same, otherwise the design will have some differences associated with the bearing capacity and some other strength parameters.
Already after a sufficient number of reinforcing elements was created, they can be placed in wells. The form of reinforcement should be such that when immersing it, it fits perfectly into a limited space, and after the fill, it performed its immediate tasks.
Pouring concrete
Now the time of the last stage of construction work comes. We are talking directly about the pouring of concrete, which will make it possible to continue construction work after a while and create a full-fledged house.
In this case, a rapidly hardening mixture will be required to periodically rub, pouring small portions of the material in the well. In addition, experts advise in parallel to throw in the foundation and stones that will significantly strengthen the design. However, there is an important requirement associated with approximately the same gabarities of stones, otherwise, after creating the design will have some problems.
For high-quality sealing of the mixture, a special bur, which goes into the well and vibrates.
It is worth saying that the process of filling the mixture should not be carried out too quickly, since during the process you can face problems associated with various features of the site, material and equipment. If we have a major foundation, then for a full-fledged fill, a mixer machine will be required, which can immediately deliver the entire required amount of material.
It is often happening that at the same time the creation of boronabilic elements and woodworking. The meaning in such a process is really there, since there is a significant saving time. If everything is thought about everything, the quality of the design will turn out to be at the height. If there is no experience of such events, it is necessary to first create piles, and after that it is necessary to create a reinforcing design for the writing, and then pour the mixture.
Thus, the most important thing is the observance of technology, which will benefit the maximum benefit from the existing materials and the scale of construction. Practice shows that it is extremely difficult to make a mistake in the process of creating a burbilic foundation - it is essential, however, it is often possible to face specific aspects of the process, so sometimes it is better to consult with specialists.