Application of professional flooring in construction Building materials

The growing rates of construction create favorable conditions for the development of new technologies and the development of modern materials with improved properties. The production of professional flooring was a major achievement. To date, this is one of the most convenient and broadcast building materials. In addition, it is possible to buy professional flooring both in special construction stores (in the already cropped form) and on metal bias (under the order).
Where professional flooring is used
Today, such a building material, as a professional flooring, has expanded its application due to high operational characteristics, versatility, competitive price.
Professional flooring - Application:
- exterior walls,
- overlapping
- roof
- internal walls
- partitions,
- interhesive and attic floors;
- in the construction of commercial structures (kiosks and pavilions, gas stations and washer, shops);
- in industrial construction (hangars, warehouses, workshops);
- when building residential buildings.
Professional flooring is indispensable when the reconstruction of objects is carried out when it is used the total construction dates are reduced, while the supporting structures of the buildings are not subjected to additional load. The use of professional flooring made it possible to increase the scope of frame construction and significantly accelerated the process of external finishing of private houses.
Profile sheets are galvanized by various types and types of profile. Wall profiles can be wavy and trapezoid, roofing and carriers - only trapezoids. Professor is also available in the form of cassettes.
Profile - species and sizes
The working width of sheets depends on the brand of the professional flooring and is in the range from 1150 mm for wall sheets and 750 mm for enhanced, the length of the sheets is not limited and can be determined by the customer (made from rolled steel).
Professional flooring - sizes:
- wall (for fences) - marking "C" has a working width of 1 m to 1.15 m with sheet thickness of 0.4-0.9 mm;
- roofing (wall, fences) - labeling "NS" - has a working width of 1 m to 1.035 m with sheet thickness of 0.4-0.9 mm;
- roofing (reinforced / constructive) - Marking "H" - has a working width of 0.6 m, 0.75 m, 0.84 m with thickness of sheets 0.7-1.5 mm.
The high-tech processes of production of professional flooring make it possible to produce sheets of various thickness and height of the corrugations. Galvanized professional flooring - material from thin-sheet steel with a corrugated profile. The height of the profile for the wall professional flooring varies from 6 mm and up to 44 mm, the roofing was performed from the profile from 20 mm to 60 mm, the reinforced profile of 158 mm is used in the bearing structures.
Steel sheets used to produce professional flooring have a thickness of 0.4 mm to 1.5 mm. One brand profile of the professional flooring has several types of thickness. The marking of the N-60 professional flooring means that it is used for roofing and in carrying structures and has the height of the rigidity ribs (profile height) of 60 mm. At the same time, this brand of professional flooring is produced with a thickness of 0.5-0.9 mm.
For fences, it is possible to apply professional flooring with a wall "C-8" and "C-20" with a sheet thickness of 0.55 mm. Accordingly, the stiffness of the sheet itself and its carrying capacity, the strength of the structure as a whole, as well as the service life depends on the thickness of the sheet and height of the profile. These factors must be taken into account when selecting the material.
Advantages of professional flooring
The choice of material is caused by its use.
- The cheapest is the zinc coating. If the galvanized professional flooring is used outside the aggressive medium (indoors where there are no harmful processes) or for temporary structures, as temporary removable fences, it does not lose its operational qualities up to 30 years. Galvanized corrugated flooring is used in monolithic overlap structures.
- AluminumCink is an additional inexpensive protective layer on a professional flooring, slightly improves its appearance.
Professional supply galvanized is also available with protective polymer coatings, which significantly improve its operational characteristics improve the appearance. The protective coating has a different thickness, depending on the type of protection of 20-200 MK.
- Economy version of the protective layer - polyester paint with a glossy surface (or polyester), allows you to select any color in accordance with the total color of the gamut and style.
- A more durable coating is a polyester paint with a matte surface with the addition of Teflon, has an extended color palette.
- Coating with a textured surface - plasticism. Adding polyvinyl chrojride together with plasticizers increases resistance to mechanical effects, reduces chemical and temperature effects.
- Polar coating is a fairly new defense of the professional flooring, (polyurethane-polyamide paint) has a special texture, on the species of silky matte, in the process of operation is resistant to fading, has a wide temperature range of applications and increased strength to various kinds of influences. With this coating, professional flooring is operated up to 50 years.
- Acrylic coating - PVDF, has increased protection against the effects of ultraviolet rays, can be used in an aggressive environment (improved resistance to chemical influences).
Galvanized corrugated, regardless of additional protection layers, has common operational properties:
- anti-corrosion protection provides a minimum life of 30 years;
- minor weight (from 4 to 24 kg / m 2) increases the scope;
- mechanical strength, stiffness of sheets in the direction of ribs (CORPR);
- manufacturability of structures, dismantling, tightness of structures;
- simplicity of transportation and storage;
- availability of components of various types and accessories;
- saving during operation;
- low price range;
- environmental friendliness;
- aesthetics of material;
- reducing total construction costs.
Improving the operational characteristics of galvanized professional flooring significantly increase its competitiveness. An important role is played by the quality of raw materials. High quality sheet material increases the life under other equal conditions. The price of clothelists is also determined by the quality of the material used in production.
Professional flooring for roofing
Professional flooring roofing has a wide range of applications mainly in low-rise construction and industries (hangars, warehouses, workshops). It is used in the structures "warm", (using mineral wool and basalt insulation) for residential buildings and heated industries, and cold roofs in non-heated buildings.
This professional flooring differs from the facilitated species of greater height of the rib corrugations and the presence of a capillary groove intended for condensate, has a smaller working width of the sheet, which generally increases the strength characteristics of the structure. In areas with greatest snow loads, a professionalist with a greater height of corrugations are used.
Roofing professional flooring is also selected individually for different angles of inclination of the roof. With a smaller coal of the tilt, about 6 °, which is used mainly on structures of temporary and less expensive (sheds, cottages), the brand of professional flooring from the H-20 (N is a brand for roofing sheets) is selected. To slope, the roof exceeding 10 ° used at the objects of residential and commercial, it takes professional flooring H-35 or more, respectively, with an increase in the height of the corrugations, the thickness of the metal increases. For residential buildings, a smaller profile height is taken to be used on the roof of snowmobiles.
In the same way, the coating of roofing professional flooring is selected. For residential buildings, preferably coating by plasticization or purally, which will provide a longer service life.
This kind of professional flooring is also used for overlapping, mainly in the construction of industrial and commercial facilities, while it is important to take into account the width of the span, the height of the corrugation depends on it. On small spans, the use of profile with a height of up to 75 mm is allowed. A profile 114 mm of roofing professional flooring is applied on flights 6 m, and 9 meter spans overlap the straightener with a corrugation height of 153 mm.
When calculating the material for the roof, it is important to consider that the installation of roofing professional flooring is made by "Vangest", so the working width of the sheets is reduced during counting decreases (on the width of one cornier), the Out of the eaves for the eaves to 400 mm is also taken into account.
For the tightness of the longitudinal joints in the roofing, the seal is used during installation, it is important to use with a large length of the skate (from 10 m).
The selection of roofing professional flooring should be carried out in accordance with the projected loads (structural, snow) and depends on the climatic area of \u200b\u200bconstruction.
Fences with professional flooring
The use of corrugated in the landscaping of territories is most effectively economically. Professional flooring for fences is used both for temporary structures during construction, and at the same time a cheap option is used - galvanized and for the fencing of the territory of sections of cottages, residential buildings. As a fencing material, professional flooring is well combined with traditional materials such as stone, brick.
Professional flooring for the construction of fences is the most practical decision that can be taken when the material is selected. Priorities for choice serve its undoubted advantages:
- low price (the total cost of the fence when using professional knobs will be reduced several times, especially with a large length of fences);
- durability and efficiency (the fence will serve without repair and painting up to thirty years);
- the ability to dismantle sheets when expanding areas or replace damaged if the design is not welded;
- mounting does not require a very high qualification of workers, as well as specialized equipment;
- modern design, multiple variation in version;
- use as a noise screen and reliable animal barriers;
- use as a fire barrier (limit the spread of fire from neighboring territories);
- use as a lightning protection of the contour with a general ground;
- general aesthetics of facilities in combination with other materials;
- provides the reliability of the entire structure from penetration.
The presentation of the plots is largely determined by the fence, combinations of stone and professional flooring, bricks and professional flooring in the design of fences easily fits into any stylistic solution. Adding in the design of the fence of artistic forging elements will lead, of course, to the appreciation, but will support the stylistic unity of the development.
When installing, professional flooring can be fastening options - horizontal and vertical. Horizontal fastening is used with an economic goal for temporary fences. The vertical fastening of the proflists looks much more aesthetic.
Professor mostly chosen with a small height of corrugations and a smaller cross section. The professional flooring is mounted very easily, the reduction in the installation time is largely determined by the width of the sheet. For a fence with large spans or solid, which is often used to fencing industrial areas or country sites, additional racks and transverse links are installed on the inside.
He it facilitates the design due to less than other weight materials, so it is possible to use economical columnar foundations with a small bave. The overall height of the fences varies from the standard 1.5 m to two-meter. It is necessary to take into account that for large-length fences and the height requires a device for airborne aeration, which will also protect the design from the depth of moisture on the surface.
Professional flooring for the gate
There is no doubt that the gate play a significant role in the overall stylistry of the fence, so the gate from the professional flooring fit organically and can be a dominant element. Due to the ease of construction, these gates can be made of greater width than metal and forged, but as decoration, forged elements will only improve the appearance. Various executions of the gate of the professional flooring, the photo will demonstrate in the best possible way.
The gate with the use of professional flooring is performed by swollen, sliding. The use of professional flooring significantly enriches the options for execution of the gate, multiple design gives individuality to each execution. In the design of the gate easily fit and wickets, but they can be performed separately.