Aligning the site with your own hands Plot.

When mentioning the words "Country Plot", many people have associations with a cozy house and a dense lawn. But far from everyone knows that to implement this painting to life it is necessary to perform a rather extensive amount of work, the first place among which the site leveling is occupied.
Why do you need alignment?
Earth cover is almost always very far from perfectly smooth coverage. And many land owners faced with alignment issues only when it comes to landing landing. However, this is not the only reason to align the landscape.
Consider this question in three aspects:
- construction,
- horticultural,
- decorative.
From a construction point of view it is very important that the construction site is even. If we are talking about a ribbon or pile foundation, ensure a uniform load distribution is possible only if the height drop will be not more than 0.50 per meter. For monolithic foundation, this is not so important. Another principal moment is the tracks around the house. They are made not only to be convenient to walk, but also to protect against the side pressure of the Earth for the foundation (arises at the time of the size of the soil, when its volume begins to increase). Naturally, on a flat surface, lay out a paving slabs or pour asphalt much easier than on rough terrain.
If the growing and care of the lawn is attributed to gardening and gardening, then the reason for which the site must be aligned becomes obvious. Any lawn mixes, firstly, are better leaving on a flat surface, secondly, it allows for an aesthetic appearance. If we speak purely about breeding vegetables, then it is more convenient to monitor them when the surface is deprived of drops in height (the costs of the forces for digging the wells are reduced, and water consumption for watering is significantly reduced.
If we talk about the appearance of the plot, then the alpine slides, winter gardens, ponds, etc. It looks attractive only if the rest of the area is a flat platform.
Preparation of the site
But how to prepare a plot for alignment? For this, a special technique is used, which will simplify the process of conducting alignment work.
- We start working with the fact that we divide the land plot on nine smooth parts (3 rows of 3 parts) to be noted by stakes.
- Next, between them, at low height from the surface (you should take a mark of 3-4 cm to achieve a better result) to stretch the rope for visual alignment control. All these actions are needed only if the slope is visible to the naked eye (bugs or pit are present on the surface of the Earth).
- Further, everything is simple - we remove the extra land and plucked into the pits, so that the level of the earth coincides with the rope. Sometimes pits or even ravines are so much that additional land is needed to align the site. The easiest thing to buy it.
Separately select the arrangement of the land plot with a significant slope. It is necessary to take into account not only the percentage ratio of the slope, and the location of possessions. For example, the leveling of the land plot with a slope greater than 200 degrees will be more correctly produced by a multi-tiered method. Proper layout will allow you to give such a giving a noticeable and spectacular beautiful appearance. But in this case, in the preparation of the Earth, it is necessary to initially conduct non-alignment of the earth surface (which technically will be impractical), and cut part of the earth massif on the slope. Place tiers are best on the southern and eastern side of the slope. These directions have long been considered the warmest and most suitable for garden or vegetable crops. In particular, such a preference will be noticeably in the area, on which the cold and temperate climate prevails, however, it is suitable for a warm climate.
Any alignment, even the blocks of the Earth with a small slope will be started with a pretreatment. If it is planned to determine the land only under the lawn - then it is worth calculating in advance whether the lawn or a lawn, which is combined with landings (shrubs, trees) will be on this site. After all, then to care for the lawn will be much more complicated, not least because of the performance of the roots of large trees from under the soil.
Methods of alignment
According to many authoritative sources, it is extremely desirable that the area has a slope of no more than two degrees, and was directed towards the south. But what if the slope is greater and requires the implementation of a comprehensive treatment procedure? We will analyze the main ways:
- The first method is suitable if the land put on has large sizes (obviously more than standard six hectares). It is advisable to attract construction equipment to work, in particular, the tractor for leveling the site. Whip running is performed twice: along and across the site. Then the use of a cultivator is recommended using a weighting projectile (for example, a metal barrel filled with water, sand, crushed, which will give it extra weight). The procedure allows not only to create a perfectly smooth surface, but also raks the land, which ensures the preservation of the slope and the plane even after the spring and autumn dumping of the soil.
- A situation may occur when it takes to remove a significant amount of turf (thickly overgrown with grass and roots of plants of the soil layer). In this case, it is necessary to use special construction equipment. For example, the grader is perfectly suitable or bulldozer. With their help, the primary surface alignment will be made.
- In the second way, you can call a combination of the use of a cultivator and manual working with robble. As a rule, this method is suitable if the slope of the Earth is insignificant and does not require the removal of the turf. In this case, the cultivator will be quite sufficient, with which the land plot will be plowed several times. Please note that every time plowing must be carried out in different directions (along, then across). After using the cultivator, it is enough to produce earth alignment by robbles.
Useful advice
In addition, there is still a couple of simple, but at the same time effective ways to level the Earth. It will take the old staircase with flat steps. It is tied to the ropes and drag over the entire surface of the site. Despite, it would seem, some oddity of such an operation, a similar method is very good when the soil is breaking and giving it one level. Why staircase? In this case, it will work as a rake consisting of several consecutive blades.
A long and wide board is also useful for leveling soil, laying it on the ground will allow you to immediately notice that it should be modified (lump or dug). A more practical way is to replace the tree on the rail or channel (length of at least three meters), they are stretched by analogy with the staircase. It is worth noting that two people will need to fulfill this work. There is a sufficient number of ways to demonstrate how to properly produce a plot, video with which is at the end of the article.
If all the stages of the equalization of the Earth were taking into account the characteristics of the landscape, then complete the composition will be correct not only to the resistance and the harrowing of the Earth, and at the same time withstanding it under the ferry (that is, the repeated treatment of a diverse land during the summer). This is necessary in order for those seeds of weeds that remained in the land after the work sprouted and they could be removed.
Leveling the area under the lawn
If the land plot on which it is necessary to grow and in the future, creating a well-kept lawn has a small size - it is quite possible to fulfill the entire amount of work per day. However, still it should be not too rushing the events and give soil the opportunity to suit for more thorough preparation. It is extremely desirable that the preparatory procedures are made progressively. And it will be better to break the front of work into several stages:
- It is necessary to remove a fertilous and fertile layer of the upper soil and, if possible, transfer to free space.
- Then, the alignment of the earth surface surface itself is directly carried out using the methods mentioned above (the tractor, a cultivator with water-filled barrel, with the help of robble, forks and shovel).
- Next, it is necessary to transfer the fertile layer of the soil to the fertile layer and go back to the area of \u200b\u200bthe robbles for better surface leveling.
- After that, to wait a certain period, preferably a few weeks, which will allow the soil better to settle down, and the land is ready.
If you want to wait for no desire, then make a special tamping rink. To do this, you will need:
- metal barrel with lid,
- cement mortar
- pipe (with a diameter of at least 3 cm),
- armature (with a diameter of at least 2 cm),
- welding machine.
Work on the assembly rink is performed as follows:
- sprinkle a piece of pipe for 8-10 cm longer than barrel,
- drill in the center of the bottom and cover of the hole in the diameter of the pipe,
- insert a pipe through a hole in the snug barrel,
- put a barrel standing and pour cement,
- put on the lid and teach it to the barrel,
- turn the barrel on the side and align the pipe,
- cut the reinforcement (2 cuts 1-1.5 m and 2 cuts 3-4 cm longer than the pipe),
- insert the reinforcement into the pipe and cook the frame.
Despite the bulky structures, it allows you to create a rink with weight of at least 200 kg (depends on the sizes of the barrel). This is enough enough to make the earth really well and completely eliminate the possibility of shrinkage of the soil.
Drainage system
It is still possible to take into account the feature of the location of the site and the type of soil. For example, if there is a stagnation of water flowing into the nizin after the rain, it will be correct to think about creating a drainage system.
- On land with a bias in the lower part, it is necessary to arrange a place that will become a waterborne for rain and watering water. To do this, dig a hole by removing approximately half the meter of the fertile layer of the soil, and the bottom of the pit is sootted by a layer of broken brick and from above to walk with a layer of gravel or sand. After that, the pit needs to be filled with a previously removed soil layer. Such a way is suitable if the arrangement of a simple drainage system in areas with a slope is required. If the level of the slope is not very large, then in this case it will be enough to simply remove the bottom of the fertile soil at the bottom, and fall asleep the broken brick and gravel directly on the submarine layer.
- Drainage system using pipes. If there is a desire to equip a full-fledged drainage system on the land plot, then it is worth thinking about laying plastic pipes in advanced channels. This method is sufficiently costly, but if a good system is required and, in addition, clay soil is present, which will not pass moisture, then the choice is obvious. In this case, it should be put on the ground of the pipes in which holes will be done to drain water, while the pipe laying channels must be wanted by a layer of small gravel to create a lining.
Whatever way in the end would be selected, we should weigh everything "for" and "against" in advance when choosing a drainage system. Often, it is often better to spend once on the laying of a complex, but effective system that will not only provide the right flow of water, but also give a plot more refined view. However, it is worth remembering that artificial drainage is needed where the soil does not have a good natural drainage. For a good land that does not contain clay will be enough just to overheat it.
If you summarize, it should be noted that, for obvious reasons, the more difficult the initial landscape before working on the level of alignment of the site, the greater the strength and time it will take. In fact, if there is a desire not only to dissolve the land and arrange a lawn, a and turn the plot of a blooming beautiful garden to envy to all neighbors - it is worth considering the appearance of the surface before buying. The lower price for the country's country together with a large front of work on the attachment of this land of the presentable species may eventually exit the amount exceeding the cost of other areas in relation to which so much labor does not have to spend.