How to make a multi-tiered flower bed. Rules, Tips, Design Options Plot.

Today, a lot of attention is paid to the design of the household site and directly landscape design. Special admiration causes floral flower beds. For example, their multi-tiered versions that look pretty unusual and festive, occupying, while, a little space.
Such flower beds are increasingly popular among dacities. However, some do not know that a multi-tiered floweruba can be made with their own hands from undergraduate materials, spending minimum of assets and time. So, let's talk about it further.
What is a multi-tier flower bed
Multi-tiered flower bed represents a complex design that consists of several tiers of flower beds standing on each other, and as a rule, each top tier must be less than the lower diameter. Such a flowerbed can be any form, for example, round, square or triangular. To create it, various materials are used, such as plastic, wood, concrete, metal, etc.
It can be special, bought in advance in a construction store, blanks or any technicraft materials, for example, used automotive tires, plastic bottles, etc. So that Multi-tiered flowerba can please you with your beauty and more than one year, it is important to comply with certain rules in its design.
Basic rules for the design of multi-tiered flower beds
By choosing such a landscape design element like a multi-tier flower bed, it is very important to choose the right flowers for her:
- special attention should be paid to the choice of background for such a flower beds. He must have a passive green shade, for example, the perfect background is a live fence or parter lawn;
- when choosing colors, the bid can be made to contrasts, that is, to include flowers of opposite shades (red - blue, yellow - purple, etc.) or choose plants of one color scheme;
- it is necessary to take into account the shape and size of inflorescences. In particular, in one tier, all the colors should be of one size. Excellent effect can be obtained, if starting from the lower tier, each subsequent will be planted with smaller plants;
- plants should bloom both for a long time;
- it is important to take into account the moisture of the selected colors. Since the water will drain from the upper tiers on the lower, then the bottom is planted, as a rule, in need of abundant irrigation, and from above - more drought-resistant.
Most often, plants such as petunias, nasturtium, pansies, begonia, calendula, daisies, and the like are used for multi-tiered flower beds. They are distinguished by beautiful blossoms and a variety of shades, which allows you to create original floral compositions in truth.
Basic ideas for creating multi-tiered flower beds with their own hands
Multi-tier Flumbus in the form of a ladder
This is the easiest option, which as a result can turn into a real work of art.
- To create such a design, such materials are needed as wooden boards, nails, hacksaw, hammer and others.
- From the board of a certain size, it is necessary to be a primitive staircase consisting of only several tiers, which then under an angle of about 45 degrees are screwed to the wall.
- For each of the tiers, we deliver vasons with flowers or special boxes.
- In conclusion, that the finished design is not quickly spoiled from the rain, it needs to be painted or opened with varnish. Particularly originally look at such a flower plant.
Flowerbed from used automotive tires
This option is one of the most common and most affordable.
- To create such multi-tiered flower beds, you will need several (from 4 to 10 pcs) used auto strokes of different diameters, which put on each other in any order.
- Next, the fresh soil is falling asleep and plant plants.
- At the end, if desired, the finished design of the tires can be painted paint.
On how to make a flower leaf from tires can be found in the video:
Flower pot flower bed
Another simple performed idea of \u200b\u200bcreating multi-tiered flower beds is to use flower pots of various sizes.
- First we take the largest pot diameter, which will serve as the bottom tier. Next to it puts the pots smaller, and on top of them the most miniature.
- In addition, floral ceramic or plastic pots of different diameters can be used in another way. For example, ride them on a long metallic rod. To do this, in each pot you need to do a hole for the rod.
- If such a flower is required to be located on Earth, then the rod is sticking to the ground, and then we put on it the largest pot diameter. I fall asleep in it, and then we dress the next pot and we repeat until the pots end.
- You can hang a similar design to the roof of the house, then instead of the pole use the usual rope.
Multi-tiered flower arrangement of boxes
- For such a composition you will need wooden, plastic or metal boxes without the bottom of various sizes.
- They can be put in similar to the auto strokes on each other in a different order, and then fill the earth and plant flowers.
- In the lower boxes it is desirable to put drainage.
Construction or wall blocks can also be used as a color container. With the help of them, you can make a multi-tiered flower bed of a rectangular shape.
In addition, many manufacturers offer ready-made multi-tiered flower beds, which if desired, you can disassemble at any time and transfer to the house, for example, for the winter.