Plastic flooring - gardening features Plot.

When making a cottage area for a beautiful lawn or parking, the question arises: how to do with minimal cost and efforts to improve and further care? There will be very useful plastic flooring for giving. They are easy to handle and the price is very attractive. What it is and what the advantages of plastic lattice flooring, you will learn more about this article.
What is garden plastic flooring?
Plastic flooring is special modular structures that are laid on the ground in the country. The inner part of the module has a cellular structure of the type of cell. All cells are connected by special latches. Due to such a principle of fastening, the monolith of the entire garden coating and its strength is achieved.
Important! Such lattices are being developed in such a way that with a point and wider pressure load, it is distributed throughout the area. Accordingly, the plastic flooring for giving in any operating conditions is not broken, but allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the landscape zone.
Types of plastic flooring
Flooring track is an excellent solution for the exhibition of cottages of various sizes and destination. Depending on the desired result and destination of the furniture zone, you can choose the most suitable option of plastic filling:
- Plastic flooring to the ground for the cottage standard. This type of design is suitable for creating a decorative lawn. With it, it is easy to give the desired geometric shape of the dedicated territory and to care for it in the warm season.
- Grilles for the lawn with the form of the Rhomb cells. It is characterized by a greater height of the module and the type of material used in the manufacture of material. To increase the strength characteristics into plastic added polyethylene. Accordingly, in winter, there is no need to dismantle the garden plastic flooring, as it is less fragile and resistant to destruction at low temperatures. Suitable for creating a conventional year-round decorative lawn and for the design of the country parking.
- Flooring out of plastic "Manege". Have thickened walls and square cells. They withstand high loads, so perfectly suitable for creating eco-parking, even for the parking lot of heavy and overall machines, as well as for equestrian fields.
Important! Different manufacturers of garden plastic flooring deliver modules in several colors. Most often it is black and green. But at will, you can purchase and design grated gray, yellow, red shades. What exactly to give preference, select, based on the goals set.
Plastic flooring - Parameters
As soon as you decide to buy plastic flooring and decided on a suitable type of modules, the next step is to determine the optimal parameters. The market presents a wide range of models, of which are particularly popular:
- 600 * 600 * 40 mm;
- 330 * 330 * 50 mm;
- 694 * 400 * 32 mm.
Important! Knowing the exact area and configuration of the landscaping zone, you can easily calculate the number of modules you need. The clear price of each product of plastic flooring for cottages will also make it easy to make a preliminary estimate and in line in their own budget.
Why do you need plastic flooring?
Using lawn grids, several tasks are solved simultaneously:
- the ideal evenness of the entire lawn area is ensured;
- it is easily supported by its consistently attractive appearance;
- there is a general strengthening of the soil;
- roots of plants receive additional protection against mechanical exposure;
- improves air circulation and moisture in the ground;
- the formation of floods and washing the soil;
- the erosion and the destruction of the roadside of the road are warned;
- facilitated control of a car in rainy weather - the slip effect does not appear;
- is spent the minimum amount of planting of plants and leaving the lawn or parking;
- there is no need for additional spending on the special equipment during transportation and laying modules.
Important! The only condition that is desirable to take into account when choosing a plastic flooring to land for giving - use on simple soils.
What are plastic garden flooring for?
The possibility of using plastic modules is very wide. Most often they are chosen for:
- parking creation;
- strengthening slopes, pedestrian zones, reservoirs;
- construction of playgrounds;
- decorative lawn;
- construction of garden tracks;
- arrangement of golf courses;
- creating multi-level flower beds or reservoirs with an unusual design.
How to use garden plastic lattices?
So that the result obtained was really high quality and preserved for a long time, fulfill all the work in stages:
- Select the desired type of modules.
- Buy plastic flooring on the ground to give suitable sizes.
- Make a preliminary arrangement scheme and module compounds, focusing on the geometry of the dedicated territory.
- Prepare the soil.
- Install plastic modules.
- Fill the honeycombs by further fertile soil.
- Plant grass or selected plants in cells.
More detailed instructions for laying lawn lattices looks like this:
- Choosing modules, calculate theoretical load on the ground. The height of the structures and the degree of traaming should determine the stability of the soil at good water permeability.
- Dock the soil across the area. The desired depth of the soil removal is 10-30 cm. Consider at this stage also the degree of future load: for a decorative lawn, a sufficiently underlying layer is 10 cm, for parking, it will definitely need at least 30 cm.
- Cross the territory inside the resulting pit.
- Well triberate soil.
- Put on the bottom of gravel / crushed stone, layer from 5 cm (for the lawn) up to 20 cm (for eco-parking).
- Cross and put on top of the road grid.
- Tone on top of gravel and mesh layer from sand 3-5 cm.
- Role all the mass and trust well.
- Place geotextiles.
- Perform the laying of plastic garden modules in such a way that the wide side of the cells is below.
- Correct the dimensions and shape of the modules if necessary, or select a simpler laying option - the displacement of each subsequent row per 1 cell.
- Connect all the elements not only in direct movement, but also at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Prepare a fertile soil or special soil.
- Put it in cells, trust and pour.
- Make technical pause in 1 day.
- Put the soil again, but now do not tramber soil, but ask him directly into the cells.
- Squeeze the selected plants to a depth of 3 cm.
- Pour the entire platform after the installation is completed.
Important! Avoid direct load on the lawn and do not put the machines on the territory until the whole grass is germinate.
Browse the interesting option for designing garden tracks with the help of plastic gardening. After this instruction, you will not have questions about how to properly make the laying of the lawn lattice.
As you have already been convinced, choose and buy a suitable model of plastic flooring, as well as its own to make it styling is not difficult. To maintain the resulting attractive appearance of the landscape zone for a long time without much effort, follow the following simple rules:
- Regularly water the entire area.
- Perform soil fertilizer for the season.
- Make a preventive sheep of grass in a timely manner.
With this approach, you will definitely make sure how convenient, it is practical to use plastic flooring for summer cottages, and how attractively looks now your site.