Construction of a ribbon foundation with their own hands Construction

It is no secret that the construction of a foundation is an extremely responsible process that includes a huge number of important points and events. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that much in this case depends on the scale of construction, so if you need to create a small foundation, you can cope alone.
- Features of the belt foundation
- The advantages and disadvantages of the tape foundation
- The specificity of the choice of soil
- Preparation for the construction of the foundation
- Arrangement of trenches
- Creating a formwork
- Specificity of reinforcement and waterproofing
- Using communications
- Pouring concrete
It is definitely worth paying attention to a ribbon foundation, which is characterized by a high level of reliability, as well as relatively small dimensions. This suggests that the labor-intensiveness of the work when creating a reason will be high, but it is quite possible to turn it on it all. Directly specialists who have tremendous experience in construction noted that choosing one or another type of foundation must be necessary depending on the existing conditions. For example, if we have a problematic point, the bar base will be the best solution, and categorical not recommended on such solutions.
As for the use of tape foundations, it is often about small houses, as well as garages and similar facilities that have enough modest dimensions. At the same time, the buildings themselves may have large wall weights, and sometimes several floors.
In this article, we will consider the main features related to the use of a belt foundation. In addition, we analyze the process of building this basis, we take into account all the difficulties that usually occur throughout the process of the construction of a belt foundation.
Features of the belt foundation
It must be said that tape foundations are used precisely in individual construction. We are talking about those the most projects that the owners think, decisive to build a country house, a garage, a bathroom. For any these versions, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of the tape basement.
Despite the high level of strength of this foundation, it is worth remembering that some restrictions it still have. There are many examples of the fact that too much load on the ribbon foundation leads to extremely deposits. For example, we are talking about an extension of additional floors to the residential house. By the way, the ribbon base can be safely used for heavy overlaps, but it is not worth making too bold solutions (expansion, an increase in load).
In addition, the strength of this foundation is the possibility of creating a basement. This is definitely positive news for those who plan to build a country house, which would have all the necessary details associated with life (including the storage of ordinary things and products). All the strengths and weaknesses of the tape foundation we will look at further.
The advantages and disadvantages of the tape foundation
Let's start with the strengths of the belt base:
- Economical option. Indeed, the creation of a ribbon foundation needs to spend not so much money as other types of bases. It is about the fact that the ribbon foundation itself is relatively small - concrete bands are necessary only in places where the structures will have walls. Thus, you can plan the necessary volumes of concrete and other materials in advance. Of course, in most cases, if it comes to creating a small country house or garage, cash costs will be small. By the way, the cost of the ribbon foundation does not turn out to be a surprise, it is possible to make a relatively detailed calculation. Everything is quite simple, as it is necessary to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe future structure, as well as the depth of the foundation. In turn, monolithic foundations, although they are distinguished by high strength and tremendous reliability, it is necessary to spend too many building materials on their creation, for which only units among the owners can go.
- Predian construction. As we mentioned at the very beginning, the distinctive feature of the belt foundation is the possibility of erection, relying only on its own strength. This is a positive news for the reason that each owner can handle the building. Of course, this will take a lot of time, but it becomes possible to save a lot of money, first of all, refusing workers, as well as from specialized equipment. It should also be noted that for the full creation of the foundation you need to completely devote yourself to this case, since during this process you can face many difficulties.
- High erection rate. Obviously, one process will be difficult to spend this process, but if there is at least a couple of assistants, then the entire building process will be rapid and high-quality. According to experts, with this situation, the creation of a ribbon foundation will be held much faster than the construction of other types of foundations. The most expensive process in terms of time is the fill of the foundation, and with the helpers this event will pass quickly. At the same time, you should not forget that immediately before construction, you need to distribute all the responsibilities with the mind so that everything goes as smoothly and without unnecessary problems to which the extra time is spent.
- Perception of large loads. Despite the modest design that the ribbon foundation has, it easily takes on large loads. Of course, all this relative, however, often under the ribbon foundation create thick brick walls that are found to maintain. Often, the ribbon foundation is created under a frame house or a garage, however, concrete blocks are often used, whose weight can become a serious threat to some other types of foundations. At the creation stage, it is possible to ensure the strength of the tape base. It is based on this information that we get the opportunity to take care of the details associated with excessive load. Often, problems with load on the belt base does not occur.
Negative side of the belt foundation:
- Problems with the soil. It is so it turns out that the soil can become a serious obstacle to create a ribbon foundation. The fact is that the soil can have different properties, so in one place the foundation will notice, and in the other - no. This situation suggests that there is a need for high-quality soil analysis. For this, it may be necessary to attract third-party specialists who will not only make all the necessary conclusions, but also provide recommendations. Often, some events are conducted on the basis of the existing soil so that it is as suitable for construction work, but for this it often requires the help of specialists.
- Closeup of construction. Even if the primer in the territory is suitable for construction, for some period the foundation will still succumb to the shrinkage. Moreover, this shrinkage is guaranteed to be uneven. It saves only that the structures created on the basis of the belt foundation are often small, and this kind of shrinkage does not matter. But, at the same time, the situation is the most diverse, therefore it is impossible to exclude the extremely undesirable implications of shrinkage.
- The need for technique and assistants. We have already spoken a little earlier that it does not need to attract third-party specialists to create a ribbon foundation or builder brigade. In fact, the situation is in such a way that such construction activities are not so simple, as it may seem. Before a person is a huge responsibility, which lies in a huge number of building options and other important decisions. Thus, avoid mistakes when creating a foundation will be extremely difficult. Therefore, it makes sense to take advantage of at least minimal devices and a couple of assistants, which will allow you to be confident in the high quality of the construction work. If there are at least a few workers at their disposal, it will significantly speed up the process. Moreover, each of them can detect the most problematic moments, because of which troubles may occur.
The specificity of the choice of soil
As we have already mentioned, the construction of a ribbon foundation largely depends on the soil at which the future structure will be located. Thus, if the inappropriate soil is selected, then the troubles are unlikely to succeed.
Specialists advise to make a choice in favor of soils, which are distinguished by relative dryness, while have a shallow freezing. Often, such a base will be the best for the foundation necessary for the construction of a bath, a garage or another small structure. In addition, in this case, we are talking directly about finely brewed foundations.
If we are talking about bunching soils that are distinguished by a deep freezer, it is worth paying attention to a blurred foundation. Of course, such a reason can withstand a little heavy loads, however, practice shows that the feasibility of the construction is practically absent.
Separately, I would like to note that in such situations when it is necessary to start construction, it should be cleaned and place the territory, after which the soil analysis is carried out. This allows you to install in advance which foundation is best suited for a specific project. Again, for these purposes, you can invite specialists who will provide all the necessary information without any problems.
Preparation for the construction of the foundation
Many specialists noted that the final result of construction often depends on the preparatory work. In the case of a tape foundation, this is true, especially considering many difficulties, if the preparation is not fully implemented.
- First of all, you need to mark the territory. Often the width of the concrete elements should be about 400 mm. Again, when marking, you need to take into account all the drops of the terrain, as well as the features of the soil, which we have said earlier. The best option will be the full leveling of the soil, however, a specialized technique is sometimes required for this case, without which certain difficulties will occur.
- At the same time, it is necessary to determine the depth of the foundation. Most often, this decision is based on the height of the future structure, as well as on the characteristics of the climate (which determines the state of the soil).
- The small-breeding foundation should be at a depth of at least 400 mm.
Ultimately, preparatory work is completed at the stage of digging trenches. Considering that this is a belt foundation, there is simply no need to fully equalize the terrain.
Thus, an excavator will be required to create trenches or several workers. The first option is more practical, as it turns out to be smooth and accurate. At the same stage, it should be traced that there were no problematic places in the deepening of the soil. It is impossible to exclude the presence of failures and many other flaws that should be immediately corrected. Often it is enough to fill the emptiness with a crushed stone or some other reliable filler.
Arrangement of trenches
Already after digging trenches, it is necessary to prepare the necessary for the fill of concrete. It is that in this case there is a need for a sandy pillow, which has a positive effect on the overall stability and the edge of the foundation.
The total thickness of such a sand pillow should be about 100 mm. It is necessary to maximize this layer using the construction level. After that, the sand should be rich in disrepair and tamper to the highest possible level.
It should be borne in mind that often the depth of the foundation is created and more, and in this case there is a need to create an additional layer. It can consist of gravel or rubble. Accordingly, the layer thickness should be the same as the sand thickness - about 100 mm. Again, at the end, a high-quality rambling is made, with which the bottom of the trench becomes almost monolithic.
Creating a formwork
Surely the most difficult thing in the process of creating a ribbon foundation is the arrangement of the formwork, since for beginners it is quite specific work. However, with knowledge of the technology there should be no difficulties.
- As the basis for formwork, it is best to use unnecessary wooden elements (which have a considerable area). Small thin boards for this business will not fit. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are also metal formworks, but there is no particular need for them, given the small scale of the works carried out.
- Bonding boards and other wood elements occurs with the help of nails, but they need to drive them in such a way as they bent outside, and not from the inside.
- If there is a moisture-resistant plywood, then with its help you can make a non-removable formwork, which is quite practical option.
- It should be borne in mind that under the large weight of the concrete mixture, the formwork may simply crumble, therefore it makes sense in the arrangement of small supports that will be located all over the perimeter of the formwork (with a certain step). It will not hurt to spend a small experiment showing whether the formwork can withstand at least a small load.
Specificity of reinforcement and waterproofing
Reinforcement and waterproofing are extremely important issues on which the service life and reliability of the future foundation depends. In some cases, the owners make a decision to save on these things, but it is not worth it.
- Waterproofing is necessary due to the possible presence of groundwater, and if they really have, it is impossible to exclude active destruction of the base. You can now find a colossal amount of waterproofing materials, with which no drop will fall on the concrete base. Of course, the laying of isolation should be performed qualitatively, since even the most minor gaps can lead to deposits. It should be noted that the coating and the like waterproofing are better suited for the basement basement.
- As for reinforcement, here, as in most cases, it is advisable to use conventional fittings. Of course, depending on the scale, you should choose a thin or thick fittings.
- In addition, the reinforcement grid can be used as reinforcement. This option is almost the same as the past, but no additional connections are required. It should be remembered that the use of too much reinforcing elements is not the best solution, since this situation we are talking about unnecessary financial spending.
Using communications
It should be borne in mind that various means of communication can pass through the foundation. It can be pipes, and wires, to pass which you need to create suitable conditions. Accordingly, you need to do it even before the fill of the concrete. For example, for specific pipes you can lay the pipes of a larger diameter, and after the fill of the concrete, the necessary emptiness will remain.
There is also a need for ventilation, which also needs to create appropriate voids at the base. In some cases, you can equip all these communications below the foundation.
Pouring concrete
First you need to know that as a concrete required for filling the foundation, it is advisable to use the M400 brand, which meets all the important requirements necessary for optimal operation. When buying a concrete in the required volumes, we get the opportunity to use the services of a concrete mixer. Accordingly, the process of fill breeding concrete will be extremely quickly and without problems.
If the owners made a decision to properly prepare concrete, then we are talking about several approaches. The bottom line is that the concrete is though the strength is long, but it should be poured at one time. Even several existing workers are not able to spend this process quickly, so concrete is preparing in small portions.
Most often, it is necessary to have 1 part of the cement for high-quality concrete, 3 pieces of sand, as well as 5 parts of rubble. The ratio of water to the rest of the components should be 0.5. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:
- In the process of cooking concrete, it is advisable to use only pure components. We are talking about clean water, rubbing about one fraction, as well as cement without unnecessary impurities.
- If the air temperature is low enough, water can be changed a bit, which will significantly accelerate the hardening of concrete.
- It should also be remembered that the ratio of the component can be changed a little, however, the rubble brand should be higher than the cement brand.
The process of fillings should be carried out as quickly as possible so that the hardening occurred at about one time of the entire concrete structure. It should be borne in mind that the concrete is also desirable to compare that the design is ultimately differed in high quality and durability.
After the fill must go around three days before the formwork could be removed. Despite this, it is recommended to wait a little more, since it will not change anything from this. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in a week it is possible to carry out additional insulation of the foundation.
The strength of the concrete structure will drop within a month. Thus, then you can continue full-fledged construction work, and the foundation itself should easily withstand large loads.
At the stage of hardness of concrete, it is necessary to trace the absence of even the most minor flaws, due to which problems may be observed during operation. If possible, they should be immediately eliminated.